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Everything posted by Majestic

  1. Is this kit going to be sold domestically? One of our awesome retailers carrying this soon?
  2. That VF-1 scheme looks great too! I like the alternative chest striping. The addition of some subtle black in there complements it well. I'm finishing up a 1/55 custom, maybe that scheme can be my next effort. If only 1/48 were a little more affordable, and my painting skills were a bit better... The recent VF-OD in Dengeki Hobby has a similar blue/white scheme: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=9010
  3. I think that's the one. Would like to see the VF-1 version of that, with maybe the addition of MW symbols on the wings on under the cockpit.
  4. Great! I look forward to seeing that finished. I vaguely rememeber a custom paint scheme as well, a two-tone blue and white with the MacrossWorld symbols on the tail/wings. Would be cool to have submissions and vote on one or more MW official schemes.
  5. I was looking through the various awesome customs in all scales and wondered about the idea of a MW decal and/or paint scheme. I recall a since-aborted scheme to get Yamato to make a limited run of customs, but of course this won’t happen. I personally would love to see a MW custom dedicated to this awesome site in any of the scales (preferably the 1/48), and I know we’ve got significant design and printing talent here as well. Has this notion been explored before? *Virtual moderators please forgive me for not running a detailed search on the entire internet first, a thousand pardons for posting a new topic on the subject. May the Froating Head strike me down for my insolence.
  6. Sweet. Love the "Space Proving Wing" decals/paint scheme. I'll be picking this one up assuming our domestic online folks get hold of it.
  7. Semi-realistic Guesstimates: 1/48 CF (within a few months?) 1/48 GBP armor (maybe next year?) Extreme longshot wishes: 1/48 VF-1 Enigma paint scheme 1/48 VF-1 20th Anniversary (or something similar) paint scheme 1/48 VF-0S Never gonna happen, but maybe in an alternate universe: 1/48 VF-1 MacrossWorld paint scheme! 1/48 VF-0D 1/48 VF-0B Never gonna happen, but if we were maybe to occupy Yamato's manufacturing facility and hold them hostage: 1/48 Stampeed Vakyrie
  8. Just picked this magazine up myself, indeed an awesome bunch of pages! I'm dying for a VF-0D in whatever form, model, transforming toy, anything...please!
  9. I'm still kicking myself for selling off my set 6 years ago, before the resurgence of my Macross-mania.
  10. Bandai stopped releasing reissues more than a year ago, unfortunately. Their last release, which was somewhat limited, were the TV versions of Max and Millia's VF-1Js. Probably a ZERO chance the GBP armor will be reissued. Your best bet is to post in the wanted section of the boards, or look around for recasts.
  11. Trick is to extend the front landing gear, then the chest piece will slide better.
  12. Looking much better in color, especially the cannons. Looks like it's not "stickered up". Some custom stickers for detail would be sweet.
  13. More entertaining than Episode I and II by a longshot. Good work. I would pay to see this unlike the real one.
  14. To have somebody spend hard-earned vacation, time and money ($250 +/- for a plane ticket and lodging presumably, maybe they could also catch a show or go on a tour of a local landmark)... I might actually feel obligated to LET them hit me a couple of times. Another historic moment on MW. Thanks for the inadvertent comedy.
  15. The "using vacation time" post was the greatest thing ever. Alert the internet! Imagine if there were several people to fly out to to fight...would you have enough vacation time? Have to use sick time eventually? What if you got your ass kicked and missed your plane home? Oh man, my sides hurt from laughing.
  16. That post actually made me laugh so hard I cried! Hollow internet threats from behind a computer are comedy platinum. To actually take vacation time to go "mano-o-mano". HILARIOUS! Goddamn that was funny. Anyway, back to the "lost topic": I can't wait to see a painted final of the VB-6. The cannons do look a little nerfed, but maybe they haven't finalized it yet. I hope the box it comes in is a nice one as well. The GPB armor boxes seem to be a slight improvement considering Yamato's track record. It would be great if somebody could make alternative boxes. Especially the designers of those awesome VB-6 Kit custom boxes in that other thread.
  17. The "heavy metal riffs" certainly add to the credibility of what will surely be the greatest film of all time. /dies of cynicism
  18. "Directed by Paul W.S. Anderson. We Lose"
  19. Majestic


    Arghh! Was hoping for the green TV version.
  20. I really like it. What's the other mode? Do I understand correctly that it's two separate craft that combine?
  21. Yes, hopefully the "flying rocks" will be explained without relying on the paranormal (i.e. alien artifacts interfacing with the natives or "unlocking" supressed human abilities long forgotten). Personally, I could do without Episode 4's flying totem ride. Maybe if they make a Macross theme park, that can be the log ride.
  22. Shoji Kawamori - Anime God Ridley Scott - One of the Greats Steven Spielberg - Arguably the Best, although not my personal favorite James Cameron - One of the Greats Michael Bay - Horrible Hack Tony Scott - One of the Greats Simon West - Hack John DeBont - Meh Ang Lee - Meh John Woo - Hack Sergio Leone - One of the Greats John Houston - Meh Goerge Lucas - Worst Hack of them All Richard Donner - Hack Paul Verhoeven - Hack Mel Gibson - 2nd Worst Hack of them All Opi (Ron Howard) - Meh M. Night Shymalan - One of the Greats Quentin Tarantino - One of the Greats Wolfgang Peterson - One of the Greats Peter Jackson - Meh Phillip Noyce - Meh Kevin Smith - Hack Antoine Fuqua - Meh Akira Kurosawa - One of the Greats Tim Burton - Hack, but some good stuff Stanley Kubrick - I suppose better than Cameron on my list Robert Wise - Meh David Fincher - Meh, but some good stuff David Cronenberg - Meh Clint Eastwood - Meh Brian De Palma - Meh Michael Mann - Meh Martin Scorsese - One of the Greats, with some serious mis-steps Stanley Kubrick - Is there an echo in here? Francis Ford Coppolla - One of the Greats John Carpenter - One of the Greats, became a Hack Walter Hill - Meh Robert Zemeckis - Meh
  23. Here's hoping for a custom made version of this for the SV-51 model kit (or future toy, if any). One that detaches and has "deploying airbrake action". Only a matter of time, I'm sure, before we see one in Hobby Japan or Dengeki Hobby. /waits eagerly
  24. The MPC is obviously the BEST version. Much better than Yamato by far. /runs for the hills Just kidding. I own a couple of MPC's and they're all still in their boxes at the back of my closet. All of my Yamato's are posed in my display case. The two MPC's I do own, Max and Millia, look decent, especially when posed together with Fast Packs in Gerwalk mode. Battroid mode is so horrible as to make you want to stab out your own eyes with the blunt end of a gunpod. Fighter mode draws your attention to the nerfed short nose. IMO, Yamato's engineering, quality and attention to detail blow away the MPCs, thus all of my Valk-collecting money will be going to them for future purchases, even if the 1/48s have a tendency to break the bank. Then again, if I saw an MPC in a Gamestop for $20 or less, I'd snatch it up! I'll cruise by one today for that purpose. To me it all depends on what you want to spend. If you have $50 lying around, grab a 1/60 instead of an MPC. If you have more money than that, save for a 1/48. The beauty of a 1/48 is awesome to behold.
  25. Can't get the sound to work on the posted torrent download. Is there a codec that will work?
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