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Everything posted by DatterBoy

  1. I call MAX-1S when you do the DYRL MAX vs MiLLIA Q Rau fight! Hey RODAVAN, what say you and I make a composite for the hell of it recreating one of those scenes? Specifically the one where they flyinto the bay on that ship and have a close quarters shoot out... :Dat
  2. Maybe the poster can be a Movie Promo.... Hollywood style! :Dat
  3. I'm no good at animating, but you can sure as heck use my model! :Dat
  4. That's what I'm talkin bout. More pics. interesting hydraulic rig you got going for your shoulder pivot. What made you decide to go in that direction with it? :Dat
  5. I'd like for you to post em just so I can check out the work, sounds awesome. Makes me want to work towards bette rmechanical function on my model too. :Dat
  6. Hey AZ, There was a party. Any chance you can get that Gerwalk to pose like the other ones in the lineup? I really like how your model is mechanically functional, like the detail in the shoulder pivots. :Dat
  7. Thanks RODAVAN, but I still think your model is absolutely solid! And last but not least:
  8. The final Gerwalk.. looks like the head lasers are long...
  9. KNIGHT26: I think the head lasers aren't long.. they just don't have the girth they should probably have, or, too thin. Well, kinda depends on preference. Length wise, they are the same height as the Yamato 1J proportionate to the height of the head... or they should be unless I mis-measured.. I should check again. I should probably give it a bit more girth though... BRIAN: At least you guys have other stuff you all been working on. This is my only obsession, and iI needed to get it out of the way since it's been sucking up all my time... I;ve got 1S heads and 1A heads which I'll be making textures for, and then MAYBE some weathering and metal looking texture maps I should probably apply. But like DOK said, I respect all the work you guys do and wanted to at least be near the level of quality you guys do. I'll get some posts of the other A and S models up later just as a final "I'm done" thing. :Dat
  10. OK all, I'm gonna call this done. Let me know when we're ready to composite the final. I'm ready for it! :Dat
  11. Only other fan racer I know of was done by brian. Looks to me that the one here is done by Nurbs though, tends to have that truky realistic look. DOK, when you got a sec, I can't seem to figure out how to do the bump mapping over my existing textures so I can get the panel lines bumped in. Give a brother a hand? I understand the basic concepts in terms of grey to white and black and how they effect, but I can't seem to figure out how to apply my bump maps to my valk. Thanks :Dat
  12. A few from CGtalk.com, some good stuff out there. :Dat
  13. DatterBoy

    Kids and your toys

    I have a 1.5 yr old. He got a hold of a gundam.. snapped that sucker in half. needless to say, he is not going to be touching any of the yammies.... :Dat
  14. Great work RODAVAN. Seriously wish I knew how to do models in NURBS or Sub-D so I can get them looking as smooth as yours are. Keep up the great work. You have a site where you show off some of your other non Macross works? :Dat
  15. Still missing the VT and the VE, and I will have them. Seriously, 1/48's are awesome, but the weight and size of the 60's make em great toys. :dat
  16. BRIAN: Nice gerwalk comparison. DOK, AZ, care to Join? Another lineup DOK? :Dat
  17. Damn, I tried that, didn't have any luck with it... the transparency thing just stays. I'll give it another shot. Also found out as I begin to texture that my chest and nosecone pieces have proprtion issues. Think my Valk lloked better untextured, now I may have to go back and remodel those pieces... Should have used Hasegawa schematics... hahahaha. ::Dat
  18. DOK: Got a problem with the model. I am trying to start my textures, but when I assigned textures, some of the polygon faces got this transparent look. The result is they won't hold a texture and when rendered, comes out grey in the shot. It affects some polygons and some faces of polygons, but sometimes not all the faces of the same polygon... Any ideas? :Dat
  19. Thanks guys. Seriously though, it was the result of admiring all the other works here that made me want to push the model further. You guys rule! I redid almost everything on the valk. Only thing I didn't really touch was the tail section. Needed better modelling efficieny and I'd learned a lot since I first started this thing so it was about high time I applied what I had learned to older parts. Next up, textures, oh... and I threw on the old armor to see how it would look despite the new model. Will likely have to completely redo the leg armor since it wasn't really done right the first time. I wanna see more of other people's stuff too! More poses and the like. C'mon AZ! pose that baby and show us what you've got. I know you're working on armor... :Dat
  20. One more, better quality render. :Dat
  21. Thanks Az. It really helped to let me see what it was I was working towards. I kinda liked the unbubbled canopy, but even staring at my 48 I see it had to be changed. I still went minimal though and didn't make it to exagerated cuz I thought it might kill the modelling I did so far. I'm now at the point where I think I can say the modelling is done and can start textures. Major rework from the old model. Here are a few current shots: :Dat
  22. I have to agree on that point. The canopy itself is more streamlined to the overall nosecone, and that's really where the problem lies. It should be more "bubbled" overall so it breaks the streamline of the nosecone. Been avoiding doing a remodel on the whole area just cuz I found it to be the most difficult part of the model to date, but I know I'm gonna have to hit it eventually or I just won't be satisfied. :Dat
  23. And the remodelling continues... Hated my old 1S head, so making another, will do the same with the 1J head. Based on the 48, of course. :Dat
  24. GAMMERA: Even in low poly, your calks look damn good. Always loved your textures. As for me, after a month anda half of computer celibacy I hit the model hard and just about remodelled every piece of my old valk. Seen so many great valks here that it made me want to step my model up a notch or two and get it a similar level as everyone else's. Now I'm ready to texture! :Dat
  25. ROD: Great work as always. What materials, renderer do you use to get your different effects? What is the app you're using? Always looks great, I love how yo go between toy and such renders. :Dat
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