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Everything posted by DatterBoy

  1. Great stuff man! Love the toon renders and the chick is hot in an atheltic kind of way. I see what the other guys are saying about the face, but I agree with you, Anime theme, anime face. But for a model that complex and detailed, the face does not do her justice. Will your model transform? Splines or polys? :Dat
  2. You know, I don't know what causes the jaggies. I know if I get a closer shot there are no jaggies and the lines are fairly wide, not too thin. Recommendations? I'm thinking it's a result of the thin ness of the lines themselves and the distance between them and the cam.. but not sure. I actually want them to look as good from any distance as the panel lines in the tail as those are actually modelled in. Not sur ewhat I need to do to make that happen though. Here's a closeup of the chestplate panel lining. :Dat
  3. Panel Line bump mapping progress shot:
  4. WOZ, Can I see a wire to see how you approached the modelling of the wing? Been trying to make a decent wing but can't fugure the best way to go about it. :Dat
  5. Anyone ever try exporting to VRML? Pretty cool. VRML Stuff WARNING!!! The Jet file is like 6+ MEGS so download at your own risk! Everything else is under 100k and you'll need a VRML plugin on your browser to view it. :Dat
  6. More like Blade of the immortal and that freak who had those 2 women heads stitchehed to his shoulders... gross...
  7. 3 reissues in the hands of my 2 year old for almost a month now, good as new. No scrratches, broken pieces, nothing. 1/60 Yammie lasted 2 days Joke machine lasted 3 hours Banpresto... I find pieces laying around the house every week Morpher... lasted longer but eventually, the little tiny wings came off to it's credit... the 1/48 lasted for some time until I got too scared and didn't let him tuvh it and he still managed to break some of my gunpod straps. I think that pretty mcuh says it all for durability.
  8. I think YAMATO is pretty damn close with their 1/48... :Dat
  9. Saw this on CGTalk. Really nice model, thought you all would want to check it out http://cgtalk.com/showthread.php?t=177156
  10. Damn Az... You know your stuff. Ain't gonna argue that. For me, I love the rveted look, just because it makes it look more mechanical to me and less toy so I like to include them whenever I can. Granted, I'd like to get some kind of dirt or weather strea on the proper rivets where I can. WOZ. Love that wing. I need to make me one of those, my wings need a full blown remodel. Been trying to continuously clean up and remodel different part of the valk to make the geometry efficient and correct. Here's where I am as of last night: see attached Fixed: - back "hatch" 2 seperate pieces made to be a single - chestplate, 2 pieces made to be one - remodelled the intakes ont he lower chestplate Next up - New wings - new tail fins - contouring for the upper legs (too squarish right now) - landing gear The work is never ending. Need to also learn how to UV map so I don't rely solely on projection mapping. All this is in an effort to prepare my model with good modelling so when I actually do unwrap it, it's not a big mess. :Dat
  11. I think that's the best you can do. Start in fighter and build itout, od for batt and gerwalk. I believe ther eare slight changes you'll need to do to make the battroid look right. have seen someone go from HASEGAWA Batt model to fighter.. looked awful but have not seen the other way around before adjustments. I would imagine it's pretty close. Think I may build a model based on these scans as well. Just to see how different it would look from the one I already have. :Dat
  12. That would be his 15 minutes of fame!
  13. My boy turned 2 yesterday, so I got him 3 BANDAI Reissues...
  14. I had a roy and a CF, literally took me an hour to pose it into a respectable position. Floppiness and weakness was killing me and it had to have a decent pose. Eventually, handed it over to my 2 year old, there are currently pieces of it floating around the house... :Dat
  15. I'm kinda surprised this isn't in tehthread so everyone can build their own! Let me know if you need a higher res picture. :Dat
  16. Holy Crap... I tried that once too and decided to leave it to bump mapping in the end, much for the same reason you're seeing. It warped my poly model so badly I coudn't and wouldn't have it. Still haven't figured out how to use bumps effectively to simulate it yet, seems to me I need to use a really big bitmap file to get the crispness of the lines. :Dat
  17. From a marketing stand point, makes sense to make 1 sheet for 1 valk. Wouldn't want to waste the ink and materials assuming everyone owns more than one and then force those that only do own one pay for a sheet that accomodates 4. But since there is enough for several valks minus a few decals, a supplemental sheet that would accomodate a total of 4 valks would be excellent. I would imagine the price for the supplemental sheet would be somewhere in the neighborhood of 150% the price of the intial sheet or 200% so to decal up 4 valks would be the price of roughly 3... Whatever the case, we all just need to remember, this is business. Thanks for giving us the option! :Dat
  18. Dude, it was someone you know.. likely someone who obsesses about your girlfriend.... who wants to be you.... creepy...
  19. i see little random bit popping out of that, was it superimposed over an existing craft? Good eye! Yeah, this was a clip of an F-18 taxiing, I garbage-matted it out before rendering my own craft in. Obviously, for a "real" shot rather than a quick test, I'll shoot my own plate, but for this I just grabbed and modified something I found on the internet - and unfortunately nobody bothers to shoot and put up pans across an empty tarmac! No way... I'd think that was all they'd do... :Dat
  20. Serious, what I'd rather have is a space saving container for my 1/48. The box displays they come in, while nice, just take up too much room. I'd throw mine out as soon as I had a suitable replacement. ;Dat
  21. I wouldn't mind that in the least. Now, given I am 5'4 and his mom is 5'2.. not sure if that's gonna happen... :Dat
  22. DOK, Said it before, will say it again.. sick. Can't wait to see the final product.. and remeber.. I get a cameo in your movie. I wanna see my model explode in the background.. CF style! :Dat
  23. I was about to comment on the chair too! I've been looking for one of those... Where did you get that chair!!?? Oh, and to stay on topic... I think it's great that you have such a good attitude about your boy breaking a few valks to get the hang of transforming them.... that's just awesome... NOW... Where did you get that chair?! Guys, The Aeron chair.. so impressed that you even noticed it. It's his mom's.. she worked at acompany where they had them, and said it was the best chair ever. At work, I knew a guy who had an aunt who worked for Herman Miller, the manufacturer and distributer and he had one. I asked him wher ehe got it, he said he'd hook me up. $526 dollars later, it came to my door. My wife believes it to be one of the single best purchases she has ever made. On a side note, when the company she worked for went out of business and closed doors, several people were known to have run away with a few of the chairs... :Dat
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