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Everything posted by Majestic

  1. I'm working on a custom 1/48, and am working on the ever-popular Enigma paint scheme. A couple of questions: Which Tamiya colors should I use for airbrushing? I know Kurt (my name is also Kurt!) uses Gunze on his awesome buildups, but I'd like to use Tamiya, as it seems to be readily available in my area and I want to be able to run out and get more at a moment's notice. Should I stick with a medium gray? Is "German Gray" much too dark? And which off-white should I use? My anasazi decals are on the way - will these help me find a color match?
  2. Thanks for the referrals, successfully ordered it by phone at Rollmodels.com. They said the stuff sells like hotcakes. (and you know how well hotcakes sell). Does anybody know the best way to thin this stuff for airbrushing? Can I just use Tamiya thinner?
  3. Thanks. I'm hoping the ones that claim to carry it actually have it in stock. I'll try ordering by phone tomorrow.
  4. Man, that's terrible. Nobody has a domestic supplier either? How about a good alternative?
  5. I'm trying to track down some Mr. Surfacer 1000 (in bottle/liquid form, not the spray) for priming. Anybody know of a decent online site to order from? Will I only be able to find it overseas? EDIT: Oops, put this in the wrong forum, my apologies. Can be moved at moderator's discretion.
  6. Is gold prime going to be a wide release? Or is this just the limited one?
  7. Oh man. While I love some of this series...sometimes it just gets....
  8. Has this re-release been 100% confirmed yet? Is it a "limited" reissue of the same VF-1S? Or is it version 3.0?
  9. Oh, we're back off topic now? I apologize for sounding condescending, I was just trying to explain the satiric nature of the signature that you misunderstood. I'll remember to keep it simple, as you say. The internet is indeed a wonderful place. AgentONE is all yours, I won't stand in your way.
  10. I'm sure the sports bars will start putting masking tape over the IR receiving port soon. They'll have to go back to the old days, changing channels manually!
  11. Back on topic, that was a hilarious film. Kim Jong Il had me rolling. "And the difference between a pussy and an a-hole is only an inch and a half" -(or something along those lines)
  12. Obviously you don't get the joke in my sig. It's okay to be embarassed. Maybe you can change your signature to "counter" my own sig (that you don't seem to "get")...oh wait you already did. Sorry the tongue-in-cheek subtle reference is so upsetting to you. I'll try to be more literal with my next sig. Something like: "People that claim Lucas raped their childhood are stupid, lol", would perhaps suffice? Edit: Maybe I should add quotation marks so the subtlety is more apparent?
  13. Heard about this on the NPR story also. Awesome. I'd love to have this handy for a number of restaurants and bars in the area.
  14. I'm a star wars fan. Look up the word "satire" and report back.
  15. Downright comedy gold. I'll have to tell my pregnant wife that I find you beautiful. She'll be amused. You know, there's been several studies that homophobes have a strong tendency to be homosexual themselves, you might want to look into that. I forget that I'm on the internet, where pedestrian "gay" humor abounds. "You disagree with my viewpoint, therefore you are GAY! ELOHELctrlalt!" Good stuff sir! Were you on your college debate team?
  16. ..hey, just wish they had a bigger budget is all. Looking forward to the Monster appearance. Hopefully they won't skimp on its animation.
  17. For the most part, huh? Well, I'm glad you can recognize your own ridiculous claims. Laugh-out-loud. But seriously, you result to personal name calling. Boy howdy, that's some real class. The sum of your argument: "Berkeley is full of liberal pussies and if you question my logic, you are therefore also a pussy". Way to make a credible point. You should have your own show on Fox, perhaps. Your own feelings of inadequacy and social rejection lend themselves to ridiculing those around you. You might consider some counseling to address that.
  18. While I like Macross zero, I'm dreading the painful poorly animated Anime-Friend style sequences, like the previous episode with Roy's VF-O GBP armor. You get amazing CG, then they hit you in the stomach with flip-book animation that would make Disney cry.
  19. Right, I'm sure that all of Berkeley is full of people that maintain the exact same viewpoint that is so threatening to you. "sterotypes exist for a reason." You're arguing against yourself by citing a stereotype...or sterotype. Comedy gold.
  20. As opposed to the Peoples Republic of Lincoln Nebraska. So the theatre would be full of inbred hick white supremacists?
  21. REPOST: Does anybody know the going rate on the 20th Anniversary Hasbro Prime? I know its been on blowout sale recently, but I haven't been able to find one. Anybody know what I should expect to pay by EBay? Or where I can find one for a reasonable price? THanks.
  22. Astounding work! God damn that looks good. The gunpod looks especially detailed (along with the whole valk). Fine work.
  23. Does anybody know the going rate on the 20th Anniversary Hasbro Prime? I know its been on blowout sale recently, but I haven't been able to find one. Anybody know what I should expect to pay by EBay? Or where I can find one for a reasonable price? THanks.
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