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Everything posted by DatterBoy

  1. MIne is also based on the DYRL template. At the time when I made it, I didn't have the hasegawa model sheets so I used those instead. I have to say, they do have their own charm... but I am contemplating doing another sculpt in the hasegawa style since the top view looks to be a bit wide in batt mode. :Dat
  2. Mechmaster, Is that a transformable valk or isthat based solely onthe Hasegawa Batt? :Dat
  3. What are we looking at for prices here?
  4. DatterBoy

    Naked yammie pics

    Guppy, I had an incredibly hard time taking the nosecone off the yammie, not sure how this is done without causing some damage to my valk. How did you do it? :Dat
  5. My bad. My understanding was this was the rule if you were going to actually post the pics in the thread. because they are provided as links, they do not prohibit the download sped of the actual message board and it leaves it to the reader to decide whether or not he wnats to go with it. I think Draykov did fine... My two cents...
  6. Still loving that model brian. Looks so damn clean. How much rebuilding did it take after your hard drive crashed? :Dat
  7. So here's the deal, I went out and looked for the metal bars to make the hip bars from but could not find anything good. Have not tried a hobby shop yet cuz I dont know of any round here. Took my 1/60 hikaru I got for 22$ apart and it still lies in pieces. I totally want that perfect transformation 1/60 but dont know where to get the parts for it nor do I have much faith in my metal working skills to bend and cut some pieves to fit... Not sure where this project is going but I may just make a nice 1/60 max tv... :Dat Thanks for the ref EXO
  8. CORY: It was based almost entirely on the 1/60s I had. I didn't have any of the 1/48s and I had none of the Hasegawa model drawings so I used the Yamato 60's as my primary reference. A few things used a 1/48 as a ref, from pics, or what I understood of it (still don't own one) such as the swing bar for the legs and the joint in the upper thigh, as well as he notion of the changing/removeable air intakes. Hands were a guess at how it should look based on DYRL, but they are pretty off, I'm sure. LPARISEK Thanks man! I seriously cannot wait till I get the textures on, but not sure how that's gonna happen. My first few attempts have failed quite poorly. Hoping to get my modelling buddy to help me out, but he lives a bit far away. :Dat
  9. Another one for fun.. darn it... must... learn... texturing... :Dat
  10. Still working on detailing up my model. I gotta tell you guys, I don't know if it was me, but I tried using the texturing tips the Dok gave and the ones that Brian put up on his site as a reference.. and man.. it's tough... Been seeing everyones wonderfully textured models and couldn't wait to start on doing mine but once I plopped down and put some serious time into it... I always got stumped. I should seriously take a class.. Rodavan.. that model has got to be near perfect... Love it :Dat
  11. VICVIPER: You know, those are great models, and I'd be curious to see what becomes of them once you get them textured up. You mentioned using a low poly count, and although it shows, the model will likely take on a whole new life once you get those textures on so I can't wait to see what happens to them once they're completed. BRIAN: Great site man, really brings it all together, only... CG is spelled backwards in your banner.... :Dat
  12. DG: I know what you mean, but weird thing was when I changed the softness/hardness, it didnt seem to make the abberation go away, it always was there no matter how soft or hard I made it, but to differing degrees. Not sure what it is about the GI rig that causes it but I only get it with the GI lighting Rig. I have found, however, that you can minimize it by upping the intensity for the top or bottom set of lights depending on which one hits it more directly, this however, limits your control over the lighting. I also know what you mena about not fixing it, it sometimes givees my Valk a weathered look without Texture Mapping... MECHANINAC: Hey there, your CG stuff looks pretty good. Well detrailed too. I would however prefer to see something of that sort in another thread as this one focuses primarily on a mass CG project of Macross that a bunch of the guys are working on. I think your work can be appreciated by the folks here the most, but perhaps in another thread in order to keep focus. But then again... the folks here have been known to stray from time to time... :Dat
  13. Hey Dok, I noticed that you get some of that "dark" in the render. Is this a result of the GI rig? I never saw it before I started using it and after I did, I noticed that some parts of my model, despite being relatively on the same recieving end of the light tends to go dark. Not sure why that happens. I notice it happening on your Battroid on the landing gear doors specifically. What's the dela with that? :Dat
  14. Hey DG, How do you change the background render color? It defaults to black and I can't seem to find where to change it... :dat
  15. Weird... almost as if the MM are underpriced and the other valks are incredibly overpriced... I am sure they are legit.. but...... :dat
  16. Here's another.. still playing with that fake GI.. thanks Brian: As for the poster and cafexpress, I think that's a great idea for other macrossworlders. As for profit.. I am not adverse... but it's all good one way or another. hahahahaha :Dat
  17. Just had another thought... What about modes? How about 2 variations of this poster? - All Fighters - Mixed :Dat
  18. MASS CG PROJECT MASTER MODELS LIST VE-1 ELINT - Aztek VF-0S Focker - Brianw76 VF-1A Max TV Colors - Datterboy VF-1J Max TV Super Colors - Datterboy VF-1J Millia Super TV Colors - Datterboy VF-1S Max Strike DYRL Colors - Datterboy VF-1J Hikaru Colors - Brianw76 VF-1S Strike Hikaru Colors - Aztek VF-1S Focker Colors - Doktor Gonzo YF-19 - Brianw76 SF-3A Lancer - The Woz MK-II Monster TV Colors - lparisek MBR-04 Tomahawk TV Colors - lparisek (If I get it textured in time) Cannon Fodder - anyone who has one... Before we loose the ones I claimed... seemed to have been dropped in the more recent posts... And I was thinking, since the CF has many instances, maybe anyone who has a CF can put one in? :Dat
  19. MASS CG PROJECT MASTER MODELS LIST VF-0S Focker - Brianw76 VF-1A Max Super TV Colors - Datterboy VF-1J Max Super TV Colors - Datterboy VF-1J Millia Super TV Colors - Datterboy VF-1J Hikaru Colors - Brianw76 VF-1S Hikaru Colors - Aztek VF-1S Focker Colors - Doktor Gonzo VF-1S Max Strike - Datterboy YF-19 - Brianw76 SF-3A Lancer - The Woz I've got myself down for 4 diff ones, since I really wanna represent a 1S and1 I love MAX... let me know if that is too many... :Dat
  20. MASS CG PROJECT MASTER MODELS LIST VF-1S Roy Focker Colors - Doktor Gonzo VF-1J Hikaru Colors - Brianw76 VF-0S Roy Focker (If we can allow it to be in space) - Brianw76 YF-19 - Brianw76 VF-1J Max & Millia TV Colors - Datterboy VF-1A Max TV Colors - Datterboy
  21. Rod, Just curious, if the model is in nurbs, then how is your approach to the panel lines? I definitely think that modelling them looks way better than texturing them in. I understand the concept of NURBS, but not sure how you would pull of panel lines and didn't see any panel lines modelled in your nosecone and chestplate shots. Are you planning to do the modelled panel lines there too? :dat
  22. Hey Az, don't sweat the scans. Brian was kind enough to send me some of the Batt and the Jet so I'm good to go!... unless you have scans of the the jey from the front... I think that is the only one I'm missing. Unfortunately, I am not a ssmart as you. Prep work would have been a great thing for me to do on mine and would have likely saved me a lot of time. I didn't have a lot of refs available so I hunted Macross world and used my 1/60 as the primary ref. Pretty much eyeballed it as best I could. Now that I've learned what I know... it almost seems like I wasted too much time on thevalk, it should have come much sooner... But Damn if that Brian doesn't move fast... he'a already got a VF-0 going... :Dat
  23. Lookin godd Az! What was your primary reference for building this thing? :Dat
  24. DatterBoy

    HLJ Crazy Sales

    Is shipping still 15$ USD per item? Last time I bought from them they did not combine shipping and resulted in me paying 30$ for shipping... What's the deal with that? :Dat
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