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Everything posted by DatterBoy

  1. Cheap! Oh yeah, we could totally chip in anad all get one....
  2. JCF: I think that what you have right now is quite good. I think the tail wings I have on my model right now are bigger than they are supposed to be, but I found that when it goes to batt and ger mode, it looks better at that size when folded. At the same time, I also have a wide backpack things so a more narrow one could have made smaller fins. The nosecone was one of the hardest parts for me and I ended up making a cone, cutting out the cockpit and modelling through the cut out to make a better cockpit, even then, it still looks off on mine too... very sharp and incorrect, I'll have to address that one myself. Thanks for the toon renders and hopefully I can get you a model where you can do some of the batt and gerwalk as well. :Dat
  3. DOK tried to explain that to me once... what are normals and how did they get that way.. what a noob question... Can I just run it on all the objects at once or will that totally mess up my model? Thanks again, man! :Dat
  4. More work refining pieces, adding detail... blah blah blah. :Dat
  5. So... crazy expensive.. what does that come out to, hundreds of thousands, thousands, hundreds.. what? If you were to say, prototype a joke machines, what would that cost? :Dat
  6. get a 1/48, any of them, and a fastpack, all you need. Maybe a reissue bandai, but that should do you for life valk wise. :dat
  7. I believe one folds at a higher pivot than the other so they have slightly different crease points. I take it you have nono of the toys? :Dat
  8. Truly beautiful. Still loving that toon render. Looks to me as though you still need to do the backpack itself. Let me know if you need some scans of the battroid. I have that too, but I would assume you'd use it as an eyeball ref as a lot of those pieces are not proportionate for transformation. :dat
  9. Gorgeous. Got shots of the other modes? :dat
  10. And yes, I did have problems getting the chestplate to slide down, took more force than the older 1/60s.. What's the deal with that? :Dat
  11. Thanks guys. After I wrote the first thread, I decided to bust the sucker open and see if something wasn't broken.... looked good, so I began to think it was an engineering flaw. After tinkering around a bit, I realized what we have been already told here, the backpack has to be repositioned and pushed back to lock in place... weird.. but very stable, even more so than the older 1/60s. Thanks again all. :Dat
  12. Did a keyword search in the pinned thread, didn't see anything so... Just got my 1/60 Super O. Backpack is floppy as hell, is it supposed to be like this. The original 1/60's had semi lock on 2 points, to the backplate and to the backpack via that in between piece. The part that connects to teh backplate locks solid, but the other connection, not only does not lock, but slides and allows tilt from side to side. Is it supposed to be like this? :Dat
  13. YOu know, I didn't even really fatten anything since I didn't use the HAS scans as the ref. My actual ref was the 1/60 Yamato. Over time all I did was try and make it more 1/48 like so the fact that it is close to the HAS scans is kind of lucky on my part. The nose was modelled based on those blank sheets people have been using for the valk color schemes and the wings were done straight off HAS as the old wings I had that were based on the 1/60 didn't look quite right. I am considering remodelling the backplate as I like the HAS one better, but I do want to stay away from making it exactly like the HAS or the 48 as I feel my model has it's own flavor. :Dat
  14. I made mine double jointed so I have a lot more control over where it sits on the back. If you have a single joint you'll have little to no control. In my opinion, the height of the pack and the wings on the back is very important. :Dat
  15. That looks excellent! Proportion wise I would have no complaints. Head size will be an important factor. Did you do any tranformation size morphing? :Dat
  16. BTW Jackie, Your toon rendered fighter is excellent! Looks incredible. Kind of wish MAYA had a toon renderer that could do mine that good. :Dat
  17. Hey Jackie, The model sheet is only for fighter mode. Does not work in other modes as well since the sheets are for a fighter only model. HASEGAWA has made kits for all the different modes and non of them can transform. Generally, the modellers here start with the scans, and then modify proportions to find best fit for all modes. Here's my fighter in comparison: Note how my nose is both shorter and wider. :Dat
  18. I see... I like the outer wing tip and the rate at whihch it tapers. Looks to me like I should consider rounding out the center line of my wing as well as the tip since my taper literally completes too much towards the top of the wing. Damn this thread, always making me want to remodel redesign... It's just more work! :Dat
  19. And one more. Ia m trying to go more realistic as I want to move away from the toy look. I don't think I got the wing down quite right yet, but it's better than what I had. Also have the air brake panels and the flaps in there too but you can't really see em. :Dat
  20. Hey AZ, Funny you mention the wing since I just did a remodel on Sunday night. The wings I had really bothered me so i did what King Nor, David, and WOZ all said to do. Used the teardrop shape as a base andextruded it to the length I wanted and the sized down the tear face on the far end. I then built up the wing tip from that flat end and modelled it independantly on the wing to taper up. Booleaned the pieces out by making duplicates and cut away pieces to maintain wing shape without getting artifacts.
  21. Whoah... you're not using the HASEGAWA scans? You gotta, man! I did it the way you're doing it now as well, but having those at the time wouldhave made my life that much easier. Send me an email and I'll send you the scans I have. you can build right on top of them. :dat
  22. If you' re the guy I think you are, then seriously, you so did not need my model.... Sorry bout that, but t's hard to turn over work like that. Really, your stuff is awesome, keep it up! :dat
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