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Everything posted by nanashino

  1. Überraschen! Schön! Wundervoll! ; ) Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  2. Amen brother! http://doujin.macrossmecha.info/daicon/daicon_vf1.html http://doujin.macrossmecha.info/daicon/dai...er-macross.html Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  3. Perfect Song, from the perfect album, for the perfect anime.. ^o^ Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  4. Where do you get "Mina the Moon Rabbit Girl" from? I only see onnanoko written on Gainax's design sheets.
  5. Nanashi's Information Group -Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  6. Info on the GA-28A Micro Missile/Pod and HAIM-95A Launcher Pod: http://www.macrossmecha.info/nalw/gh28a.html (updated) http://www.macrossmecha.info/nalw/haim95a.html Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  7. Very nice work! Should you have painted over the headlights, etc. though? Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  8. That is good. I am glad that you are making it more like the offical sources rather than this one. Your sketch is more accurate in various ways (missiles hatches, nose, canards.) Are you going to make the control surfaces movable? hehe The model will probabaly be too small to do that. Those QF-3000E has inverted two spoilerons/air brakes inside of the landing gear bay doors on the bottoms surface: http://www.macrossmecha.info/aerospacecraft/qf3000.html (bottom image) which are similar to the Super Bird's four: http://nanashino.macrossmecha.info/aerospc.../superbird.html (top image) Thank you! Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  9. I believe it was 3000 or 4000 Yen plus express shipping. Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  10. Wow, just got my kit today in the mail. Thanks for making one for me honneamise! Its beautiful! Very detailed and awesome quality! -Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  11. I am not certain how limited it is. But, from what I hear they (only a handful ?) were raffled off at one event Wonder Fest (or perhaps another Hobby convention in Japan)-I think. Not certain. If anyone knows more about it please tell me because I am interested in knowing the exact details myself. Also, I wonder if there was a limited YF-21 to go along with the YF-19.... -nanashino www.macrossmecha.info
  12. In an auction. Got it cheap too. About the same cost as a regular edition. Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  13. Looks pretty good.... I wasn't going to show this, but what the hell. First, let me say that this is not official, not [completely] accurate, and it is fan-made.... it is however a side view of the QF-3000E Ghost drawn by the doujin group called MAT (Macross Attack Team/Multi-configuration Analysis Team) : -Nanshi's www.macrossmecha.info
  14. Awesome work Lestat!! The Macross looks super sweet and the Megaroad-01..... man I think this might be the first time someone has ever modelled it as a 3D model, huh? Looks great! -Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  15. Hooyah! -Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  16. Hiya, I have been meaning show these off for a while.... 1/144 VF-1A Valkyrie DYRL Hikaru-Type 1/144 VF-1S Valkyrie DYRL Focker-Type 1/144 VF-1J Valkyrie TV Max-Type 1/144 VF-1J Valkyrie TV Millia-Type 1/144 YF-19 Macross Plus 1/144 YF-21 Macross Plus 1/144 VF-19A Excalibur Macross VF-X 2/VF-X Ravens 1/144 YF-19 Macross Plus Limited Event Only Metallic Version BTW, FYI Wal-Mart is now carrying a keepsake case/frames for only $20 each (4 different colors available). It has the perfect depth to store all the Doyusha Macross die-cast toys that there are. Check it out: -Windjammer Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  17. I would like to buy a kit. -"Windjammer" Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  18. Beautiful artwork! You are truely an artist in multiple respects. -nanashino www.macrossmecha.info
  19. That's right Graham. We do not know that the HAIM-95A is anything like the real life Hughes AIM-95. We know that they are the same thing. The Hughes AIM-95 was a short range missile meant to replace the Sidewinder, but the program got cancelled. Perhaps in the world of Macross [Zero], the program or one like it was [re]started. I only included it because it may be an inspiration for the model designation. There is no more official data available as yet. -Windjammer Nanashi's Information Group www.macrossmecha.info Well the HAIM-95 is not that big judging by the photo on this page. But The pod on the VF-0A's wing is pretty huge. IMO it certainly looks large enough to hold more than 4 of the HAIM-95 missiles. And don't forget that 4 missiles is just Nanashino's guess, not an official figure from Kawamori or Big West. Graham 336534[/snapback]
  20. Oh yeah.... thank you Hasegawa! GH-28A: http://www.macrossmecha.info/nalw/gh28a.html HAIM-95A: http://www.macrossmecha.info/nalw/haim95a.html -Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  21. Another: http://www.macrossmecha.info/nalw/gh28a.html Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  22. The Hasegawa VF-0 w/ Ghost model kit includes new technical data.... See the following newly-created Nanashi's entry: http://www.macrossmecha.info/nalw/haim95a.html -Nanashi's www.macrossmecha.info
  23. Very nice. Don't forget that a red "flying kite" in a white circle is supposed to the symbol of the U.N. Ground Forces. Are you going to include some type of technical write up with it? -nanashino www.macrossmecha.info
  24. Working on my site like always. Thanks. Just trying to help. -Nanashi's www.macrossmecha
  25. I think Grayson72 correct about the gear. The left gear strut does not seem to be fully- deployed yet.... Hey unmanned fighter, hurry up and get that gear down! hehe You are welcome. I am glad I can help. I'd want the model to be right. Are you make the air brake/control surfaces movable? They act similar to the Superbird's.... -nanashino
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