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Everything posted by DatterBoy

  1. Was definitely the highlight of my life at the time. Like it or not, Macross owes tons of cred to Robotech... (Am I getting banned?)
  2. Old names and old timers... Happy New Year, guys!!!
  3. Jung's Custom JM http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...e]Your%20Custom
  4. Like I said, JM's are awesome. I got inspired by the Customs gallery here on MW. Check it out. You might fall in love too. Macrossworld JM Customs Gallery
  5. I dunno, Dok... you animated yours and did Hollywood effects. You got me beat to a living pulp... However, I may be able to produce something... Gimme a couple months. We'll see what happens. Watever happened to Az?
  6. I would agree. I bought a few and customed them up. Once I was done and got as much detail on it as I could, I have to say that my JM's easily rivaled my 48's.
  7. What can I say, you're a legend!
  8. Did I ever put this one up?
  9. Damn, you remember that?... I actually did swear off toys, but at the time I meant more or less Macross toys. Since then, i have only ogtten 1 thing - The masterpiece megatron. I say I would get this revo. but I probably won't.
  10. Rod, missin the old days, buddy. Throw one up.
  11. Heard it was 20$... If that's the case, I know I'm picking one up.
  12. I'm amazed at the poses you could pull off with the Revoltech joint system and wanted to give it a try on my CG model. Here's one to start the thread off, please post your poses too!
  13. Cartoon Network is good at stories. I fthe team is simalar to the Teen Titans, it should be good. I actually think the toys lok better than the cartoon.
  14. Gammera, your stuff always looked good. Would love to see the model rendered with some shadows n stuff. IU think the head on the valk sits a tad low. Looks like Ed Sullivan Syndrome. Keep it up.
  15. All the chicks I know who saw it liked it. There was one who was a bit upset by it. Sh eis a Persian and said that Xerxes historically was one of her favorite rulers and that the movie made him look bad.
  16. Take your lan card and try it in another PC. If it works, then it is a strong chance there is something wrong with your MB. Also, try it in another PCI slot. There may be something wrong with that slot in particular. If it does not show up in your device manager, then it is not being recognized at all. There are many possibilities as to what is wrong, but those are the places I would start first.
  17. well, mostly YAMATO's... You know how comics used to be 75 cents? And candy bars were like 25 cents? Well toys used to be 3-6 bucks, the ones we wanted anyhow. Somehoe, someone figured out that those dudes who bought the 3-6 dollar toys in their youth would pay 100+ for toys in their adulthood and then laced it with heroin... now we're screwed and they pummel us to the point that we ruin ourselves with the anticipation and finances required to obtain the stuff. As KingNor said to me, I think it's time for an overhaul. I'm swearing off toys for good (I hope) and it all began with the VF-0S. I wanted that thing, very badly, but it was the most expensive valk to date. And now, there's a parade of pricey valks. All of which I would love to have, but would require a small bank loan to actually pull off. Overkill, me thinks. Farewell, forum peeps. I'm sure most of you don't know me, but it's been swell. Time for me to move on. If I come into large sums of money, I'll be back! DAMN YOU YAMATO!
  18. Dude.. speaking of Hollywood magic.. look at the treatment they do for Tom Cruise. Dude is like 5'6 or something.
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