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Everything posted by Desram

  1. Desram

    Yf-21 Gunpod help

    Alright, it's official. I snapped the butt of the stock off trying to pull it out. Afterwards I tried to wiggle what was left of the stock out of the gun but it won't budge. It really feels like it's glued in. Now for the big question... Does anyone have 2 unused, working gunpods??? Dammit.
  2. Desram

    Yf-21 Gunpod help

    I might be an idiot but I was just trying to open up my gunpods for my new yf-21FP(courtesy of rob) and I can't. It feels stuck. Is there some place you need to put pressure on for it to release or anything? The stock just won't come out. I noticed that the glue looks a little sloppy on the front of the barrel, is it possible that it seeped inside? Any thoughts? I really want these to work Thanks
  3. Seriously. What was with that? Does he still have normal hands? Are those just his super duper toggle manipulator hands?
  4. The grip isn't collapsable on the 1/60 cf.
  5. Where does the Hikaru Vf-1J stand in the release order?
  6. My 1/60 cf is exactly the same. In fighter mode, when you mount the gunpod, the barrel is tilted upward towards the cockpit instead of running parrallel along the body of the plane. It's pretty ugly. Also mine has similar floppy areas. One of the legs doesn't stay connected to the arms and the little landing light on the knee always falls open. Also one of the legs is mysteriously longer by a teensy amount that only became apparent when standing in battroid. Oh well, it's still a purdy toy.
  7. any idea why they would go with 1/100 scale anyways? Is the vf0 much larger than the vf1?
  8. Maybe I need to brush up on my search skills but I was unable to find any mention of this. Does anyone have any info on the yamato 1/100 scale vf-0D. Is this vaporware or something?
  9. But the F4 is old, fat and busted. The sv-51 is all sleek and maneuverable. I think that it might be a little TOO good for the era. I think the macross zero valks should have sucked a bit more than the do.
  10. I don't think the F4 is a very usefuil comparison...
  11. I just think that Battecry didn't have much to it. Almost all the levels were really easy and then there were maybe 3 or 4 which were a giant pain and sucked up a lot of time. What I really want to see someday is a -quality- sim-style game with a good story. Maybe even realistic-ish flight physics and whatnot. Maybe even a cockpit view.
  12. Until you finish it that evening...
  13. I should never have asked, as I will always just be stuck here with Robotech:Battlecry. Stupid stupid stupid.
  14. What's a good emulator for that? I haven't used emulators since nesticle became popular
  15. Wouldn't the fact that they vanished into thin air rule out the use of logic anyways?
  16. This might actually prompt me to go buy flight sim 2004!
  17. That would be fairly awesome.
  18. It sucks more to be in canada. Our money is worth less and all the 'mercans have the Valks and many appear to be ravenous bloodsucking shipping monsters
  19. What's involved in getting a machine set up to play the ps2 macross? I haven't been interested in this for like 3 years. Last I heard, modding a ps2 was risky.
  20. Macross Zero really left me wanting more. It felt like it wasn't long/deep enough or something. We didn't really learn a whole lot about any of the characters. Another thing is the translation. I just started using ebay so this was the first "bad" translation I've been exposed to. It was funny, there were bad subs for the all but the last chapter, where they seemed better but with different problems (suddenly mao was being referred to as both male and shin's sister?). I really wish they could get a North American version out... Bah
  21. What about V0?? I'm more interested in the more simulation-level games.
  22. Hey all. I was just curious what most people think the best macross game is (pc or ps2). I'm also kind of curious of how good vf-x2 really is. Is it worth modding your ps2 over? The only macrossesque game I've ever played was robotech battlecry - which I thought was a little to simple and restrictive... and not macross. Comments?
  23. I don't really like the look of the vf-11b quite as much. I think it's the near total lack of tail fins with no cool wings to make up for it. It's just kind of a less cool yf 19 to me. Of course the yamato yf-19 doesn't look right to me either, which I'm thinking is the general consensus.
  24. Someone should have mentioned that a yf-21 was being sold here . It's cheap enough that I can scoop it and the 1/48 together. Huzzah!
  25. I just bought a Hikaru 1/48 J for 150 canadian - I am pleased. If the nosecone irritates me I'll superglue the damn thing. Or is it just the A that doesn't have the improvements??? Graham?
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