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Everything posted by DatterBoy

  1. Hey Mike, Swapping textures is super easy. When I send em your way, I'll send you the texture swaps as well. All you have to do is replace the textures in the root directory with the texture set you want, and delete or hide the head you don't want. BAM... instant valk switch. Looking forward to it. You know, if nothing else, a quick animation of the jets flying through some clouds would be an easy one, yeah? I think the love on the CG thread is for the Fighter mode anyhow. :Dat
  2. So Do I... Hopefully, Kingnor will pick the project up again. Seeing as how he's an animator, it probably won't be till then. Considering trying to do some stop framse stuff on my own, but don't want to do that until I get some other environment elements made up to go with it. :Dat
  3. Max DYRL Fighter Mode: Looking to complete schemes for Max and Miriya TV versions, then I'm going to move on to completing the fast packs. And of course, the Regult. Not sure what happened to this thread, but I'm soooo ready for that Mass CG Project to come to fruition real soon.
  4. OK, I'm gonna go on a battroid posting spree now so if you all want me to stop or you get sick of seeing the same model with different textures on it, let me know and I'll quit. I imagine it could get overbearing... First up: MAX DYRL variations
  5. ROD: Looks like your boost is butane flame form a torch. I always felt it was represented as spheres of light with fall off. Also noticed your hands are currently using ball joints. You intend to keep it that way or go for disc joints in the end? MECHANINAC: Still looking sweet!
  6. Upside down on the gunpod for sure. I believe the lettering is intended for identification in jet fighter mode. The result of course is that the letters come upside down when used as a gunpod. But... because it is a Battloid specific mode, I don't see how it could hurt either way. :Dat
  7. Wow! It's like Xmas! Keep it coming. Can't ever have too many for a project like this. :Dat
  8. Little help guys? Looking for the best quality Regult pics you have, orthos if at all possible. Thanks!
  9. MAC: It also seems you have rendered a few of the objects that would be better left to texturing as well. not sure if that was the intent, but I think it may be better served approaching it a bit differently. :Dat
  10. Yeah, I noticed that too Was actually looking at making a foot and a well that would accomodate for the pivoting as well as other things such as heel and "toe" articulation. I think the more recent pic has the drop misrepresented on the Rick, so that one is extra bad. Will be making an update soon, and even sooner now that someone noticed. ROD: Everyone seems to have a soft spot for the CF. So far, believe it or not, it is my favorite CG color scheme... :Dat
  11. ROD, Any chance you can HDRI render my model if I hand it over to you? I don't know if it's me or my renderer, but I can't seem to get renders of that quality. :Dat
  12. ROD, I think the problem is that, on the first pic anyways, that the fingers are wide. I know when I built mine, although my hads are totally wrong, I had narrow fingers for the width. I'll get a shot and show you. The result makes it so it does not look as good, but fits in the arm really well for transformation. I think AZ his it down right there. You can see the narrow fingers vs your fat ones and I think that's wher the difference is. HUman fingers are fat like the ones you made. But the bot fingers should be more narrow. I'll probably use his hands as a ref to rebuild my own. So AZ... post more orthos shots and refs! :Dat
  13. I know what you mean, about life and all...
  14. CORY: Let me know what you're looking for and I'll see if I can't accomodate you. I've got a real funky pose posted on the last page of the wallpapers thread. It was posed after some kit I saw earlier on in this thread. Did some cheating for the proportions to fit. :Dat
  15. MECHANINAC Just dupe that leg and get it done! Good stuff. I have to agree, the CAD progs make great possible models. ROD: Head to head? Man, if I had any animation skillz I'd hit that in a sec. Hold up.. I'm gonna put on my fast pack set too so as to stand a chance in battle. But looking at what you've got, I need to fix a few things up first... :Dat
  16. Been rewatching the ROBOTECH series. Roy was a stand up guy in every way. Been working on re-proportioning the model to look better as a valk as well as my Roy textures. Almost there.
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