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Everything posted by Majestic

  1. So I finally find a Hasbro MPC Prime and purchase it. Spend roughly 12 hours getting it out of the packaging, and lo and behold, one of the feet is broken! The ball joint that the foot attaches to is snapped off where it meets the leg! Grrrr! Does anyone have a suggestion on how to fix this? I won't be returning it for an exchange because of course it was the only one in a 1,000 square mile radius, and I tore up the packaging during my long night of extracting prime. Also, how the hell do you get the thighs to "pop into" the lower legs? I press on the fuel tanks as directed and nothing happens! I'm a little pissed off here, what was supposed to be a joyous occasion after purchasing a rare find has turned into a puzzling, broken mess...
  2. Majestic

    1/60 Gbp

    Somebody please get a review and detailed pics up as soon as possible! Before I blow my wad on this, I need some pseudo-justification.
  3. I would pay good money if they played Beach Boys' music while they were surfing on lava. (the Hawaii Five-0 idea is also great). That would be comedy gold and actually make me feel as if the ticket purchase was worth it, unlike the first two atrocities. The prequels are so bad, they might as well turn the third one into a "Naked Gun"-style parody of itself. Any more "spinning kung-fu Yoda" or "Your skin is soft, not like sand, sand is coarse, and grainy, and kind of sandy" -crap and I WILL WALK OUT OF THE THEATER SIR!
  4. That's what the rep. said anyway. Perhaps that's what their "target" pricepoint is if/when they go into mass production in the U.S. I saw the enormous price later as well and was equally confused. No way would I pay more than $200 for it.
  5. I was there on Saturday also, around 4:00. Barely got in as they were cutting off ticket sales. The Bushpig was indeed the coolest thing there. Must. Have. One. Now! The rep. alleges that it will cost around $200. I soooo wanted to try one! My friends and I watched the kids demo-ing it outside and were tempted to grab one of the pigs on display and make a run for it!! I also talked to the rep. manning the pseudo-hybrid truck for quite a while. Interesting info, but the guy went on and on for an eternity. A cool idea though. Basically its a normal V8 truck, but with some electric components and an engine off/on while driving so as to make it 10-15% more efficient, for around the same price as normal. Inside was packed and mostly somewhat of a letdown. There was a woman demo-ing her artificial arm/hand, which looked utterly convincing. My friend asked what the crushing power was on it and she said it could be ratcheted up quite a bit and was stronger than a human hand...HULK HANDS! The guy demo-ing the inviso-cloak was a laugh riot. I had to get a picture of that. (The inviso-cloak is like wearing a greenscreen when filmed, so you appear like the Predator on film). The flying car was there, and looked to be 20 years old (which it probably was). The crowds were ridiculous and to be honest, there wasn't a great deal of stuff there that seemed all that impressive, but then again, I only spent about an hour on the show floor.
  6. The 1/12 Scopedog looking good in color. Is that the helmet that comes with the pilot figure?
  7. Here's hoping that the next issues of Dengeki or Hobby Japan have destroid and gerwalk pics. Thanks for the earlier post of near-finished 1/100 kits. I wish there was some good COLOR lineart or model photos. I can't wait for this thing in toy form.
  8. Anybody have some decent pictures of the Koenig in all three modes in color? Perhaps the 1/100 model kit? I'm having trouble finding good color pictures of what the toy will approximately look like, especially Battroid/Destroid.
  9. That GM Spartan is SWEET. Must build one of those someday.
  10. Does the Koenig take a 3-man crew also? One for each mode?
  11. Hayward, CA latitude 37.6774 37° 40' 38" longitude -122.0657 -122° 3' 56"
  12. Put a can of Endust in one hand, a dust mop in the other and you'll be all set.
  13. That scopedog DOES look incredible. I will own one along with the Koenig. How tall will it be if it's 1/12 scale? 8 inches or so?
  14. Pic.. Edit: Anyone figure out which of the custom kits this more closely resembles? Edit 2: Not sure if this is the pic from Dengeki, image from the website linked above.
  15. I'm not too impressed either...but then who am I kidding, I'll probably buy it anyway. The size of the intakes reminds me of the YF-19 figure, and not in a good way. Yamato's scale variations (although I understand the inherent problems with same-scale) are driving me insane. 1/60, 1/48, 1/72, hell let's throw in 1/55 just for shits and giggles!!! Add me to the list of people hoping to see a 1/48 "perfect" version of the VF-0S and VF-0D. Sure, it would be huge and $200, but I'd be happy to get a weekend job to purchase one. My thanks to Yamato for the 1/48's I do have. Beautiful stuff and good work.
  16. Real nice, however I'm not a fan of the paint scheme. Are there any good screencaps/artwork/art that show the various SV-51 paint schemes? I seem to recall seeing a "low-vis" or generic version somewhere (other than for .5 seconds in the anime).
  17. I thought SEED wasn't part of the UC timeline? F91's not too bad, nearly preferable to Quess' screeching in Char's Counterattack. 0083 OVAs are great, IMO. There's some classic Gundam ships/mobile suits/imagery in it that looks a helluva lot better than the original animation.
  18. To answer my own question...I picked up an RX-78 at my local Target. I have to say, I'm VERY IMPRESSED. For 19.99 you get a very decent figure. The possability of the arms and legs is great. No hip movement, but overall, a great figure. All the extras are what really make it worth it: 4 sets of hands 2 shields (one regular, one with a rifle holster) Bazooka (mountable in the back) Rifle (with articulated swiveling clip) beam sabers some wierd beam saber variant an AWESOME ball/chain/mace, with heavy duty metal chain. Looks great to pose with. A "build it yourself" transforming core fighter that tucks away inside the Gundam. Truly a great figure. I'll be picking up more of this line. It nearly rivals FIX figuration figures (ducks). And for only $20, a steal. Great stuff.
  19. In my futile quest to find a MPC Prime at my local Walmart or Target (grrrr grumble), I keep coming across the "Arch Enemy" series of Gundam figures (which appear to be just the RX-78 Gundam, a variation on the Gelgog?, and a Wing Gundam...three altogether?). The RX-78 looks pretty good through the window of the packaging and has plenty of cool-looking accessories. Anyone pick this up? Worth the 19.99?
  20. The recent Valkyrie history thread brought up a question: What was the "GERWALK incident"? Was this an accidental discovery of Gerwalk mode? (which seems odd). Or was this the first time the public discovered the military secret of the VF-1 before it was declassified? Is there a story behind it?
  21. I'm having real trouble finding the Hasbro version in the east Bay Area, California. Nothing at Target (except the shelf label) and nothing at Walmart. I'd prefer paying $60-$70 rather than the $75 its going for online at amazon. Anyone have links for a decent online price OR somewhere in the Bay Area I can find it?
  22. I'm looking forward to some custom VF-0 and SV-51 paint schemes on those models. A low-vis SV-51 would be pretty sweet.
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