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Everything posted by rnurmin

  1. Great job
  2. CHAVAKAISER: What did you mean by Small collection???
  3. Wow, wonder if this is going to sell?
  4. Awesome job, DatterBoy
  5. rnurmin

    1/48 Gbp

  6. I apologize if this has been discussed before. Where does the gunpod being stored in the motorcycle mode?
  7. Not sure if this has been discussed before. Does the Super Stealth comes with the Strike cannon? From the pics, it doesn't show the strike cannon in there.
  8. 1) About to get married by the end of this year. I have been living with my Fiance for a while now. She is okay with my hobby as long as I control the spending spree. 2) I buy the valks that I like. I don't have a complete collection of all 1/48 valks that have been released. I have about one or two of everything. I don't keep up with all the reissues. 3) Rule of thumb: Never spend more than what you have on your excess cash (savings) each month. If you really want to buy something that you want and it will jeopardise your wallet, then sell some of your other collections on Ebay to recuperate the cost. Rnurmin
  9. Thank you for the pics, SaveRobotech. I really dig the VF-0S and the GITS Tachikoma with the Motoko figure (these 2 items rock). Graham: I noticed the "Black display-stand" in SaveRobotech's pictures of VF-0S. Is that another variant of display stand or it is just a custom? Also, IIRC the VF-0S has a different landing gears mechanism, right? Thanks,
  10. Welcome to Macrossworld, Dana Nice pictures and costumes of the cosplays
  11. You know, I don't mind if Kojima uses the directors that directed these movies: Bourne Supremacy
  12. OKAY, where can I place an order for this ?
  13. Wow, Cool job I hope one day you can produce your own animation film
  14. WOW Again........ WOW
  15. Thanks for the pics, Graham
  16. Wow, talk about talent and attention to details. Envy... envy... Can someone explain to me the differences between Fuchikomas and Tachikomas? Are the Tachikomas between the 1st Gig and 2nd Gig any different?
  17. WOW again Pictures are huge and blurry...but that's a nice YF-21 347391[/snapback]
  18. This is just awesome. Not something that one can expect to get in the workplace. Sorry - hadn't been on the site for a few days. We actually trade off ... I'm lead on some songs, he does the others. He's actually a pretty good player, which was a surprise going in and not at all what I was expecting. Very definitely holding his own. This is really his thing, though ... The choice of tunes we do aren't exactly my first choice, but how am I going to pass up a chance to play gigs like this? You can't even see the back of the room for all the warm bodies out there. I was walking around like a teenager in love for a solid week last year after the first show ... just a huge stupid grin on my face ... Especially when all the cute realtor girls would come up and say "You were that guitar player, weren't you?". Bliss, my friend. Utter Bliss. 361751[/snapback]
  19. Financial Analyst
  20. Wow, thanks for the pics. For its' size, I am very impressed with the details.
  21. Sometimes the files are in MKV type. For playing those type of files, you have to use Windows Media Player Classic. The normal Windows Media Player will only play WAV files
  22. Happy belated New Year
  23. Damn it, I lost at the end
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