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  1. You know, after watching episode 34 again I'm fairly convinced that Talia fired the Tannhauser at the water on purpose, knowing full and well what it would do, to serve as a HUGE smokescreen for the Archangel (and probably Kira, too, given what she'd undoubtedly know about the suit's survivability) to escape..
  2. Correct. In the compilation movies, the shot of the Archangel and the debris from Strike Gundam was edited to remove Mwu's damaged helmet (which, incidently, only had a really cracked up visor..) from the shot, to leave it amgibious.
  3. To get the Sword Striker pack, order the Strike Rouge figure. Be warned that the anti-ship beam sword is utter crap due to its flimsy plastic not even holding its shape when its held.
  4. Contrary to what historians want you to believe the atomic bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were not actually bombs at all, they were actually Vin Diesel's orgasms. Vin has not had sex since, and may god help us all if he ever does.
  5. So, which was it? He was having a shitty morning because no one came to his birthday party. Duh.
  6. To be fair, Heero did not survive a blast meant to destroy his Gundam. That blast was intended only to destroy the top secret technology in it. The area that detonates is the torso, head, and.. crotch. Sensors, CPU, reactor, etc. The majority of the mobilesuit is left intact, albeit in several large chunks..
  7. Mods, feel free to close this later, but it seemed like an important enough announcement not to get lost in one of the other threads that aren't really related to MSiA releases. In BigBadToyStore's latest e-mail newsletter was this notice: "Some bad news from Bandai USA - they have officially canceled the domestic release of Gundam, so from now on the only figures available will be the imported versions. We'll continue to import Japanese gundams as long as there is demand for them!"
  8. Apparently, Knight Justice is developed alongside Super Freedom... and they have 'a new type of engine' according to Gunota. Even higher output nuclear engines?
  9. The Providence-y MS in the middle isn't Knight Justice. It lacks the distinctive head-crest/sensor that all of Athrun's MS have had in one way or another. Aegis and Justice had a very distinctive, tall headcrest with an elongated forehead sensor. Savior has a head 'spike' with a sensor on it that curves along the front of it like some types of battery powered lamps. The heavy ones, for camping and do-it-yourself repairs, things of that nature. Justice mk 2 has an Aegis/Justice style forehead sensor, as opposed to a Savior style one. Judging on the price of the MSiA, Knight Justice will retain the subflight system that Justice had, also.. no funnels for it.
  10. I've seen things I can't unsee...
  11. Didn't so much hide them as just have them also. Those two guns could of easily been mounted on the back by themselves. There's no evidence of it so far, but Nu-Freedom could still have its old cannons, or new equivilent ones, in there.. or possibly even have Funnels hidden in them.
  12. Skynet. It's existence is inevitable.
  13. Perhaps the same function as Freedom's? To properly answer, Freedom and Justice were built for space /and/ atmospheric activity. Both have a 'HiMAT' (High-Manuever ATtack?) mode to make them more manueverable. Freedom has its wing binders, which fan open to give a maximum spread to its maneuvering thrustors (and possibly some sort of atmospheric control surfaces, although you never see them animated or otherwise mentioned). Justice had its Goblin Glider-esque detaching backpack that would fold up to bring all its weapons on one target while attached to the MS. Nu-Justice apparently has the same system, by if what's been said about the intro is any indication.
  14. Reminds me of Cowboy Bebop when Jet dressed up as a hippy..
  15. So Nu-Freedom /does/ have two beam rifles. Depending on their power output it might not of honestly lost much by ditching the two Balena plasma cannons and Lupus for two beam rifles and a positron bellygun... ..Dosn't mean that the belly gun isn't stupider then the Balenas, though Also, Nu-Freedom for the title card instead of Destiny? Shinn = pwn3d.
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