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Everything posted by Tarz

  1. Is there any way I can get these Macross models as OBJ with textures? I use After Effects and have been wanting to try to integrate these with live video footage. I'd be happy to share the process and results as I progress.
  2. That's all I have to say. I better get to work on my stuff...
  3. PRO/E is great. Other modules that I use, besides the standard and sheetmetal, is Pro Cable (makes routing cables, wires, anything stringy a snap). The only problem with PRO is the same thing that makes it so great; the fact that it is parametric. Importing image planes to model from is something I haven't been able to get it to do (not to mention powerful render or animation tools). That's why I'm learning Maya. Let me tell you, though, to get my parametric left brain to accept non parametric "artistic license" from my right brain has been a challenge
  4. After a a lot of issues with my version of the FX DYRL DVD I was finally able to burn using my dual layer burner (those subs are GREAT, Hurin). As for single layer burners, some burning programs have the ability to span multiple disks. Anybody know of one? I'll check to see if I can find any.
  5. mechaninac, do you have the animation module for your version of PRO (we use Wildfire 1 & 2)? While it's not the best, you might be able to coax it into animating your models.
  6. Impressive, Rodavan, most impressive...
  7. It does look better How does it look in fighter mode? Gerwalk? Do the proportions work all around?
  8. You're absolutely right Thanks, WOZ.
  9. Okay, I was able to create an image file of the DVD on my hard drive and assign it to a virtual drive that DVD Decrypter could "see," and it decrypted just fine! I'm compiling the DVD files now in DVDLab...........
  10. NEWS! I was able to rip the DYRL DVD to my hard drive using a program called CloneDVD . Question Is there a way to get DVD Decrypter to decrypt from a hard drive instead of a DVD drive? Thanks!
  11. Even with a new DVD it STILL doesn't work (same error). Time to try this on another computer....
  12. Although mine still plays on my set top DVD player, I really want to do the subtitle fix, so I ordered another DYRL Perfect DVD. Hope these work!
  13. Well, I tried another DVD and that decrypted just fine. I tried cleaning the DYRL DVD, and it still fails at the same point. The movie plays fine on my computer and set top DVD player, though....
  14. Hi, Hurin. I'm going throught the process, and while my DVD is riiping, I get the error shown below. Any clues? Thanks.
  15. A little more progress....
  16. And so it begins... I used NURBS and just for the heck of it converted to polygons (cutting into this thing will be easier in polys, I think)....How does it look so far (hope the picture comes through)?
  17. That destroids' looking good, mechaninac. Since Pro/E is parametric, are you taking measurements from a model or toy? I'm not new to the 3D world. I started on Truespace in 1997, went to 3D Studio Max, and I use Pro/E at work. I'm just new to Maya and wanted to know if there was a method that has been used more often in modelling the valkyries
  18. Let me just say your works are AWESOME! I'm using Maya and am fairly new to 3D modelling with anything that is not Pro/Engineer. What method do you all use for making your Valkyries? Polygons? Nurbs lofted from splines, etc..? I'd like to make my own Valk. Thanks!
  19. Let me just say your works are AWESOME! I'm using Maya and am fairly new to 3D modelling with anything that is not Pro/Engineer. What method do you all use for making your Valkyries? Polygons? Nurbs lofted from slines, etc..? I'd like to make my own Valk. Thanks!
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