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Everything posted by Majestic

  1. ***SPOILERS*** I tried to like it, limiting my expectations to it being a "fun popcorn movie", but still came away disappointed. There were certainly some good gags and decent material in there a few times. You could almost feel Spielberg's influence in a few early scenes...then it just veers into Michael Bay territory. Shia LaBouf did what he could, and I think he'll be great as Spielberg's new Wunderkind - right now he's being filmed as a 50's greaser in Indy 4, most likely as Indy's son. While the girl was certainly smoking, smoking (smoking) hot, I think it would have been a better idea to stick with a more realistic girlfriend, someone just as awkward and real as Sam. 8. AMAZING cgi work. Bring on the live-action Macross movie! I'm hoping more serious mecha films are explored by decent directors and talent. All told, I was entertained to some degree. Seeing it with friends helped. Way too many flaws to elevate it beyond about a C+. An OK try, and certainly a better than usual effort by Michael Bay (which isn't saying much).
  2. The old-model tractor looks a little out of place and the clamshell bucket on the crane is ill-suited for lifting (plus...where is it lifting it to?). Otherwise, nice combination of figures. I suggest a simple tarmac surface mounted on a wooden plaque base.
  3. Are these parts still available? I'm looking for a VF-1S replacement head and a BP8. Is Neova still selling these?
  4. What ever happened to the 1:1 scale scopedog project? It seems that it was completed sometime last year, or earlier, but then no more news about it.. Was it bought from the artist and put in a Votoms display somewhere? Was it painted realistically?
  5. I just bought a 1/18 DMZ Takara Scopedog and so far am finding it superior to the 1/12 Yamato is several ways: 1. The Takara has button-activated, spring-loaded fists, which I find much easier and more fun to mess with than the 1/12's strange clip-loaded version. 2. Poseability and stability are much better in the Takara, although the head armor has a tendency to fall off. (I understand that recent Yamato Scopedogs have addressed stability issues). 3. Scope detail looks better on the Takara, but the plastic is cheaper. 4. Tampo printing on the Takara, along with some surprisingly well done weathering effects - just sticker insignia with the Yamato. The Takara comes with rub-on transfer insignia. 5. The Takara seems to be just right in terms of size, where the Yamato is monstrously large and takes up a ton of room. 6. The Takara comes with a figure! (gasp) A fiddly, kind of terrible figure, but that's one more figure than Yamato! Overall, I think my growing collection of scopedog paraphenalia is going to be composed of mostly 1/18 Takaras, with the single Yamato upgraded with Red Shoulder option parts.
  6. Thank you for the info, I'll see about getting those decals from Robographics and keep an eye on Alder's Nest scope releases. The stock Yamato scopes just look terrible, in my opinion. Somebody should release an option kit...
  7. Anybody know of reproduction stickers or decals for the 1/12 Yamato scopedog? I'd love to see decal versions of the included stickers. Also, custom metal eyepiece lenses would look worlds better than the stock standard. I noticed that the lenses on the 1/18 DMZs are higher quality than Yamatos...
  8. Just got the 1/12 scale Yamato Scopedog - and good gravy is this thing HUGE! Looks great, but is almost too big. I can see how some might prefer the smaller scale ones, as this one takes up the footprint of an entire shelf of my slim display case (formerly rented out by 3 1/48 valkyrie battroids...sorry guys, you're evicted for the time being). No complaints here about the quality and detail of the Yamato, other than it not coming with a Chirico figure.
  9. Has there been any more news, screenshots or designs released for the new prequel votoms series yet? Can we expect a lot of CG, like Macross O?
  10. Is there a way to turn down the volume of the speaker in the "wiimote" controller? EDIT: Aha, home menu, wiimote settings, got it.
  11. I preordered MP Megatron through BigBadToyStore, who plans to add an orange safety tip to the barrel. Any more specifics on the orange tip? Will it be easily removable or a more permanent fixture?
  12. Majestic

    Graham's Sig

    The SV-51 had wings that "flapped" in Macross Zero. It looked kind of ridiculous, but that's the SV-51 for you... Hoping for the black colored version however.
  13. Sorry to hear you're shutting down the business. You've really done some fine work, and I appreciate your hard work in making such accurate, original and high-quality decals. I've got a few 1/48s that look fantastic because of your work. Thanks again, your decals will be missed!
  14. Has the term "kibble" always been around in reference to 'extra' parts on figures? If I had a nickel for every time the word "kibble" is mentioned in this thread.... I like the changes made to the waist/skirt armor region. The first proto seemed a little thick around the waist. Oh, and Kibble Kibble Kibble.
  15. Next thing you know, Singer will launch a prequel series with cgi talking aliens, head-swapping droids, lamentations about the courseness of sand and fart-jokes.
  16. Say, that quote's mine! http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=9100&hl=
  17. Amazing and inspiring work as usual! The conversion looks seamless and perfect.
  18. I almost dread Wonderfest for its ultimate drain on my wallet. If Yamato displays a 1/60 VF-0D I will commence dancing in my office, accompanied by shouts of glee and perhaps some skipping or roof-raising motions.
  19. Hadn't really noticed the nose issue until it was pointed out and compared with the Hase. Interesting how truncated it looks on the 1/60 now to me (but still better than nothing and fantastic nonetheless). At least its not the terrible 1/100!
  20. Thanks for the update Graham. Can't wait to see more 1D conversions! And the inevitable VF-0 customs!
  21. Please, no more 1As, for the love of all that is Kawamori. How about a Katoki-designed paint/decal scheme?
  22. What's "Stealth Color"? Similar to the black 1/48 that was the one-of-a-kind subject of a contest recently?
  23. Thanks! Holds up pretty well after several coats of dulled Future - but this will probably be one of the last times I transform it. The shoulders were scratched pretty badly for the "first draft", so I had to strip and repaint/re-seal those parts. Time to go collect dust in my display cabinet in fighter (or maybe gerwalk) mode! EDIT: And one of these days add a figure to the back seat...
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