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Everything posted by Majestic

  1. Any news on further Scopedog/Votoms releases from Yamato's 1/12 series or Takara's 1/18? The furor seems to have died down on Votoms...I was hoping for a 1/12 or 1/8 Fatty by now. Are both lines essentially dead at this point?
  2. I imagine they'll eventually release the "Shadow" version, since they've showed one colored as such? That's the only MPC Alpha I have and I'd like a matching-color Beta to go with it... Maybe it depends on popularity/sales of the initial releases.
  3. Sweet! I only hope they extend the two-seater trend to Macross Zero releases. How about a fantasy 1/60 twin-pack? Imagine the VF-1D and VF-0D in one box together as a special release.
  4. Just received it yesterday and WOW, GX-31 Voltes V is a spectacularly awesome figure. Has anyone picked up the custom die-cast sword accessory/replacement? I'm considering it, but wondered if anybody had one and thought it was worth it... From: http://cgi.ebay.com/Voltes-V-GX-31-Diecast...6QQcmdZViewItem
  5. A friend of mine still has the original 70s 'gokin toy - he was always impressed at the ton of weapon accessories it came with. Great to see that they're continuing that tradition!
  6. Allegedly 16,000 yen for Daimos (about $152 US dollars). Not too bad, but not great either...
  7. Any new pics/info on the SOC Daimos from the latest hobby mags? <never mind, didn't see the previous page post about color pics, sorry>
  8. Are there official new series Viper models available yet? What's the latest on available models, garage kits or otherwise?
  9. Majestic

    2 seater 1/48s

    Nightmare, Excellent work so far. Can I ask what you use for putty/filler to sculpt parts? (i.e. the "frosting" in your pics? I'm working on my own custom and am struggling with finding a putty that can go on thick, dries quickly, and sands uniformly.
  10. Majestic

    2 seater 1/48s

    Wow, are you really going to make a Platypus? I love that oft-maligned design...
  11. It's really great stuff as a primer. It's basically "liquid putty". Not really used for larger gaps, more like imperfect seams left over from putty/sanding. 500 is the thickest, and can be brushed on to help fill in tiny air bubble imperfections or gaps not already filled by putty. I think 500 has a slightly grainy texture to it, so it's possible that it can be airbrushed on to provide a textured undercoat. I use 1000 or 1200 as a primer...it creates an awesome basecoat for paint to stick to. Thin it with lacquer thinner and make sure and wear a respirator with plenty of ventilation. To bump my own ealier question: Anywhere to buy this stuff in the Bay Area, CA?
  12. Is there a picture/screenshot of the VF-1J Gate Guard? (maybe I'm just not searching threads well enough).
  13. Thanks everyone. Anyone know of any hobby shops in the SF Bay Area that carry Mr. Surfacer? East Bay especially?
  14. I'm working on a custom 1/48 and really like using Mr. Surfacer 500/1000/1200 as a primer. Unfortunately, it looks like sources of Mr. Surfacer have dried up in the U.S. and HLJ has them on backorder. For you modelmakers out there, is there a good alternative product to use that works similarly?
  15. Yeah I'm not getting much of a great vibe from this teaser trailer either. It looks too much like a "Mummy Returns" movie, which I suppose is expected since the Mummy series borrowed largely from the Indiana Jones films and style. Some of the effects seemed "off" in some way - like the transforming pyramid (Gerwalk mode too?), but I'm sure they'll be cleaned up by final release. "FANBOY" DISCLAIMER: Yes, I will be there on day one no matter what and I hope it's as awesome as the other films, if not better. Raiders is my #1 favorite film, after all. Hopefully Spielberg managed to defray some of Lucas' bad ideas/decisions/writing. Here's hoping for no "Your skin is soft, not like sand" Lucas dialogue moments in INDY4.
  16. Not a big fan of the nose in fighter mode, but I'll reserve judgement until I actually have one in-hand. I'm sure the other features and detail will more than make up for any nose issues.
  17. I'm getting somewhat tired of them, but if Yamato started pumping out some awesome paint schemes, I'd be happy to buy more. And I don't mean terrible schemes like the black and gold 25th anniversary version either. I mean stuff like the 'Dobber', Blue Roses, Enigma, Minmay Guard or countless other awesome custom paint schemes. It would be great if they had a "vote for the next repaint" poll on their website.
  18. Where can I find the 1/12 red shoulder parts for a decent price? $68 at the YamatoUSA site seems to be the only place to find it, albeit at a price higher than I'd like.
  19. Can anybody tell what's going on in this "detail up" Yamato 1/12 modification? I never liked the lenses on mine - would appreciate a translation of this mod. Is it simply modifiying existing parts and adding foil?
  20. The Wave kit for the "Chabby (Chubby)" from Pailsen files looks really good. I hope Takara releases a 1/18 version! Scale looks like 1/24: http://www.hobby-wave.com/LINE_UP/gennteis...w_at/index.html
  21. Anybody get the Yamato 1/12 red shoulder parts yet? Are they pretty much the same as the Takara set, feature wise?
  22. Got the Red shoulder/weapons expansion pack also and outfitted my DMZ#1 (same as graham's pics). The set is very well done in terms of most everything staying on, with the exception of the missles, which slide out of their housing easier than I'd hoped. The Vanilla action figure is the typical terrible microman figure that explodes into pieces and looks more like a collection of ball-joints than a human figurine. Yeah he's staying in the box forever. I really wish they had provided updated, tighter and perhaps poseable hands for the 'dog with this set, as the following formula continues to play itself out weekly: ABS plastic, multi-part hands barely and awkwardly holding rifle + A mosquito coughs in China = Hand self destructs at the wrist, parts rain off my shelf. PLEASE Takara-Tomy, release a replacement hands set! Looks absolutely awesome though, I'm going to have to start saving for the upcoming Turbo Custom version, despite the escalating prices. Meanwhile, my Yamato 1/12 scale version is packed away in its box, gathering dust and dejection. It will be interesting to compare each Red shoulder set when Yamato releases their version.
  23. For years now, there's been a steady flow of requests for Yamato to release 2-seater 1/48s, or for alternate paintschemes. Or Bandai re-releasing a strike. Or just readily accessible parts. Maybe these releases will never come, so: Photoshop or MS Paint your long-desired Macross items! My admittedly sarcastic entry:
  24. ALL SPARK EFFECTS ECONOMY OF SCALE Sidenote: How long til' those of us that weren't impressed are called "whiny fanboys"? (I appreciate the so-far-civil debate, however). EDIT: Note that I enjoyed the film in a lot of ways, just wasn't blown away and feel it could have been executed much better...but that could probably be said for most films.
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