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Everything posted by Desram

  1. I took me quite a while to find a decent set on ebay. Usually you can find bits and pieces but not the whole thing. Eventually I did find a set for about 120 that was complete with the box and everything. I even got a few extra holocards
  2. I have those avis now. They are the Anbu subs. Could anyone give me a hint as to the best course of action? Here are my uneducated guesses: 1. Just make a DVD of the illegal files and relax. 2. Use dvdecrytper(I guess) to get the data off the dvds I have and somehow extrat the subs from the avis and replace the dvd subs with them (this sounds tricky) then burn to a fresh dvd. 3. Mystery Plan X (probably the correct one).
  3. Right now I'm downloading a set that is approx 1.7 gigs. Does that sound about right? All of the files are avis. I don't really know anything about burning dvds. I assume I'll have to do a lot of work to get everything right. Any tips?
  4. Hey all. I'm doing my best to introduce my girlfriend to macross. She's already seen the first 3 episodes of robotech. I know... I'm sorry. But it got her interested. I'm now thinking that I'll do a full chronological order of everything macross. I have macross zero but the subs are somewhat... questionable.. Roy Kamu??? I saw that there were some decent fansubs and I was wondering if there is anyway to move those subs to a dvd. I saw something similar done with DYRL. Thanks all. Des
  5. Well I hope the dub is crap... I just bought my animeigo set. Anyone need a hologram card?
  6. It looks ok to me. The cockpit seems a little bulky. Sort of like the 1/48 but moreso. I have to be honest though. It could look a lot worse and I'd still order the damned thing.
  7. It's really great if you want to buy 10 pounds of inuyasha...
  8. Does anyone know if valk exchange is getting more DYRL Perfect dvds in? I emailed them like a week ago. After looking it over I became utterly disgusted with my bootleg.
  9. Now isn't that just the way of things?
  10. Does a better set exist? I assume not.
  11. Does anyone know where I could find a good, subbed, torrent for the first episode? I wanna give it a try
  12. I was really hoping that Micky Rourke could be in 2 good movies in a row. I just feel sorry for the guy.
  13. Also, everyone knows that Metroid = Aliens. Silly.
  14. I've just been looking around on valkyrie exchange. Initially, I was going to get a copy of DYRL about It looks like it's sold out for a bit. I only have the bootleg right now. Anyways now I'm thinking about getting that FX complete M7 set. Has anyone had experience with this set? I'm mostly concerned with the quality of the subtitles. Also I have another question. Should I buy Flashback before I die or not? Thanks.
  15. Where exactly do you all buy these new releases? I've only bought off ebay.. Is there anyway to "officially" buy one?
  16. Any idea how much they'll be???
  17. Looks Good. I'm really excited about this. Even moreso now that I snapped the backpack off my damned 1/48 and now if I want a new one I'll have to make a deal with some clever wallet vampire. Argh.
  18. Desram

    1/48's Undercarriage

    No I think he's talking about the landing gear covers. He said he lowered them on purpose but now they're loose... I don't think that's a very common problem, those things snap in pretty tight generally. Don't they?
  19. I noticed one last night that may have been mentioned elsewhere... When roy is showing shin the vf-0d and shin asks for a one-seater. He's surpised when Edgar turns out to be alive, but edgar's name is clearly stenciled on the plane he was just staring at.
  20. Normal vf1j has the big tv style hands in addition to the poseable DYRL hands, I just got one a couple days ago.
  21. Desram

    Yf-21 Gunpod help

    I didn't break both of them! Jeeze. I just snapped one. They both still fit in the fast packs fine (even the snapped one). The only problem is I've got no guns
  22. I really think it looks much better with the lettering inverted in battroid mode. Not that anyone will give this any weight, but the vf-1j on the cover of robotech battlecry has the lettering upside down in battroid.
  23. Desram

    Yf-21 Gunpod help

    Thing is, both of my gunpods are broken... bah.. I need replacements.
  24. Desram

    Yf-21 Gunpod help

    It's the first step that wouldn't happen. I'm pretty sure it was just bad glue work.
  25. Desram

    Yf-21 Gunpod help

    Anyone know of a good transformation guide for this thing so I don't go breaking other things? I think I nearly snapped off one of the feet when trying to rotate it. This is a dangerous game.
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