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Everything posted by Majestic

  1. I was joking about the cockpit and pilot figures! Sorry I forgot to add the smiley at the end to denote "joke"! I hope nobody tried prying anything open that shouldn't be!
  2. Pictures please! Pictures!
  3. LOL. It's comedy that writes itself.
  4. If I didn't already know that everything you post is not to be taken seriously, I'd play along with something like "You're a moron".
  5. I agree, the Qui-Gon vs Darth Maul was pretty awesome. Unfortunately, IMO, the only redeeming quality of The Phantom Menace. At least I got 5 minutes of enjoyment out of that trainwreck. I thought it was a bad idea to kill off such a cool character so quickly (Maul). He should have taken the Grevious role in the third film.
  6. Majestic

    1/48 Yamatos

    High Oil Prices = More expensive plastic production.
  7. Sounds fine to me. Maybe we could see Sith?
  8. Friend of mine had a 69' Charger 440. Damn that was a fun car. I'm not too impressed by its latest incarnation though.
  9. Another hilarious post. The "Internet threat" of meeting face to face to fight over an internet forum discussion - always a timeless (and manly) classic that doesn't come across as moronic in the slightest. EDIT: Unless of course we're meeting to show off Macross collections!
  10. I'm not upset in the slightest. I expect the apologists to start tactlessly crying and insulting whenever I post anything about the prequels. By all means "persecute" away. It apparently makes Agent ONE feel better about himself (I think he needs it). Just talked to a friend and we're now aiming to perhaps catch a screening of the IMAX version at my local theater sometime next week. Should look good on the big screen!
  11. Haha. I know you've already stated not to take any of your posts seriously. In the meantime, keep working on that self-esteem issue. The last couple of your posts have been completely devoid of self-inflating ego trips.
  12. What a surprise, BSU can't avoid getting upset about my opinion even though I haven't even expressed it yet, having NOT seen the film. Is this the part where I get the speech about "expectations and keeping an open mind?". I've already stated several times that my hope is that I'll actually like this film, so take your opinion bashing elsewhere.
  13. Haha! I was waiting for the "bestpage" review! I'm sure it will be right on the money. I'll reserve judgement, of course, until I see it - sometime next week. I'm in no hurry after the disappointments of Eps. I & II, so maybe I'll have to wait for the DVD release.
  14. Remember, as soon as you drive it off the lot, it will lose thousands in value.
  15. Cool writeup on Perfect Dark Zero for the X-box. The initial screens looked terrible, but there was the requisite "its just running at 25%" statements, so we'll see. Anyway, some of these features look good: http://forum.teamxbox.com/showthread.php?t=351281 Highlights: -They will have co-op over xbox live, maybe with four players. Also, the counter op mode is back, allowing you to play through the campaign while your buddies play the bad guys. -The motorcycle can have a driver and a gunner on the back. There's a hovercraft that can seat as many people that can fit on it. They can all shoot but one person can man "a very powerful gun on the back." -The levels are huge as we know, about 12 times as big as "sidewinder" from halo 1. You can also lay down "waypoint markers" for your teammates to see. -The cover system sounds cool, and reminds me of the gears of war deal. You press A to take cover, then you see your reticle. Aim it where you want, and when you press the R trigger, you pop up in first person perspective and shoot. Release R to return to cover.
  16. I'm just glad they fixed the issue with the Konig cockpit hinge with this most recent release. The pilot/crew figures aren't removable though, as previously alleged.
  17. Just wait until Singer is done with Superman, even if he's burned all of his studio bridges by leaving the X-men franchise.
  18. Strangely enough, I was counting the seconds for the scale issue to be addressed.
  19. Which model plane is this one?
  20. Jebus. I'm getting raped for Tamiya for $3.49 a bottle at my local overpriced Hobby shop. Any online resource for cheaper out there?
  21. Check this link out: http://www.oceanic-air.com/seatingchart.htm Click the numbers in that magical sequence, 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42. Don't click the seat, just the #'s
  22. Yet some maintain that the prequels are "teh suck". Even if the third one is indeed good, it won't in my mind make up for the dreck of the first two. (haven't seen it yet, I'm hopeful it won't "teh suck" as much as the other two "teh suck to the nth degree").
  23. All hail the VF0D! Beautiful work!
  24. I'll probably be buying all 3 consoles eventually. What annoys me is the usual Marketing PR bullcrap claims from all camps, although Microsoft appears to have played their cards right by being a little more honest, especially regarding Live plans. This year, Sony's Ken Kutagari has gone on the record saying that the PS3 "is not a game machine". Instead they're calling it a "home entertainment convergence" device. Uh huh. I guess Xbox Live has them somewhat nervous. I remember (like others have noted recently) when the PS2 was touted as displaying "true emotion" and being a home entertainment mega-server, or some crap like that. Turns out it was just another game console. The pre-rendered/not pre-rendered mystery that came out of the PS3's "demo" of Killzone 2 was pretty underhanded as well. Nintendo certainly had a crappy showing at this E3, with the requisite "we don't care about graphics, we care about gameplay" statements. They should have held back until pre-PS3 launch next year to show it off - along with flagship games well into development.
  25. Is Rohby around? I need one of his recast dyrl-color-matched BP8 part for my 1/48 and he's not responding to my PM.
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