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Everything posted by logan_4600

  1. Thank you March! Long time no contact! Is the zodiac studios a good thing??? (don´t know what have they done ) Right now I´m having some troubles doing an accurate transformation; mainly the arms/sholuders and both torso parts from the vf1/s/d or Vf0-0s are not very detailed in schematics or linearts (im talking about how they move in the fictional world. Macross Zero does have a great transformation on the first OVA of the VF-0s, but´s just not detailed enough for reference) Does anyone know if are any of the toys from Bandai o Yamato mechanic-like accurate? (not just functional, but, accurate to the fictional mechanisms ) I did have a lot of this with the SDF1 also, lots of blind spots or non detailed parts.... :/
  2. Hello everyone! Life going on, and... you know, sdf1, it is a MONUMENTAL job! (at least with the detail i wanted it to have for a starter project) so... after more than a year in modelling hiatus, and without even touching Cinema4d again, i´ve had to almost re learn everything from ground up. So, re-started smaller! And, Here is some (other) wip! Hope you like it!
  3. And! Here is it! Human repaired Cannons with some Zentraedi tech inside
  4. Thanks Dimes! What is actually usefull are the dome supports, i think i will add that (they´re pretty clear in the pic)
  5. Yep, the needle thing came out of memory from the Zentraedi ships, after seeing the pic, it made more sense than something like that than a giant modern-human Cannon. Maybe the cannons at the bottom of the ' belt ' I do make them Destroyer mounts and missile launchers (like, open up, one side has MKII's and the bottom side an army of missiles)
  6. I thought of it like some ´giant needles´ gathering the power to shoot (or something like that) something like the attached pic. I stil have to do some detail work inside the cannons and between the needles. ( ps: ´fins´ fixed too! )
  7. Yes! Now i get it! It was to show the progress on the Cannons!
  8. Thank Dimes! Truth is, when i´ve started the model, i wanted to be able to ´be´ in every single place of the ship (aka ZOOM THE S*&%t OUT OF IT! ). My actual knowledge of CG does not allow me to do that right now, but, at least, give details in places where there where none, like the cannons (Who can argue the detail of something that never existed in first place!? ;P hahaha ) Ps: any simpler translation on Mommar comment is welcome!
  9. Actually, the spline and later loft nurb made most of the edges very like a ´snake´ form, while i do use that as and advantage (you can see it in the inner extruded lines lines) Indeed, or i find a way to correct them (like the exhausts of side burners) or they will be erased. Mommar, my limited english is not geting this one :/ ( sorry ) crap! you are wayy right! they´re AWFUL jajaja
  10. Thks Mommar! So, now, THIS feels way more menacing now!
  11. Thks Dimes! the thing is, that, there is no ´in detail´ views or pics from the cannons :/ (like many many others blind spots of the ship sadly )
  12. So! How is everybody!? Slow but somewhat steady progress , aaaand, yes! im doing it completley granular! (Now, i´m not sure if it´s ´menacing´ or ´threatening´ enough by now)
  13. Oops... (lost in translation) Thks Mommar
  14. Really? Yes, but, i don´t get what did happen´d there, they where legally ´ok to go´ by HG :/ (And, that´s what i love MACROSS! hahaha)
  15. Thank You guys! mmm... i think my first reference is the TV show, but, there are way more illustrations and visual references from dyrl, so, a mix from both and just a bit of my vision i think... Btw, off topic for sure, have you seen Valkyre Project?
  16. Thanks Mech! Indeed! aaand, if you count in that little thing called life... Time gets in the way! Eitherway, i did had some spare time, here´s the progress!
  17. Thank You! Working on the front ´torso´ (or upper ship part). Dit it like 3 o 4 times in different ways now... :/ (i thought that after de head/tower/bridge everything wolud be a peace of cake)
  18. Thank You! (and, about an hour to render!) :/
  19. A friend had troubles with IE... :/
  20. A little vid! https://mega.co.nz/#!4R9RSB7D!DaS2Q-dbQhk4_Ym2d6LTMR2oMIIeIK30M1mYmzhEa8c
  21. Thanks! Heavy in resources :/
  22. Ook! so, some really nice progress here! the drawback is, that the mesh is starting to get kind of heavy
  23. Ho! I se... it´s not the idea tough, just more ´alienish´, Never go Full-Alien!
  24. Sorry, SA, i can´t recall any reference to it... :\ Those pics looks AMAZING, just PS??? The one from your rendition looks like... hmmm... cell shaded? How did you did that? Lv´d it!!!! Thank You SO much!, it is really encouraging for me! I really reaaally want to upload every single progress i make, but, i don´t want to bore all of you! Next sttep, the two ´sides´ of the tower\cabin (IF i can ´let go´ the Little OCD details and being at ease with the main tower\cain )
  25. Thank You!!! truth is, i have NO idea of how i´m going to texture this!!! (maybe i should start by texturing something simpler, like.. a VF-25? hahaha
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