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Everything posted by DatterBoy

  1. Hey WONGSTER. Good Start, and welcome to the thread! :Dat
  2. CEIL: To this day, the valk is the only thing I have ever really done in my 3D work. I believe the project is going on it's second year now and I can tell ya, from what I had when I started to what I have now is a massive difference. Rod nailed it when he said practice... I must have remodelled everything on the valk over at least 3 times and in some cases more, and even now, am still not happy with many of the pieces. The talent on this thread is what drices me to make it better each time, and even last night, I was refining, remodelling more pieces. Like Rod said, start with as imple shape, and modify/add/take away from it. And ask the guys on this board when yo uget stuck. Chances are, whatever app you are going to use, there someone here who uses it too and everyone here is totally helpful. Can't find a nicer bunch of guys. MECHANINAC: Good stuff. Looks good to me. Keep it going! RODAVAN: You're crap always makes me feel like mine is crap... you're really killing my euphoria of completing a piece, thinking I'm good to go, seeing yours and thinking.. damn... back to the drawing board... WOZ: Loving the modelled panel lines... looks so good. What modelling technique are you using to get the ines in? God forbid... Booleans? :Dat
  3. Damn.. that looks really good. What do you do for a living?
  4. normally, I'd say that the GBP is the fugliest thing Macross put on a valk, but this makes it look decent, I'm interested and may pick up one. Any guesses on the price point? :Dat
  5. DatterBoy


    HAHAHA The second one looks great. The eyeball is killer! :Dat
  6. DatterBoy


    Hey Rod, Looks great, but I think it would look better if the skull filled the helmet out better. I know a real head would be about that size, but it looks kinda small under the helmet. Also, I would prefer another angle as that angle seems to not be pleasing to the eye geonmetrically. Just my 2 cents :Dat
  7. That looks more than a little familiar... eh? whatta mean? Not sure if anyone has said yet so... I believe tha image uses a CG render made by TOBER himself. He's referring to his own work... :Dat
  8. If you can find a timed subtitle script for it, I can show you how to create the substream from scratch. But, at that point, we would probably want to take it over to "other anime." My membership at scriptclub.org should be coming through in a few days. I'll look for a script for you when it does. And now. . . back to Macross. . . Thanks, Hurin, that would be great. Appreciate the offer for help, I'll take you up on it if you find something good. :Dat
  9. Given the opportunity to be the only Giant man on a ship full of giant women, I'd turn coat.... Not to mention being shielded cooed by the most bad a$$ed warrior on the ship? What's the argument here? :Dat
  10. That's some awesome work there. Just wanted to know, is there a site that has a similar thing for a bunch of diff anime's out there? I've got a horribly subtitled Street Fighter II the Move.. bad ass movie but horrid translation. Any ideas? Sorry about the OT. :Dat
  11. UN-HEALTHY!!! That's hilarious! GOod find! :Dat *cough cough*
  12. Thanks Rod! More work being done. Added bump mapping since modelling in panel lines was too much for me to handle...
  13. More? I also want to work out the different color schemes as well as the basic layouts for all 3 modes before I do weathering. Weathering seems to be much of a challenge right now as I have no idea how to approach it properly... :Dat
  14. Rod, awesome work, always loved your valk. WOZ, post more renders, more angles, man, the detals on that thing look incredible. Would love to see more. Been trying to work on my textures. Here's a sample before I do the weathering. :Dat
  15. Rod, keepin this thread alive! Weathering looks too clean to me, like it has been done by watercolor. needs more dirty streaks n such. Check the M0 stuff. I know their weathering is not perfect either, but it gives it a good look. :Dat
  16. Collect for whatever reason you want... but if it's just for the box art, sounds crazy to me, but collectors in general are crazy, so to each their own. :Dat
  17. No Joke, it's one seriously fugly design. Even the story does not make it bad ass enough to grow any real attachment to it. Just short of loving all transforming toys, I don't see how anyone can really like this thing, but it takes all kinds of people to make a world, and I am just another one of em. :Dat
  18. Hey man, it's never over, my uncle got married at 42. You're not over 42... are you?!? I still play games, I still collect, but no where near your capacity. Believe me when I say chicks are better than toys... But I do have to say, you need to get off the gaming thing, I've got bussines who will never marry cuz they game too much and don't spend any time on real life. You're Godzilla, man! Go find yourself a life partner and make your parents happy. They gave you life, they deserve it!!! And again, hoook a brother up with that low viz action... :Dat
  19. Married? Kids? Seriously, I understand the urge, but necessary or not, Why collect so many multiples? Investment? Can't think of any other reason besides insanity or obsession of the clinical order... If you ever find the urge to want to help a humble fan complete his own collection, I've got one of every 1/48 except the low viz. Hook up a brother? :Dat
  20. Holy crap... I'd love to get a bigger monitor. Looking for a 19' LCD. Know of any killer deals? :Dat
  21. Wow, those pics are massive. May want to bring it down to about 30% or so. Can't even see the whole thing. :Dat
  22. Anyone got a 1A head TV vs Movie head shot for a side by side look? I'd like to see the difference. :Dat
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