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Everything posted by DatterBoy

  1. Animations are lots of fun. Good work, Rob. Hopefully we'll see more here soon. :Dat
  2. Hey Rob. Looks good to me so far. Much better than what I used to have when I started. I think what stands out the most is the sharpness of the model overall. Rounder edges would help a lot. I can see you have some bevelling but I've always felt the valk was more roundish and less squared looking. Struggle with it all the time. Your jet mode already looks great, but it's the battroid mode that generally needs everything to be modified to make it work. As far as the legs go, I believe they are the hardest part and have remodelled my own several times over. On the hands, I'd check some references if you're going after the DYRL style since, apparently, only 3 fingers actually go behind the plat eon the back of the hand. Didn't know it myself, so now I have to redo. I think the Hasegawa hands look the best. Love the thumbs up and welcome back! :Dat
  3. My models are worth more than $450 to me, I'm sure yours are too. I know how you feel though, I recently lost ALL my Company work for the past 5 years when my system crashed. I never sued the corporate back up system because it slowed down the machine dramatically, but I should have compensated... I'm glad all those great models are not gone! :Dat
  4. That's why I use RW CD's. Always tempted to keep older versions of the model, it's a nice to have but I rarely ever go back to look if nothing more than to remind myself where the model was at one point. Bulk of the space on a burned CD is made up of test renders. Sometimes, I burn the files onto CD's I've made for other people as a hidden file, that way, I make use of the spare space they might have and can recover in a worst case scenario. :Dat
  5. NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Rod, I Think me and kingnor have your glaug and your Q Rau so all is not lost, but your valk... Damn. Good luck. My codolences to you.... :Dat
  6. I'll take 1 from the Cap'n... :Dat
  7. Right click and then "Save As" and you shoul be good to go. :Dat
  8. Models and free shipping By all means, buy em! :Dat
  9. What's Ordnance? I basically would like to get one of these as my CG model is trying to strike a better happy medium between the HASEGAWA batt and the HASEGAWA fighter. As much as I love the 1/48's I think the battroid mode could look better. I'm getting very close to where I want to be and anyone who has hung out on the Mass CG Projects thread knows what I mean. As I have used pictures and refs of the Batt model for my own CG model, I have fallen in love with it's proportions and would like to get and build one. It's a thing of beauty, but 1/72 seems very small. The reason why I ask about the differences betwen the super and no super is because someone on EBAY is selling both versions for 29.99 (is that a good price?). It seems the one thing the non super lacks is a 1S head, but otherwise is the better choice if you don't care about the 1S head over the fast packs. :Dat Yes, it transforms without "anime magic"
  10. From the time you started to where you're at with it... I'd choose quality over speed anyday. Looks like you'll be done in about 2-3 days at this rate. :Dat
  11. I know they are 1/72, but anyone got a pic of one next to a 1/48 or 1/60 valk? Thanks for all the replies! :Dat
  12. Meaning really, is the super battroid kit simply the non super version, but with the fast pack kit? Or is there actually a difference between the battroid only components of each kit? In other words, if I bought a super kit, would the kit without the armor be identicle to the non fast pack battroid kit? :Dat
  13. I pretty much added "Dat's version" to the list as well.... Thanks Mechaninac, your Orguss stuff show's some sick talent too. :Dat
  14. Dammit ROD, I hate it when you make me feel bad about my work. Not your fault, of course, just me hating on my limited skills. Your stuff is always awesome. can;t wait to see more. :Dat
  15. Here's a quickie. Horrid clipping, but you get the point. :Dat valk_fun.mpg
  16. I know what you mean. I spent most of my time on that exact same part. That and the main body will probably my main redos in the future. Something about the geometry for that piece. I think I spent a good 4 hours+ on it and it still does not look the way it should. So I said screw it for now. Will come back to it later. Something about 3 odd geometries overlapping... and the shoulder piece not really being a circle... oh well. Looking good so far, ROD. Keep it up! :Dat
  17. Hey ROD! Good to see ya here! Well, I'm gonna go ahead and say this model is pretty much done just short of a few details. You don't know how much I wish I knew how to do splines or NURBS for this model. Really would have helped out since it's all curves. I know the model has a lot of issues, but I just needed something modelled so I could do basic compositions and fun animations with. Maybe I'll come back and really try and make this model good someday, but for now, it'll do. You'll notice some main body detail mssing. Gonna deal with those in bump maps when I texture. Figure it would be easier than modeling it. Even the "+" on it's face will be bumped eventually and is just there for show right now. I know your model is gonna kick serious a$$. Can't wait to see it done! :Dat
  18. I see a few things I need to fix up, but maybe tomorrow. Bedtime...
  19. I know I'm not the only one who's gonna do one of these (I'm looking at you RODAVAN) so I'll start the thread here. Any real Macross fan would want a regault for his valk to fight. Gotta say.. it's pretty tough, but I think it's not so bad. No transformations to deal with. 1st day's progress:
  20. Damn .. you saw that? Thought I could play it off.. OK, I'll get on it. :Dat
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