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Destroid Armour Waxer

Destroid Armour Waxer (3/15)



  1. mannnnnn... dunno if i'm that Hard Core... but who knows?
  2. A Gamlin (or Gremlin) KO special has arrived.
  3. He's a Space Ranger, and a Power Range Saturn! All in one!
  4. purchased in the late 90s I think... an era where cell phones could utilize a strap.... iphones today, not so much?
  5. man, that is outstanding.
  6. this would be for next year? i may just make arrangements if this is so. i've always wanted to participate in one of these events... from all the way to the very first Con...
  7. lololololololllllllll!!!! Aint that the truth!
  8. still debating about getting the vf-19... i still don't own the 1/60 version....
  9. oh shoot, you still waiting on yours Greg?
  10. hmmmm, you may be on to something here.... lol
  11. ouch! at least with these VT-1s, the "broken parts upon arrival", aren't as bad as the YF-21s that just came out? still, sorry to see your tail fin like that
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