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Everything posted by Majestic

  1. Mildly spoilerish card listing that reveals storyline elements/planets, etc.
  2. Graham, Here's the thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...topic=12182&hl= I've got pics/thumbs ready if you want to let me know the location to send. Thanks, -Kurt
  3. "A Lost Hope" indeed. "You are softer than sand!" Comedy gold.
  4. Classic, son. Classic.
  5. It's a reference to: "War! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing!"
  6. It would be funny if it were true. Glad somebody has a sense of humor around here... No really, you aren't funny. But then again you aren't willing to admit that the prequels are great and you are generally wrapped up in your own fussieness so I don't expect much logic. You're right, I need to come to terms with the fact that the Prequels are completely flawless, fantastic storytelling and the greatest thing since sliced bread. You should only post in a forum if you regard the Prequels with sheer love and admiration. The forum FAQ clearly states that any dissenting opinion from the norm (in this case, the unwavering support of the Star Wars prequels) shall be met with a perma-ban. No criticism of George Lucas or his Prequels is allowed.
  7. It would be funny if it were true. Glad somebody has a sense of humor around here...
  8. I'm confused by the term "fanboy" in regard to those that aren't as willing to embrace Episodes I and II and perhaps some pre-release marketing of Episode III. Wouldn't a "fanboy" be somebody who was a fan of episode I, II & III? And those whose opinions differ would therefore not be a fanboy? Or is the definition of "fanboy" purposefully ironic? Heaven forfend the opinion of those that find fault with say, Vader's small stature in a poster or the quality of writing and direction in the prequels. Why some consider it a personal affront if pre-production or marketing materials are sometimes rightly criticized is a mystery to me. Do they take some sort of personal stake in a poster designed by somebody else? I really, really wish my standards were as low as some. I wanted to like the prequels. But at the same time, I'm not attacking people or accusing them of being "fanboys" for liking something I find to be diluted by the drudgery of more recent films. The signature "childhood raped by..." in my sig. is indicative of not only my displeasure with the direction the franchise has gone, but also a tongue-in-cheek reference to the absurdity and cliche nature of the saying itself. Don't get me wrong, I'll see Episode III along with the next guy. I'm trying to approach this ep. with an open mind and less critical eye...but after being burned by the first two films, IMO, its difficult to remain optimistic. Just because I'm going to "be in line on the first day like everyone else" doesn't negate my overall negative impressions of the prequels. To have a Star Wars mega-thread and not expect some criticism is foolhardy.
  9. A little sensitive are we?
  10. Good gravy that's ugly. Looks like a small child is playing the part of Vader.
  11. From tonight's episode.
  12. I guess Lefty and Kim have their own home now and Lefty's no longer working for CTU.
  13. Yeah, I don't see a way around it. You'd have white sprue marks all over your completed kit. And matching the chrome wouldn't be easy either, much less all the chrome you would lose sanding...
  14. Wouldn't the lack of chrome be really apparent when you cut the parts off of the sprue? (or maybe you're not supposed to actually build it?)
  15. Is that really the box cover art? Yamato needs to dump the retarded monkey with shareware MSPAINT filters. /stabs out own eyes.
  16. Majestic

    Latest custom 1/48

    Excellent work. I especially like the shading job on the fast packs and I like the red-tipped missles. Great work as usual!
  17. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?g=events/...&a=0&t=&prev=16
  18. I would suggest cutting it with a Dremel tool (or equivalent). Mark out the line and perhaps scribe it first with a scribing tool, then cut away. You'll end up having to add sheet styrene for the lip or bevel as well as quite a bit of putty to smooth it out. Any further modification is going to require a lot of cutting and your original paint job is going to get ruined in the process, so you're looking at a full paint job when finished. A custom paint job with some 1/55 stickers would probably work OK. It might be out of proportion and a little ugly, but I think it would be awesome if you could finish this project, even just to prove it can be done. How about a built in heat shield while you're at it!
  19. No problem there. It's in my signature!
  20. Urka Urka Bloo!
  21. I hope its not more of the same in terms of invasion cliche. Modernized tripod alien attack vehicles with disintegrator rays will be great though. "They're already here" - I hope doesn't mean they're disguised as human (like the TV show from years ago). It also has Dakota Fanning in it, so hopefully it won't have the overused wise-beyond-their-years-child syndrome and Speilberg doesn't carbon-copy the kid from Close Encounters.
  22. Sorry, partially off-subject and I believe answered before: Do Char and Amuro die at the end of CCA? Why Char's change of heart? Or did they go the Macross Zero route and evolve to pure energy, etc?
  23. Yeah, I shoulda sanded under the chestplate. That's one technique I completely forgot about. I'm doubtful that I could get a paint job that would stick well on the heatshield no matter what, however. I started with an original 1/48 Hikaru 1-A, so yes, my Enigma has a case of nosecone leprosy. I said it's "one of my first" airbrush jobs, meaning I've airbrushed two projects total before this one, and both were nowhere near as time-consuming, just a small gundam model and a semi-aborted 1/55 VF project. It didn't take forever, but it wasn't a quick process, probably to the tune of about 20 hours or so over a month.
  24. Thanks for the comments. Some parts/areas came out rougher than others. I had thought I'd finished the whole thing but assembled it and realized I hadn't painted the LERVS (?), those panels that extend forward of the chest intakes. Had to take it all apart and paint those. I used Mr. Surfacer thinned with a little too much laquer thinner for the prime coat, and I think it ate away at some of the plastic in a few places, specifically the arms. Most of the figure is smooth, but a few places have a rough, sandpaper like feel. My set up is a Badger Crescendo, a small compressor and a custom-built spray hood/booth in my garage. I used Mr. Surfacer for the primer (which did an awesome job, despite the issue with laquer thinner). I used Tamiya acrylics thinned 1:1 for the paint job. Then a coat of future, decals, and a final coat of dullcote laquer. Pretty standar procedure. The nukes I decided needed a special paintjob to match the Engima scheme. The U.N. Spacy decal on the gunpod is the way it's supposed to be, far as I know.
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