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Everything posted by DatterBoy

  1. OK all, I'm thinking this is gonna be pretty darn close to final for the modelling. I'm very happy with how the resculpts came out. New back and chest plates (without panel lines modelled in, sorry DOK, I know you prefer that), and all new legs, top and bottom. Less polys so I can focus on the textures. Jet shots: All I need now is: - clean the legs - leg intake panels - front chestplate intakes - shoulder detail - landing gear - leg transformation hydraulics --- maybe I have a lot more to go than I think. :Dat
  2. Hey Rodavan, Great model, NURBS? :Dat
  3. MECHMASTER, great detail, you should hit that up with a GI render to see what it would look like in real light. That would be sweet. Checked out my textures in Batt mode, looks like I need to do some more re-modelling. :Dat
  4. DOK, sweet as ever. Gonna need some help as I venture into the displacement and bump arena for texturing. Also did some upper leg/intake remodelling. You can kinda see it in this render, but it definitely has different proportions and is "softer" overall. Although I like the "toy" look, I want to get to a slightly more realistic point. Want to give the model more of a rounded edged feel as opposed to the hash edges I see when I compare my valk to the others on the board (thanks for the side by side). Also, can you tell me why I get the whole "Blue Glass" thing in my renders? I am not sure which setting I shoudl change in the material properties to avoid this brightness and color gather... Thanks :Dat
  5. Another update. Sorry about all the similar looking pics, but I'm really excited about this whole texturing thing (I'm such a texture idiot) Added some backplate textures, thinned out nose and chest panel lines, fixed some discoloration isues between tyhe body and the nosecone, etc... :Dat
  6. In MAYA, what are the best settings for glass? :Dat
  7. Thanks Dok, but you know, I still think I need to learn how to map by unwrapping polygons as well since there are some things I can't do with the projected maps. For instance, you'll notice the stretch on the intake arrows on the chest. I'm wondering, perhaps a texture assigned to a face would fix that issue, or would I have to learn some more advanced mapping techniques? :Dat
  8. DOK! You rule man, thanks again for all the tips. I think I can finally realize my dreams of a completed Valk now that I have an idea how to texture. Just threw up a few quick textures, totally rough just to see what it would look like. Was wondering, anyone got tips on how to make a good metal looking texture? Aluminum-ish as opposed to shiny metal. Kind of dull and spotted. Thanks! :Dat
  9. Love the idea. that way I won't have to hunt for the posts when I wanna see one of them. I recommend that if you do, you define the numbe rof shots for submission as wellas the angels of view so you can define a standard. :Dat
  10. Quite nice, tho I am not a fan of the orange tiped nosecone. Great work. :Dat
  11. Dan... Holy Crap.... There's more detail in the cockpit than there is in my entire model.. hahahahaha. How much of the valk have you gotten done? :Dat
  12. ROD: You mean texture? hahaha Dude.. serious when I say.. I FREAKIN TRIED!!! Got some advice from DOK, read a bunch of tutorials, tried a bunch of walk throughs... always got lost a t some step and could not find the transitionary process between the step I understood and the one I got lost at... I would LOVE to see my valk textured up, but don't have a clue as to how to do it.... SUCKS!!! I love this thing, it's not as good as a lot of the ones I've seen here, but this is my baby. And for the life of me I can't complete it. And to be honest, I thik a lot of it has to do with poor modelling and complex polygon modelling that is highly ineffiicnet which ultimately is gonna make this thing a nightmare to texture even if I knew how... :Dat
  13. sick - adj Freaking awesome and insane in nature. Dope.
  14. It's been a while, so here's one for fun: Did you all see RODAVAN's Glaug? Sick.... :Dat
  15. Now take a step back and get a shot of everything at once... :Dat
  16. When, as in at what point does the nosecone begin to slide? :dat
  17. Sounds to me as if that layer was not intended to be removed. :Dat
  18. Makes me wonder if this was intende or if you are now peeling off a protective layer coat... :Dat
  19. So you're saying that the Yamto stickers have a protective layer over the actual sticker and overall are thinner than what most people believed? :Dat
  20. $37 bucks.... and then $13-15 for shipping... Damn....
  21. I've been wanting to get started on one of these I got from Rohby a bit back. Anyone makes these or have any tips on how this should be approached? Thanks :Dat
  22. DatterBoy

    Gualg CG

    What modelling method do you use to model the panel lines? Booleans, or is this a NURBS model? :Dat
  23. Not sure about animation, but I think a lot of the CG masters here on MW already got his valks beat... the Dok and Rodavan, Mechmaster, Brian... and a whole bunch of others have some crazy sweet stuff. :Dat
  24. No regrets, I love em all 1/60 =9 1/48 =3 FP =3 Banpresto=4 JM Recast =2 Still would like a VE-1 and a VT-1 :Dat
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