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Everything posted by Majestic

  1. Whose got the snide condescension, those who criticise Star Wars or those who criticise the critics with a holier-than-thou approach? That would certainly explain a lot. But I doubt he'd underwrite attacks on character based on opinion. I'll give him that much. Got snide condescension? Here's a joke of my own from earlier..
  2. There are debate courses in college and post-graduate school, last I checked. Ah, the threat of stealing lunch money from those with a superior argument. Maybe you and Agent One could be the new hosts of Crossfire. The last vestige of credibility fails to pull up at the last second and disintegrates on impact...
  3. There are no "shades of gray"
  4. I love the earlier post about prequel critics being "Star Wars Nerds" and prequel lovers as "normal". Welcome to crazyworld!
  5. And with that, the pro-prequel dittohead camp loses the remainder of its tattered credibility. Imagine a debate class with these guys.
  6. Hurin, It's like Agent One is proving your valid points for you. It's a win-win.
  7. Al Swearington from Deadwood. Captivating in his sheer vile evil.
  8. Kill mine first, he's a "charming" CGI Gungan with a mildly racist speech impediment AND the force. He attacks sonic-the-hedgehog style like Yoda and he frequently compares skin to sand while accidently defeating entire fleets in a wacky, endearing fashion while sampling his midoclorian count.
  9. Hurin, you hit the nail on the head. Brilliantly stated.
  10. Has the latest Original Gundam RX-78 (Ver. One Year War) Master Grade made it over to domestic sellers yet? I'm having trouble finding that one outside of importing it. Granted, it is a recent release. I was never a huge fan of the original Gundam, but the design has grown on me, and the detail/poseability of this version looks great.
  11. You know, if you don't simmer down, I won't invite you over to play the Star Wars RPG. And it wasn't going to be any of that revisionist D20 crap either. I'm talking oldschool West End Games. So play nice. Lol!
  12. Dude, get off the cross. Somebody else needs the wood. Get off your faltering pillar of righteousness. You're not Lucas' press agent.
  13. IMO I think it's better. There are those that regard Lucas' storytelling choices in the prequels as poor decisions with poor outcomes. A great deal of the frustration with the prequels stemmed from expectations that should have been, to some degree, fulfilled. This is just IMO of course, but I'm sure I'll be attacked/insulted for it!
  14. I'll never get used to Samuel Jackson as a jedi. His performance is over-the-top in a typically Sam Jackson way, and there is really no connection/sympathy with his character, other than allegedly just being a baddass jedi. His starpower actually harms his role, they really should have cast a lower profile actor for his part.
  15. I heartily agree. The black/white delineation of who were the protagonist/antogonists in the original trilogy were much more palatable. Sure, political intrigue might be allegorical or relevant, but as a plot device for a fantasy action film, it doesn't work. If only because we wouldn't have had to suffer Jake Lloyd! What's he doing these days anyway? Selling car wax out of his van? I also think they should have made the time period between the trilogies much greater, so more like 30-40 years pass between III and I rather than 16 or 17 (although this would not allow the jedi twins to be born in the third prequel). Agree with this sentiment as well. This is how I envisioned the prequels before their release as well. I think Lucas really dropped the ball on the concept of the Clone Wars - and the Boba Fett fanboy in me was hoping for an army of Fett troops at some point. Oh well. My expectations for this third film are pretty low, so maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
  16. Guess I fail to see the humor when somebody dies. But maybe I'll be just as happy and start a celebratory thread when Rush Limbaugh, Pat Buchanon or Anne Coulter die. Andrea Dworkin was respected for her work in fighting violence against women and assuring equal opportunity, however "overboard" her methodology or outlook may have seemed to traditionalist conservatives. Are there truly folks on the board that support violence against women? EDIT: I'll readily admit the woman was ugly!
  17. Wow! It even "kneels" for cockpit access like the "real" Scopedog! EDIT: Unless this is just a pre-mounting to legs shot..
  18. Hallelujah, that would be the best no-show since they got rid of Jake Lloyd. Hopefully this also portends fewer fart and doo-doo jokes.
  19. That looks just downright real, chris. I hope you get paid for your photoshop skills. That's the most impressive manual coloring job I've ever seen.
  20. Excellent photoshop skills, chris! Love the weathering!
  21. Aha, thank you. IMO the suit designs as shown in the Hobby mags look great. WIKIPEDIA entry: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gundam_MS_Igloo EDIT: Looks like I'm confusing the Gundam Hazel design(s) aka Advance of Zeta: The Flag of Titans with MS IGLOO. It's actually Advance of Zeta designs I'm admiring! Doh!
  22. Pardon the question thread, but I'm having trouble finding out exactly what MS Igloo is. I really like the designs seen in Hobby Japan and Dengeki Hobby, and it appears that it may be a new UC storyline set on the side of Zeon in either series, short film or comic form? Anybody seen this series yet? MG models coming out anytime soon?
  23. I tried contacting that guy to purchase Lego Valk instructions and never heard from him. Anybody got instructions they want to offload?
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