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Everything posted by DatterBoy

  1. Just wanted to see what Kingnor's animation would look like rendered. Makes a pretty big difference to me to be able to see the models details. Rendered animation Lot's o Fun! :dat
  2. Also, the sound seems to go really loud and goes in and out.
  3. Sick! Another way to waste time! Would like to have more accurate collision and some kind of way to not spawn from death to be hit right away. :dat
  4. It was first modelled after the 1/60 and then later on the 1/48 and I tried as best as possible to incorporate Hasegawa Battroid details to it. :Dat
  5. I recommend you right click and save as and then view it from your desktop. :Dat
  6. Been following that on CG Talk. Truly excellent. :Dat
  7. Thanks RODAVAN, KingNor says he can have it rigged in a day since it's such a simple animation. Can't wait to see our stuff move. Our thread keeps slippin...
  8. RODAVAN, If you're looking, we've not been able to convert your OBJ files of the Q Rau and wanted to know if it would be possible for you to export it to something else. :Dat
  9. Mostly because even if we did that, it would be nothing a but a mech fest. I'm talking macross here, with all the drama and people. Yeah, we love the valks and all, but we love the characters too and the story they drive. I don't think a bunch of fans who model valks can pull that off. :Dat
  10. The XA1 is definitely my fighter of choice. Even if it is not the VF-0 as some thought, you can definitely see the MAJOR influence it had on the 0 design. The lines are very similar. What is interesting is the deviations between the lineart and the actual model that whoever made, but it still looks really good. I'll make this happen.. in CG. :Dat
  11. The Kneecaps, I think, are key. One of the things I love about the design that was left out of the original Bandai Monkeys, or any other transformable design I can think of for that matter. The pivoting kneecaps are a great piece of armor that likely needs some kind of mathematical formula to drive the pivot and aniimation in regards to the mid leg portion and the lower leg. Great idea if that is what you're talking about, DOK. KingNor: You want real practice? Try that... :Dat
  12. To show how good a remake can be... any one seen Re: Cutie Honey? Damn, that looked great. I wouldn't want SDF remade to that level (it was better in every way) but something like that can revitalize a dying legend. Now, Macross isn't necessarily dying but SDF is waning, which is why this fan base is made up of 26-35 year olds... Business wise and to satisfy the fan boy in me, I think it would be great if they decided to do this. :Dat
  13. Flame away man! Nah. Your work is awesome. I'd never consider offering up your services but what you're able to do makes me think it's totally possible and would look utterly believeable and clean. But this is not something that will ever happen from here... We're just capable of making it happen to show it can be done and that it can be done well. :Dat
  14. Yeah, 3D modelled. You think taht's good? Come over to the Mass CG Thread on these here forums to see some kick ass stuff. Mass CG Project :Dat
  15. Because if they come out like Macross Zero, you may as well just design me some cool valks and show me some footage of that.... Macross SDF - a proven winner. Guaranteed success. :Dat
  16. GAMMERA: That's sweet. You gonna make it transform? DOK: When we gonna see some dancing? :Dat
  17. See, some of guys on teh CG forums could probably re create the mech stuff, but the character animations and such... that would have to be hand drawn traditional as opposed to CG cel shaded. Like ALPHAX said, no one would be taking the original away from you or modifying it, just giving existing fans a bit of a treat and POSSIBLY establishing a new fan base... No way fans would ever pull this off. Would have to be done legit. :Dat
  18. I think you can do it and be true to the original. Proof of concept: Now that and consistent animation.. and remeber.. SAME VOICES AND AUDIO TRACK... That would be awesome. :Dat
  19. Yeah, it's a long thread I know, but there was a purpose. That's why they call it the Mass CG project. :Dat
  20. So far, King Nor's the only real animator here. maybe we should start considering where this Mass CG project is gonna end up. Other than King Nor, we got Dok who rigs but we'll need to get em all rigged to make this happen unless we really are doing nothing more than a poster.. which aint a bad thing to be honest, but an animation feature woul dbe so frickin sweet! Who's gonna get this train back on it's track! King Nor's Valk Rig :Dat ANIMATION ATTACHED
  21. Just saw it and wanted to say... WTF?!?! My two cents. :Dat
  22. Was talking to King Nor about this earlier. Would love to see the TV series re-done with new animation but keep the same audio track. Several things it must have: - Original audio track (keeps you from changing the story, though Lucas did a good number on Star Wars without touching the audio... bastard) - Original character model sheets (do not change the anim style, just make it clean and consistent) - CG Toon rendered components (Iron Giant/Disney style) - CG must match animation frame rate (seamless unobtrusive CG) What do you guys think? A lot of details I'm leaving out that need to be considered, but we'll see what springs up in conversation here. :Dat
  23. The Jackie Chan Fan school of Modelling. I love it! So I went ahead and selected all polygons and said Normals - Conform. I would prefer to do whatever I need to to speed up render time and makes sense so is there a way I can set the renderer to only render outward faces? Like you said, I have all enclosed polys. :Dat
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