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Everything posted by Ceil

  1. *Waves hand in dismissal* I haven't the patience for this, I guess... I have a hideous basic outline of the cockpit, chestplate, and a wing, and already I know I'm not going to ever finish it. I just don't know the 3D realm well enough, and I can't teach it to myself for some reason. Guitar and Photoshop; easy. Got both of them down relatively easy. But I just don't know how you people can make such great works in so difficult a field. Props to game makers. I'll prolly continue making paint schemes on line art, but the 3D world is just too complex. I'd have better luck making a model in clay. Thx for your help, though. I'll continue to keep track of this thread and observe and admire, if you don't mind. I'm afraid I just don't have any talent whatsoever to contribute to this field. The rest of you should most definately continue tho I've been much impressed by several of the works displayed here. I envy your talent, all of you. I can even follow tuts to the LETTER and it still comes out a steamin' pile. HF... mebbe the urge to give 3D art a sixth chance will come over me one of these days.
  2. Rodavan - Ooooh those are good. But I found gold to your silver Right here on MW too Gammera - Man I love those realistic type shots... Reminds me that the little guy can do stuph those big fancy movie makers can do \../, A sample: Beautiful *Saves your pix too... they'll come in handy *
  3. Yeah, think someone can hook me up with some orthographic views of the VF-1J? I have top, bottom, front, back, and side views of a completed fighter mode VF, but it recently occured to me that I've no idea what the wings look like under the body Like, pictures of parts of a model maybe? I have no cash ((mom's family may actually sue us soon ;x)), so buying a model - my current small dream - is out of the question. I can Google the hell out of some line art, but not so much luck with "schematics" or w/e Any help's appreciated. Rodavan - Dude, that's not a toy? NURBs look cool. Mebbe one day when I'm leet... The_WOZ - \../, thx [Edit: Forgot to disable smilies... I'm an IRC fan]
  4. Heh, actually I've got ADHD so I'm kinda stuck with a short attention span from something other than my ava The Leaf actually helps me to focus; without it, I'd be bored with a project within minutes. Art Under the Influence, though, and I can stare at the computer screen and play with Photoshop for hours on end Heh I heard that. I'm always tweakin' my own little art projects. I think it was Da Vinci that said "Art is never completed, only abandoned." :Dat: I know, practice makes perfect. I just have trouble starting Like when I try to drive a standard... Rocky as hell getting it to move, but once i'm in motion i can shift gears etc cleanly :x Anyway, this is how I'm thinkin' of breakin' up the pieces. Does it look good to you? ((note, white pieces are their own objects... ran out of colours))
  5. Been watchin' this thread for a while, and I've seen some great works. Some of these valks are very realistic, and that SDF-1 was jaw-dropping. Just a question from one with no 3D art experience... How do you do it? Seriously, what's the first thing you model? How many pieces are made? How long did it take to make your first Valk? Your most recent? I've been designing schemes for the VF-1J, and recently ((mainly because of this thread)) decided to give it a shot in 3D. If anyone knows of any tutorials or step-by-steps ((I have Gmax and trueSpace 3.2 - the latter I discovered from this thread)) for designing even a non-variable fighter that'd be great. Hopefully my short attention span won't kick in before someone replies to this ;x I generally only keep up with something for a few weeks before moving on to something else. Seems when I stop learning about the new thing, I lose interest. Don't let me lose interest in Macross! I shall learn forever! Thx.
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