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Everything posted by Majestic

  1. Thanks to Anasazi for the awesome decals. And thanks to Kurt's excellent custom Enigmas (my name's also Kurt), for inspiration and visual guidance in the paintjob. I officially hate MicroSet and MicroSol. I Microsol'd the hell out of those things and they still refused to flatten out in a few places (most noteably the Gunpod).
  2. And lastly Fighter. Took a hasty photo without pushing the left tailfin down all the way. Or adjusting the head lasers properly. And too lazy to put the pegs back in position for the hip joint..
  3. Here's my first effort at a 1/48 custom. Anasazi decals and one of my first airbrushing jobs.
  4. Wow, love the artwork on that Club M box. Does anyone have a better picture I could print out or turn into a desktop?
  5. Yes, IMO, the 1/48 is the ultimate valkyrie, and well worth the price. Unfortunately, the price is slightly higher lately due to the exchange rate. The Roy VF-1S reissue just came out, and you should be able to find it for between $130-$150 shipped. You might be able to find the older VF-1A Hikaru for a lot cheaper in used or loose condition. Yes. Awesome figure. Both the VF-1A DYRL Max and VF-1J TV Max are awesome. The TV Max has the added benefit of custom-colored fast packs. Much, much, much better than the MPC, and it holds together and poses great. Not much diecast content, but the overall quality and aesthetic is top notch. The "Where to buy" or "Dealer Announcements" section will help point you to some excellent retailers. I suggest TMPanime.com, valkyrie-exchange.com, hlj.com, and bigbadtoystore.com, among several others. You can also check the straight shooters list in the "For Sale" section to confirm individual sellers. There's a huge fanbase here of reliable and friendly sellers. For reliability purposes, I stick with domestic sellers, generally. Faulty or poorly made is pretty rare, but there is a parts exchange or you can post in the "Wanted" section for specific replacement parts. Yamato doesn't really provide replacement parts with any regularity. Hope this helps. Now go buy a 1/48!
  6. Majestic

    Dropping a deuce

    Thread of the year folks. A++, would read again and again. I laughed, I cried, it was better than "Cats".
  7. Only raped by Lucas here. Looking forward to a live-action Gundam, although I'm skeptical as to whether it will fare any better than say "Mario Brothers" or "Robot Jox".
  8. I love Cameron's films, but I'm worried about the main character being CG and the movie being in 3D as well. Maybe 3D is the wave of the future, but right now it doesn't seem to work all that convincingly. Maybe he'll fix that. Will audiences be ready to make the leap?
  9. AHHHHHHHHHH! God-damn I can't wait for that. I'll probably only spring for the separate GBP set, but I wonder if they would consider a full set, ala' the 1/60 version. A 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru with GBP! It would be upwards of $200, but would be the ultimate set. While I'm wishing, how about a sturdier box with better artwork?
  10. Comedy Gold. I like the "Lord Vader" placard. IMO, since Episode I & II were such jokes, why not farm out the series for more hilarity! If only we could get the Christmas special on DVD...
  11. From greatmodels.com 1/48 cds5009 Modern Carrier Deck Section (Modern) There's no details on what this is made of...I imagine its just paper?
  12. With the 1/48 Roy being reissued in Dec/Jan, do you think we can expect another run of fast packs to be re-released shortly thereafter? My forum search didn't yield any results on this...(so virtual moderators forgive me).
  13. I'd like to display a 1/48 on some realistic looking tarmac or carrier-marked surface. Is there a reasonably priced material or pre-built base out there for that? I would make my own, but am not sure my modeling skills are as good as what I might be able to find made already.
  14. This trailer seems to confirm to me more of the same. Hopefully they can improve the CGI work over the coming months. I'll certainly see it and hope that he doesn't screw this one up too. The space/atmosphere battle looks great, while the lava planet (geonosis?) looks like a video game. We'll see.
  15. In the world of Yamato, the rule of "add four months to the release date" applies. I worship at the Yamato alter, but am still frustrated by their poor release estimates.
  16. I'm having a bitch of a time trying to find white Jazz/Meister in the Bay Area, CA. Any bay area folks know where to find?
  17. Some of us think Lucas jumped the shark long ago. But with these rumors...
  18. You'll notice in my post above that I said I hope it will be cut. Some of us (and the majority of critics) think that Episodes I & II were both just big animatics gags. Remember Jar Jar? A naive Anakin casually destroying a fleet in space? The 50s diner scene? Flying R2-D2 or transposed-head C3P0? I think you get my point. What about Episode III will make me expect anything different?
  19. Hey, that translator does work pretty ding-dang good! You are aware that the latest reports include information that Yoda actually farts in Episode III? I'm hoping they cut it out, but we had farting in Episode I, so if that's any indication...
  20. must....resist.....bashing.....the...self-evident poor...quality of the...prequels..and the ridiculous fanboi defense of them.....must....resist. FARTING YODA! damn, couldn't resist.
  21. I'm working on a custom 1/48, and am working on the ever-popular Enigma paint scheme. A couple of questions: Which Tamiya colors should I use for airbrushing? I know Kurt (my name is also Kurt!) uses Gunze on his awesome buildups, but I'd like to use Tamiya, as it seems to be readily available in my area and I want to be able to run out and get more at a moment's notice. Should I stick with a medium gray? Is "German Gray" much too dark? And which off-white should I use? My anasazi decals are on the way - will these help me find a color match?
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