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Everything posted by DatterBoy

  1. I'd check with that brother... Even if I had forgotten about it, the moment I knew it existed, I'd steam out knowing my mom gave it away to my sister's BOYFRIEND?!? HELL NO!!! HAHAHHA.. hope it works out for you. :Dat
  2. Maybe he's asking if it could be done in the "fantasy" world, in which case... anything is possible... :Dat
  3. That's all good but there's no need to mention that he's the TV Rick Hunter because he's only been on TV. Both as a veritech fighter pilot and a tough L.A. cop with a knockout hispanic partner, Deedee McCall... Hmmm...., good point...
  4. Here's one I did real quick without textures, just to change the speeds to a little more realistic speed. The original is a bit slow, and even then, in real life this thing would xform faster... rick11.mpg
  5. I'm a fan of the Rick Hunter cuz that's what I grew up on. Hikaru is fine, but for me it will always be Rick Hunter. It's still Macross to me no matter how you define it. I posted it that way to spite the hardcore Japanses Macross fans, but erious man, ROBOTECH, MACROSS, I love em all. The actual AVI it was originally rendered to was about 145 Meg so I used a mpeg convertor to get it down, looks just as good and runs smoother.. so why AVI at all? No UN SPACY on the inside of the legs? I don't have any problem with that, but to be honest I wasn't sure. I'll have to take it out for future renders. :Dat
  6. Great stuff, AZ! Good to see another strike armored valk on this thread. I know Brian's got one on the way and I have to redo my leg armor, but I'm not looking foward to it, odd geometry. Got a wireframe? :Dat
  7. Dok, didn't you know? Valks are magical. They can do that solid wall thing... :Dat
  8. I recommend that you download the file to your desktop and running it from your local system. The movies I make tend to not play well on the browser. :Dat
  9. - I have an idea in my head for a bad ass sequence, but I don't have enough models (need some baddies) to pull it off. Need some buildings too, and Rofavan has contributed his Q Rau to me but I have not had a chance to mess with it yet. How many more frames? A lot... gimme a few years, it'll happen. - There are a few modifications from the actual TV version such as the red stripe on the tail and the gun metal grey on the visor. Just preferences on my part. Always thought the tail looked kinda plain and saw one of Brian's models with it and thought it looked good. I'll probably go cancon eventually just for faithful's sake. I don't like the legs having no support either, but I couldn't figure out how to get the pistons to animate like Dok's does. Still working on it. :Dat
  10. Probably need some more work on the timing but overall, I think it's pretty good, all modes this time. :Dat rick6.mpg
  11. This one has nice dirty textures! valkyrie.mpg
  12. Brian, I don't hate the way they came out but I definitely liked the old hands better. :Dat
  13. When I first animated this thing, I did some of the hip pivot just to clear room for the arms. Here's an older animation from about a half year ago. As you can see, I had to move the hips out quite a bit in order for the arms to fold out. not sure if the DW shows that much of a displacement but that's what I had to do for clearance. I'd love to see a scan as I don't have the design works myself. :Dat vf_1s_trans.mpg
  14. After talking to DOK, he tells me that the Macross design works staes that the tranformation occurs without legs pivoting downward to get out of the way an dthat teh arms actually slide back to clear the legs. To be honest, this was a welcome notion for me when animating a transformation cuz it required less motions to pull it off. as for what transforms first, Doesn't really matter to me as long as it looks correct since one thing going before the other does not appear to have any significance unless it's blocking the transformation path of something else. :Dat
  15. Holy crap, check out the tiny valk on the SDF-1... :Dat
  16. I think it is a wonderful design. I love the feel of it. :DAT
  17. That's quite a nice drawing. Good use of tones. wonderful work, machine meets nature. :Dat
  18. See original post for the newer vid, slower one removed. I'll address the cannon transformation subject in a bit... :Dat
  19. NOTE: Better to download the movie and play it off your desktop. I've had serious lag issues and poor frame rate to see it animated properly when it's being played through my browser. I agree, especially on the arms portion. But I do think the transformation actually takes places at about that speed if not faster. I have a slower version rensering now. I'll post it up later so people can see what's going on. :Dat
  20. As always I am constantly inspired by work I 've seen on this board. As a result of seeing Dok's animation test and having a few opportunities to pick his brain I have an animation test of my own. :Dat xform.mov
  21. Screwing around with dirt. Wasn't gonna do it but after Dok showed me what it could be, I gotta do this. You all gotta see his tranformation vid he made.. incredible. Let me know what you think. No dirt trails off panel lines yet, just overall dirt for now. Makes it look a little more metal? :Dat
  22. BTW, Welcome Meaty, got some VF shots to show? :Dat
  23. Thinking I should do one too, these VF-1's need some baddies to attack and be attacked by. Anyone have some good ref shots? Can't think of where I can get some right off the top of my head. :Dat
  24. Nice job, AZ. Would you happen to have some model sheets of the armor set I could use as aref? I want to remodel the ones I did a bit back. :Dat
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