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Everything posted by Majestic

  1. Are there any rumors out there for a MP-03? (Masterpiece #3)
  2. 4 to accuse other members of being "fanboys" because said members disagree with the accusers' opinion of lightbulb installation methodology.
  3. Badger Crescendo 175 http://www.dixieart.com/Badger_Crescendo_Model_175.html I'm not the greatest at keeping on top of cleaning this thing utterly and thoroughly every time I use it, yet it's been running great with minimal clogs or problems.
  4. Is the grey Zaku pictured a type of recon Zaku. Don't remember seeing that type.
  5. I'm extremely pissed at Valve for not showing Team Fortress 2 for the 5th year in a row, despite their assurances that there would be an update "after HL2 is released and in the Spring". Instead they're showing the HL2 expansion. Yawn.
  6. Awesome! That's great news. Can't wait for next season already. Someone over at somethingawful had some great 24 animated gifs. Here's one of them:
  7. Yep! Hahaha! So true. My wife always points at big trucks/Hummers on the road and quips: "Wow, he must have a really small penis!".
  8. I understand that the exchange rate/fuel prices/limited availability is driving this price, but damn, $160? This is getting out of my price range for a 1/48 without fastpacks... More for everybody else that's willing to pay I guess!
  9. A lawn gnome porcelain/terra cotta version of the SDF-1 would be a must-buy for me!
  10. Traditionally an art, photography or architecture pictorial book (or can be anything), usually oversized, meant to be kept on or in your coffee table for entertainment purposes for yourself or guests. Not really meant to be taken literally as much as symbolically.
  11. WOOHOO! Can't wait! Here's to a fast pack rerelease as well..
  12. Thank you Hollywood for continuing to f*ck up a great franchise. Let's all travel to the alternate universe, where the studios weren't complete idiots and Alien 5 by Cameron and Scott comes out next Friday (can you imagine how great that film would be?).
  13. I demand a perfect-transformation MP03 Megatron! One that actually shrinks down when it transforms to gun mode!
  14. Maybe this has been linked already, but here's a pretty cool fan-made custom "MP03" Megatron. Doesn't transform though. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...mMakeTrack=true
  15. My custom 1/48 Enigma is at the bottom of this page: http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/toys/m...stoms-148-3.htm MW Member Kurt also did some absolutely incredible Enigma schemes, among many others. Far as I know, the Engima scheme originates from a Japanese Hobby magazine, entirely made up by the artist/builder and not based on a real life scheme, but I could be wrong here.
  16. Latest rumor is that Perfect Dark Zero will be a launch title and "do what Halo did for the X-box". There's another rumor that PDZ may have an X-box live element during single-player gaming. Not only will there be the standard deathmatching, co-op, etc., but they're making it so common enemies you face in single player can actually be controlled by other people over Live. If true, sounds interesting.
  17. Somethingawful.com has had a magnificent forum series bashing Rob Liefeld. The man is supremely horrible at human proportion. Once I was alone in an elevator - just he and I - at a convention. I should have taken the opportunity to kill him then and thus save us all untold suffering. I towered over the man, and I'm only 5' 9"!
  18. Thats because they're just dirty apologists who work for Lucas' PR department and are only on the "high" they get after seeing the movie. Lol.
  19. MatachBox...er Matchbox here too.
  20. "There's still good in you!" I'm more confused by Anakin pre-Vader-killing a room full of children and then later being "redeemed" and being inducted into the Caspar the friendly ghost-Jedi hall of fame. Them Jedi are pretty forgiving.
  21. Hey Blaine23, If only Episode III had Al Swearington in it! "These hoople-headed c*cksuckers had best consider otherwise before they aim to swing their f*cking swords in my joint. Where's that f*cking whore?" Actually, all films should have Al Swearington in them....
  22. This sounds great, I'm growing more optimistic for this film as it fast approaches. Here's to ROTS making up for the previous two atrocities! EDIT: Of course, Kevin has ranked The Phantom Menace as the second-best Star Wars film (next to Empire) so....
  23. That's a shame. I really wish they'd concentrated more on the "serious" gundam marketing and less on SD. I suppose marketing to children is where the money's at, but I think they might have been more successful if they'd marketed to the older collector/anime/adult swim set (more).
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