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Everything posted by Majestic

  1. My favorite of the films is Empire. Too bad Lucas completely killed 99% of my starwars fanboy fervor when he made Episode 1, and then the coup de grace with Episode 2. Subsequent to those two terrible, atrocious movies, my star wars fandom has declined dramatically. I no longer am interested in toys/figures like I used to be, even reissues or new figures from the original trilogy. While I won't go so far as to say that "Lucas raped my childhood", he did assault it pretty thoroughly, leaving a bloodied, disenchanted former fanboy in his wake. At this point I'd rather see another installment of Howard the Duck than another Star Wars. We all know how it ends and how laughably bad Lucas's direction, dialogue and storyline will lead up to it.
  2. Thanks. At least we're talking less than a year... Any more info on the scale issue?
  3. Virtual moderators once again forgive me for bringing up an oft-posted topic. I know starting a new thread is a cardinal sin and that I'll burn in eternal hellfire for daring to do so, but nonetheless.... Last I read, Graham had hinted that Yamato hadn't finalized its scales for its "new line", so 1/72 may not be the case, is this still true? I'm not clear on the latest scales gossip. Is 1/48 VF-0 going to happen? I'm dying for a VF-0S or -0D in whatever scale. Do we have to wait until Yamato milks out the VF-1 line? Do we have to wait until Macross Zero ends? Somebody say something like: "Yes, expect VF-0 prototypes to appear in Hobby Japan by January 2004". Then I can get sloshed at my company's christmas party tonight in celebration (note that I will likely do so regardless).
  4. Not sure I like the "submarine mode" all that much. Upon first viewing, I thought it was some sort of Alien/Aphos craft (I was skipping to the action portions). The water surface and standing modes don't look too bad, but I'd really like to see some good lineart on those things. I do like the idea of enemy destroids, however. I hope at least model kits are made of both destroids and their variants.
  5. Jiminey Cripes in a Canoe that looks great! This will convince me to search far and wide for my own low-vis. Credit card here I come.
  6. I think it will depend on the continuing popularity of the 1/48 line. Yamato is releasing the VF-1J standalone and with TV-style fast packs (instead of just going the cheap route and using the DRYL fast packs). Maybe the popularity of the deluxe VF-1J package will determine if Yamato is willing to go as far as VE and VT editions.
  7. The trailer worries me. A favorite character may go the way of Daredevil. He conveniently finds his punisher shirt at the beach where his wife and kid were killed. Wha? They changed his origin so that he comes from Florida instead of New York. Wha? John Travolta, (is his character called the Scientologist?) looks and sounds as lame as ever, but perhaps I'll give him a chance.
  8. Paul Anderson will RUIN this franchise. Imagine if the film had a decent director (Cameron?) and followed the original comic mini-series plot. Instead we get a half-assed, continuity destroying crap-fest set in the present day. Thanks, Paul. Thanks for raping my childhood.
  9. ..and there I go posting it in the wrong forum. I'm in for it now....
  10. Is a second run of low-vis 1/48s coming anytime soon? Was it considered a limited release? I missed the boat on that one, and don't really want to pay $150+ for one. (Nazi-virtual-moderators forgive me for not searching the entire forum for every possible variable of "low-vis" prior to posting a new topic. I know posting a new discussion should only be a last resort. )
  11. My office takes everyone "dressed up" out for a long, beer-laden lunch every year..so I'm going as "S.A.R.S." this year. Coincidentally, I have a cold, so it lends some authenticity to the costume. I'm covered in pock-marks, blotches, and am wearing a shirt with biohazard symbols and "SARS" on the front.
  12. I collect because I was only a kid in the 80s and could never afford (or find) Valkyries. As a kid I always felt that the "veritech" was the best tranformation scheme ever and would look on with envy at the rare taka's at conventions and toy shops. I played with my friend's jetfire so much, I eventually broke it. Now, especially with the much more affordable re-issues and the beautiful 1/48, I'm making up for those penniless years of wanting valks. I suppose eventually I'll reach a saturation point of VF-1s, but by then the VF-0's will be out!
  13. I'm having trouble identifying a good Voltron to get. I'm looking for the one that has a lot of die cast and has all the swords/lion attachments. Is there a reissue or bootleg version that has diecast in it like the original release way back when? I'm not looking to have the exact original, simply one that's got a lot of die cast and all the bells and whistles. Is the "Lionbot" listed on eBay of similar quality? There's so many variations I'm not sure which to get. The recent American re-release appears to be all plastic.. Thanks.
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