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Everything posted by nanashino

  1. Another quick note.... I believe that the Ghost's landing gear are completely down in the Studio Nue sketch. I think this is so because the arresting hooks would probably not be down unless it was landing and if it is landing at that height off the ground (see shadow) the gear would be fully-extended. That's what I think anyways. Can't wait to hear more on the project. -nanashino www.macrossmecha.info
  2. For reference: http://www.macrossmecha.info/aerospacecraft/qf3000.html and in color (pull from a screen capture).... -nanashino www.macrossmecha.info
  3. Just a note.... Only two QF-2200As were modified for VF-0s to act as boosters. The QF-2200 Ghost is a fully-functionally craft with numerous variations (at least 5) which as been in service for some time before Macross Zero(mass production started in 2002): See: http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/aerospcraft/qf2200d.html and http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/variabl...ostbooster.html -nanashino www.macrossmecha.info
  4. I would like one please. -nanashino www.macrossmecha.info
  5. Thank you. There will be updates today. -nanashino www.macrossmecha.info
  6. You did a really good job with the Space Destroyer. I guess I missed that one.... (Is there any way to still order one?) I would like a Ghost also, depending on how it turns out and the price perhaps two kits. : ) There are no official specifications on the QF-3000E Ghost's size. However there are some Studio Nue drawings. As you said, there is the pre-production pictures of the 'Northrop Ghost" on page 242 of Macross Perfect memory also seen in the new Miyatake book. But this maybe more to go on: As you can see in the image above, the Ghost is rather small compare to the VF-1D on the tarmac. I believe what you have drawn on graph paper may be a bit too big per the concepts and the Macross Space Launching Ceramony Airshow. Then there are the unofficial MAT fan specs, but I wouldn't go with them. They are more in line Ghost variation shown in the Macross 7 Trash manga by HAL which is much larger. -nanashino www.macrossmecha.info
  7. Nanashi's Information Group www.macrossmecha.info -nanashino
  8. I thought the same thing. Wonder if the forum could be modified to use them.
  9. The ranks don't switch between each Macross shows. What you may be experiencing is an incorrect translation or perhaps it is the fact that the forces are integrated.
  10. Greetings, For a long time I wanted to bring this up. We know that after the Macross returns to Earth, Misa gets a promotion from Captain to Major. However, near the end of DYRL there is an animation error which shows her as being a Captain (3 horizontal red bars) then later back to Major (one left vertical red bar and one horizontal red bar). In 2012, she is seen back at 3 bars.... I doubt that she got demoted in rank after being promoted to the position of ship captain for the Megaroad-01. So... is this an error or does the fact that there is a thick black border around the three red bars signify a rank higher than Major? I have been working on these: http://doujin.macrossmecha.info/kappa/unspacy_ranks.html (DYRL and Macross Plus ranks shown)
  11. Karyobin: http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/aerospcraft/mim31.html nanashino www.macrossmecha.info
  12. Ever wonder what they looked like? 1982.... that was a long time ago. Here is a group photo from the Rhapsody in Love CD set. Oh those beautiful people : ) -nanashino www.macrossmecha.info
  13. FL-200 Mistral Fighter: http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/aerospcraft/fl200.html -nanashino www.macrossmecha.info
  14. Updated: http://www.macrossmecha.info -nanashino
  15. Micro missiles have [high maneuverability(high mobility)] verniers in lieu of or in addition to other controls for steering the missile to the target and for [random] evasion flight pattern to avoid being shot down before reaching the target. -nanashino www.macrossmecha.info
  16. The most of the missiles in Macross have verniers. -nanashino www.macrossmecha.info
  17. Awesome stuff! -nanashino www.macrossmecha.info
  18. Correction: Aerospace-Use Heavy Attacker http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/aerospc...y_attacker.html -nanashino
  19. Actually, I think these look better: -nanashino
  20. Hey WJ, how's that website coming? You ever gonna finish it, or are you just gonna keep posting kiddie porn up on MW? The website is coming along just fine. No, I probably won't ever finish it-just keep adding to it and changing it. Not sure about kiddie porn, but I am sure about you. That's for certain. More Mylene pics soon. Seems to me you just do a whole lot of changing, and very little adding. What about that last big site redesign you did? You had that for what, 2 years, with no content? Maybe it was 3 years. Why did you ditch that one, WJ? I don't see your Macross website anywheres, just your stupid comments. I will work on my website when I feel like it to if my schedule permits. You seem to have a problem with every post that I make. Don't like me posting here? Well, guess what? Tough sh!t I don't give a damn what you think. Windjammer/Nanashi's does not answer to Duke Togo. Nor does he care what "The Duke" says, feels, or does. Go f^ck yourself, then get a life and before you say it.... I have a life and I enjoy it thank you very much---If I want to post images of a cute young Macross character I will do so. Back On-Topic: -nanashino
  21. -nanashino
  22. Hey WJ, how's that website coming? You ever gonna finish it, or are you just gonna keep posting kiddie porn up on MW? The website is coming along just fine. No, I probably won't ever finish it-just keep adding to it and changing it. Not sure about kiddie porn, but I am sure about you. That's for certain. More Mylene pics soon.
  23. More pedophilia, what a surprise. This is bordering on disgusting. Hey, if you don't like Mylene or Macross 7what are you doing in this thread anyways? Stop looking if you don't like what you see. What a silly question. Anybody care to tell WJ why I am posting in this thread? Not sure, but I can take a guess.... it probably has something to do with you being a stupid f*cking a-hole. Edit: Correct image link....
  24. More pedophilia, what a surprise. This is bordering on disgusting. Hey, if you don't like Mylene or Macross 7what are you doing in this thread anyways? Stop looking if you don't like what you see.
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