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Everything posted by Majestic

  1. HLJ.com has them on backorder status. I'm trying to find a domestic seller, but no luck so far. I'd also like to see more pages from the book - a search on ToyboxDX forums shows a thread that USED to have pics, but they've since died.
  2. I saw this book is available and assume its a rundown/pictures of all or most of the modern soul of chogokin toys. Does anybody have this book? Is it comprehensive? Think its worth it for a chogokin fan?
  3. Has there been any alternate paint schemes on the armor to anyone's knowledge? I know there's the "Thunder Hummers" color scheme, but that of course is a near-complete redesign as well. ENIGMA ARMOR!
  4. Damn, that looks great. I too hope that it doesn't end up being vaporware...although I'm optimistic, mostly since they did the 1/60 version - seems logical for them to do the same for the 1/48s. EDIT: And yes, I'm aware they made more 1/60 variants than 1/48s. Looks great, can't wait to see the customs, and I hope it doesn't take a year and a half to get released!
  5. Good, now I can save 9 bucks and 2 hours of my time!
  6. Interestingly enough a trailer was in none of those threads...
  7. Looks like its destined for a very short theater run and then DVD within a month... http://movies.yahoo.com/movies/feature/stealthqt1.html
  8. If Lucas hadn't already raped my childhood, I'd consider it now raped by the BB redesign.
  9. Don't think so. My guess is they'll have some sort of wonky extra plastic piece that supports the Alpha connection and is prone to detachment.
  10. That, and another Tie-Fighter game. That game was the greatest.
  11. Look out, you're going to be labeled (paradoxically) as a "fanboy" for your negative prequel opinions! I completely agree. The arena battle in AoTC was especially glaring in terms of bad CGI, IMO. The clone trooper that helped Padme up from the sand was utterly CGI as well - they could have used a man in suit for this scene, but didn't for some odd reason (maybe for consistency?). CGI Yoda looks bad as well, IMO, although his puppet version, while endearing, looks pretty bad too. Maybe there's no way to make a good Yoda! Don't get me started on CGI Jabba...
  12. She looks 12 in that picture. But since that's basically the demographic....
  13. Roger that. First I've seen of it. Doesn't look too bad other than the usual complaint about it not being accurate to the Shadow shoulders, etc.
  14. Looks like its still a pre-order shipping in March.
  15. Not for me. Double-Jar Binks is still as irritating and terrible an idea as ever. The straw that broke the camels back for Episode I and the icing on the cake of horror for Episode II. At least Chewie didn't have to stoop to fart jokes. Hopefully that CGI atrocity will be even more limited screentime-wise in Episode III.
  16. /looks up from reading Upton Sinclair's "The Jungle". What's that about unions?
  17. Answered my own question. Apparently not according to this forum: http://forums.productionig.com/
  18. I just got a bootleg disk of the entire 2nd Gig season. Was this the last of it? Or is there more on the way?
  19. I can't believe they actually made toys out of those gundams. We get a "Nethergundam", but no YF-19FP....there is no justice in this world.
  20. Beating a dead horse most definately. Time for Star Trek to take a leave of absence. It will take a while for the stank to wear off. Give it five years rest, then let some new, younger yet established talent take it over, new direction or not. If they get anything like the quality of the new Battlestar, they'll have a winner on their hands and we can all once again "Grok Spock".
  21. BARC SPEEDER: Looks like the speeder bike precursor. I can't tell if the speeder bike pilot stormtrooper armor is a proto design or just the same as the old series.
  22. Needs more Southern Cross... ... and I heard Yoda farts into the camera whilst fighting a wookie sith so I am definately NOT seeing this one. Word to that.
  23. Mildly spoilerish card listing that reveals storyline elements/planets, etc.
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