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Everything posted by nanashino

  1. Mylene at beach with friends: http://www.macrossmecha.info/non-mecha/mylene_beach.html rare pic...
  2. Mylene Undress Mmmmm... ^o^ -nanashino
  3. This pic's a fake: we clearly see in the show that she doesn't have boobs as big as these... But, its not fake.... I could show you the rest of the line-art that is on the design sheet....
  4. Now.... for the rarest of the rare, by the original artist: Mylene Topless -nanashino
  5. Hmm..... I wonder if Macross fans could get together for the Langley Air Show. Its May 13 – 15, 2005. Any Macross fans on the east coast gonna go? Maybe we could do a mini-con or something. http://www.langleyafbairshow.com/main.htm
  6. Yes you are right. That is some improvement.... lots of differences.
  7. Don't forget the internal launchers and vectored exhaust nozzle. The Night Falcon is stealthy. This could be the reason for the name.
  8. Gamlin's VF-22S Sturmvogel II: -nanashino
  9. If you mean the Hellhound Attack Helicopter that will be coming up later, yes. -nanashino
  10. USAF F-16 Improved Night Falcon: http://www.macrossmecha.info/non-macross/f...ightfalcon.html
  11. JASDF F-16 FS-X Version http://www.macrossmecha.info/non-macross/f...fsxversion.html New link for F-15 Improved Eagle Plus: http://www.macrossmecha.info/non-macross/f...ieagleplus.html
  12. The gun is on the right side. You can see the exhaust vents after the canards in the plan view.
  13. JASDF F-15 Improved Eagle Plus: http://www.macrossmecha.info/non-macross/f15kaiplus.html
  14. [Northrop] Grumman F-14A+2 / F-14A+ Custom Tomcat @ 1024 x 768 for Wallpaper: -nanashino
  15. another Asuka II: -nanashino
  16. Hey now... I can't please everyone. ^^;; Gotta have time for my website. The pics in this thread will be 480 x 272.
  17. The topic is PSP-sized pics. I will scan more larger images soon. Keep an eye on the thread below: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...pic=14139&st=60
  18. Actually, the battery isn't as bad as people are saying. " The PSP will actually last anywhere from 3 hours 45 min (playing Ridge Racers with another player/s over wifi screen brightness lvl 2 volume 1/2 max) to 10 hours 45 min (playing mp3s with the screen off and max volume) The first measurment is anecdotal (my bro and his son tested it out a couple times playing some RR marathons.) The second measurment is based on ign.com's tests conducted shortly after launch... If you want to get a PSP with an extra battery and a case, I would suggest getting the Nyko charger case (can be found online for $50) It's a water-resistant aluminum hard-case that charges the PSP twice using it's own internal battery. This means it extends the PSP battery life by 7-20 hours to a total of 10 hours 45 min to 30 hours (using the above numbers + 2x)" said Mookie Don't want a debate. The topic is Macross images for PSP. I will put up more soon. -nanashino
  19. Enjoy: More to come...... -nanashino
  20. Its an awesome book! Everyone should buy it!!
  21. I guess I'll be the first then.
  22. Hmmm.....I hope it is on the way, but there is always a possibility that they are just pages from the Macross Zero book that was already cancelled. Graham What book is this? Misunderstanding on my part. It looked like the Tenjin book was advertising a seperate Macross Zero CG book to me, but I don't that is the case.
  23. I believe it is "somewhat SD-ish". Beyond the auction itself there was no information.
  24. Didn't win the auction...... : ( but, retouched images: http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/variabl...s_valkyrie.html -nanashino
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