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Everything posted by Majestic
That Vader image set makes me lol.
That's not what I'm claiming. I said I use them primarily in hearing about foreign news, as the other agencies for such news are lacking, I find. When they're talking about a tsunami in Sumatra, I'm not generally affected by a liberal slant. Sure, that would be appreciated. I'd be happy to read more about these accusations of liberal bias, as I don't really see them as being as readily apparant. I don't consider myself a liberal, if that's what you're trying to pin me as. The plethora of suspect sites that come up are hardly encouraging. If there's a respected independent review I'm much more open to reading it, rather than sites that have anti-Hilllary flash ads running in the corner. I wouldn't consider myself naive where politics are concerned. You're basing this opinion merely on my statements about the media. When I say "hard evidence", I'm looking for the kind of "wink and nod" situations you referenced when addressing Fox News. But wouldn't this render your own documented links of liberal bias as useless then as well. Who is qualified to speak with authority as to whether a news agency is biased or not? You're really starting to get condescending here with this "in case you haven't noticed" and calling me a moron deal. Don't we want to avoid that? Of course I've "noticed" how news networks report on the same news. This is why I go to a number of news outlets (not contained to the list from earlier, by the way) in order to get a sound persective from MULTIPLE agencies, be they television, print, internet or radio. You're right, I don't see the degree of "spin" that you're describing in the traditional news networks, print and radio, except for the left nuance of the New York Times and Salon.com. As I've just said, there's many more news agencies I watch/read/listen to.
I'd like to see the specific instances of a liberal bias in any of those listed organizations. The New York Times I can see as being left-leaning, but none of the others. If anything, post-September-11, most legitimate news organizations have been fearful of bias in either direction, specifically when the right has been badgering them for years of a liberal bias. The BBC I use for world reporting, and as a foreign news service, they can't be "leaning" in either direction. Please link me to information on hard evidence of a liberal bias for CNN, this is a legitimate request, as perhaps there is more than meets the eye in that regard. EDIT: You can PM me links, as I'd like to steer this thread back OT. Incidentally, I don't specifically tune in to CNN thinking "they're going to show me the news I WANT to hear", unlike the model that Fox News (the Bright Red State of television) subscribes to.
I guess your definition of pussy is anybody who gets their news from multiple news organizations with a more centrist and balanced approach (CNN, Nightline, New York Times, BBC News, Washington Post). Fox News is fairly well documented as being primarily right-leaning, filling their programs with punditry and generally losing all credibility as being "fair and balanced". That's why they changed their tagline recently to "we report, you decide". I'm not going to sink to your level of insult, I'm not as weak as you are in that respect. Signed, Pretentious Fake Artistic SW fan, aka General Handjob.
Best joke I've heard all day!
I'm awaiting the MG Gundam Ver. One Year War kit as well as considering another 1/48 re-paint.
Actually, I'm not a lurker, I'm also a model afficianado and have built/airbrushed several models, Macross or otherwise.
I like how it includes the same details as the G1 trailer, including the "square hole" toward the front of the trailer, which I always found out of place - but for nostalgic reasons, it works. How long until a transformable one is modded from one of these?
I just started renting the first SEED series and I'm pleasantly surprised so far (about 5 episodes in). As almost entirely a UC-only fan, it wasn't as bad as I was afraid it would be. Is DESTINY just a continuation with the same characters?
LOIL! Let's keep it contained to Star Wars! Please!
To de-rail the endless winking smilies, here's a captioned Ep. III trailer that's mildy entertaining: http://www.flapdoodle.org/sw/SW_ep3_trailer_captioned.wmv
Beautiful build. If only Yamato would produce a "perfect-grade" 1/48 version! (Yes, I know it would be huge and cost billions!)
Sorry you consider me long-winded, just trying to be communicative, I guess at the expense of being succinct!
Don't worry, I'll keep critical commentary in this thread for the time being. When Episode III is released, I'm sure there will be several threads that crop up. At that time I'll consider creating a separate critical thread as needed or if there is a more appropriate pre-existing thread.
When I said "dittoheads" it was in reference to those that attack the nay-sayers on sight, not those that advocate prequel quality. And your post is sort of an example of what I was talking about. Are you incapable of civil discussion about this subject, seriously? Ask yourself, is a constant hostile response necessary and constructive? Also, how does being a "newbie" effect (affect?) "reasonable discussion"? Are newbies traditionally pious and reasonable? Tell you what, since it seems to upset you so much, I'll reserve any Star Wars comments, negative or otherwise, either to this particular thread or we'll make a new one like "A Critical Review of Episode III". If new Star Wars threads appear, instead of posting directly, I'll simply link back to the critical thread..that way you or others that are miffed by dissent can avoid even looking at it and save yourself the upset.
I think my frustration stems from the fact that even in a thread apparently meant for soliciting critical opinion, the reactionary insult posts invariably continue. Now, I'm not crying "personal attack" or anything, it's just that the overly sensitive Star Wars apologists seem to be quick on the draw of insult rather than debate or intelligent, civil discussion. I don't start my comments with "OMG you're an idiot for liking Episode I", whereas this is the type of response I receive in regard to a reasoned comment. I'm not saying I'm immune from my own form of eventual mud-slinging, but let's not forget where this began: with reactionary insults being hurled at reasonable critiques. Example: "I found the writing to be pretty poor in the prequels, I really hope it's tightened up in the third film along with perhaps some more time spent on visual effects" Reaction: "OMG you haters need to man up and stop crying about perfection. I'm sick of your negative Lucas atttacks. Don't post if you don't love Star Wars! The effects in the original series look like poo compared to the prequels and you're not bitching about them" (A sarcastic and inaccurate reinterpretation of criticism ensues, followed invariably by the "OMG111Oneoneeleven" trend, which we all know makes you the Internet Commander of Sarcastic Comedy). But then again, who am I kidding? I'm going to keep right on with my opinion and I'm sure to expect more of the same from the usual crowd in response. Thankfully, this reactionary passion seems to be reserved only for Star Wars. Here's hoping another trilogy doesn't come along that might cause such upset!
Riiight, that's what I'm "doing". And here I thought I was posting in an internet forum! The other detractors have also been insulted for daring to critique the prequels, I'm not speaking for just myself in that regard. Indeed. If my criticism over the prequels bothers you so much, then why not just ignore it rather than trying to "pick a fight" over it? At the end of the day, why bother getting so upset over comments that aren't aligned with your own?
Sorry to hear that. Maybe we could have a post approval process that runs through both yourself and BSU? If you'd bothered to notice, I've said both positive and negative things about GL and Star Wars in all SW threads. You seem to be overly concerned with my opinion - whereas you won't find me attacking yours. If my opinion riles you so much, just ignore it! I'm aware that this forum is not open for debate on the SW subject, but that won't stop me from reasonably critiquing the films. Can you show me a specific instance where I've posted over and over again? Can you show me where I ever said I wasn't going to see the film? Have I ever said "I refuse to see the film"? No. I'm a fan of Star Wars. I've said before that I hope this one is going to be better than the preceding prequels. The trailer actually looks good to me and I have high hopes. Unfortunately I had high hopes for the previous films and they disappointed me. Hopefully this won't happen again, I'm optimistic it won't due to the impressive trailers lately. I don't purchase DVD's, mainly because I get frustrated by their price and the duplication that occurs when months later you get a "special edition" package that negates your first purchase. Please stop your continuous attacks on those who disagree with you occaisionally.
Not at all. Mostly just perplexed at accusations that fly when there's a difference of opinion. I'm all for lampooning! Keep them coming, they actually make me laugh! Do I need to run my posts past you for approval? What is considered "nice" to you? Are you immune to your own rules? I'm goading the dittoheads? Who's the crowd that instantly insults the prequels' detractors (answer = you and AgentOne). You dish it out, but you can't take it huh? In short, don't be a hypocritical moron. Yes, they certainly look like they were.
You're right about that one. There's many times where I'll make mistakes worthy of burning my English degree! Nice catch. Oops.
Maybe you could poorly photoshop some more comics with dramatically inaccurate license? Would that make you feel better? There there. Just don't run from the thread crying again. Great comeback. You've really got me cringing here.
I forgot, intelligent debate is frowned upon here. Thanks for the reminder! I'm glad you're at least standing up for yourself this time, rather than crying and running like you did in the other Star Wars thread. I don't think you need a Ref, you've already tapped out.
Careful, the MW Lucas Thought PoliceTM will take that critique personally!
Well your photoshop skills are definately on par with your logic! Or should I say "photo-chop"?