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Everything posted by rnurmin

  1. Yep, I am interested in attending. But I am not sure whether I can join you guys or not since I don't know what time I'm going to be there. Keep me posted on this.
  2. Wow, this is amazing. Thanks for sharing the links
  3. Duh, my bad Um... check the link in his original post. 339655[/snapback]
  4. Fortress_Maximus: I am interested. What is this JTAF anyway? I've never heard about it. Between, what date will the JTAF occur?
  5. One word, WOW Excuse me while I go pick up my jaw
  6. Thanks for the explanation, Capt'
  7. Wow, if he can dress up as Char, that is worth it Wonder if he will wear the mask as well
  8. Captain America: Sorry if these have been discussed before, but what are the differences on the kit's finishes below: vanilla, clear, pigmented, non pigmented, etc? Thanks,
  9. rnurmin

    Rohby's SD Max 1J

    EXO: Looks nice. How come the hands seemed flimsy in the figher mode? Between, any plans to paint the pilot figure?
  10. Hello, Can you put me down for 2? Thanks
  11. Thanks for the pics. For some reason, the pilot's uniform reminds me of Kakizaki
  12. Wow, looks awesome
  13. Sweet. Nice paint job Did you use a glossy coat on top of the base color?
  14. You know, I wonder why they don't make these things transform... The Suit design looks cool
  15. I donated through the company I work for (where they are matching every dollars of donation)
  16. I got two of them and I love it Considering the size and transformation steps, it is an amazing toy.
  17. Wow, that figure is nice. I wonder if they have the original Motoko version in the other uniform
  18. MilSpex: If you can visit the TRU again in the next week, please let us know. I will be interested in a 1/48 VF-1J Max and Millia
  19. Wow, very very nice. I'm definitely buying one for sure Thanks for the pics, Graham. Also, can you share the pics of the SV-51 with the boosters?
  20. The Aquarion looks awesome.
  21. Last time I heard from the radio was that there's some issue in the story plot. I guess one of the Exec tried to revised the story plot. Things ended up ugly from there.
  22. Wow, this looks cool
  23. Wow, I am confused Sorry for the lame questions but are these thread discussion based on "Gundam Seed" or "Gundam Seed Destiny"??? Sorry if I didn't know since I haven't been following Gundam for a while.
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