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Everything posted by DatterBoy

  1. Would love a Low Viz for myself, looks the most like a regular plane. Would also like it to be a 1A since it seems most proper. It WOULD suck for those who shelled big bucks for the original though. I think it would do a lot to their value unless it was signifcantly inferior in some way. CF special edition or not.. who really cares? Unless you're a collector, a CF is a CF. If I get one or the other, I'll be a happy camper.
  2. Just working out some basic shapes in the rear.
  3. Actually, I think that is the official model used for the movie. Not sure, if it's not, then it's damn good! I can onlyhope mine looks as good. :Dat
  4. Looks fat, but I'm there. Dig those hands. Look like the Hasegawa ones. Back profile looks better than the front one to me. The fatness makes it look like it's not good for anything other than being another destroid, maybe a tad more mobile, but not much more than that. Now the Mac Zero reacting armor... that's real fighting armor!
  5. Beauty, ROD. Love that lighting. You should seriously composite this and post in the toy forum and see what fishes bite. Find a good showroom pic with some space and throw it down there as a 1/60 or 1/48 sized toy. :Dat
  6. Thanks Guys. Not sure if I can make this transformable without some major tweaking. I know that Hasegawa may do some interpretation for different modes to enhance the look, but I thought since the original was in CG on screen as well, it would be a print for print build out. Well, at least in preliminary, there are some components of transformation that either don't fit or I'm doing it wrong, specifically the nosecone and how far it pops p to elevate the head and the amoutn it extrudes up through the shoulder and coverage by the built in heatshield. Maybe it's me. At any rate, not having a physical toy or model is forcing me to interpret a lot of suff or just plain glaze over it. Hoping I can get some better references over time. More updates soon. MORE REFS IF YOU GOT EM!!! NEED MORE ANGLES TO FIGURE THIS PUPPY OUT! Looking for Battroid mode too, since the mode highlights the gemoetry of some pieces that are hidden in fighter mode. :Dat
  7. AlphaX... you truly are the Macross image master... :Dat
  8. Well in that case... got a cleaner scan that's even bigger? :Dat
  9. All, I'm going to start doingmy VF-0D. Shouldn't probably start till I finish my Regault or the VF-1 but I feel like doing something new. Need some help. AlphaX helped me out with a few refs but I need more since I don't have anything solid to really work from. He gave me what looked like HASEGAWA scans but I need one higher. If anyone has the VF-0D prints and they can scan me a really high reso one, I'd love that. And any ref pics you may have would be great as well. Detail counts here folks! Thanks! :Dat
  10. Hey Rusty, If you REALLY want to build this thing with the full detail, let me know. I'll send you the full sized files so you can actually make it. For me, I have reduced the actually size it builds out to on paper since the first run made a valk that was much larger than a 1/48 valk. Problem is tho, the smaller the valk, the harder it is to work the tabs. Come to think of it, I should have took pictures of it before I handed it to my 2 year old... you think Zentradi go ape $hit on valks? You should see this kid in action... PM me if interested, I'll send you full size shots of all the pieces. Dat
  11. I'm digging that interpretation of the hand. What's with that empty space between the fingers and the bottom of the palm? Supposed to be like that? Can't wait to see your assembled valk. So much detail. Should like snazzy when done. Got a current assembled shot?
  12. HAHAHAH!! That's hilarious! Serious tho, if that first one really is a costume, it's the best one I've seen yet. OUtside of the huge head, it looks quite good all over. :Dat
  13. Yeah, those side thrusters are a pain in the arse... But seriously, I've shelled my model until I can learn nurbs. The roundness of this model made it difficult to nail to a satifactory point. Yours, however, ROD, is most excellent! Wish I could sit with you to learn some techniques. :Dat
  14. HAHAHAHAHA!!! No, for me, they are for display, I NEVER fly them around like a kid. Tell ya what though... He's broken: Masterpiece Optimus's Stack Masterpiece Optimus Head: Lost for 2 weeks Leg on a Rohby Recast Tail on a Yamato 1/60 Cockpit on a Hik VF-1A 1/48 Killed 2 Banprestos (I Let em, they suck) Broke in half 2 Toynami morphers I bought him 3 1/55 Bandais.. and he has not been able to break them.. go figure! I Guess deep down inside, I just hope that he doesn't care for them so there will be more for me...! :Dat
  15. Anyone else have this problem? Sometimes, I buy doubles, but not for me or the need to keep one MIB. More like, so that I can give one to the boy when he's old enough to appreciate it. He definitely wants them now, but they'd want a toothpick if displayed it on your shelf or desk, right? Kind of a fantasy that he will adore the same things you adored when grows up. Then again, maybe he won;t in which case, i'd have two! At any rate.. soo tempted to get 2 of the CF 1/48's cuz I know that if he ever ended up loving the yammies like I do, I'd want him to have one, and by that time, he won't be able to get it or it will cost an arm and a leg to get one... and he's not gonna have mine.... :Dat On the other hand, by that time, they may have a better one out... NAHHH!
  16. Seems reasonable to believe a TV MAX is not far behind. I know they never made it in the past but a simple plastic color change shouldn't be too bad. An Elint or Super O though, not likely. :Dat
  17. Hopefully this will prompt them to release another batch of fast pack parts for all of you as well. Not for me though... CF has to be naked... :Dat
  18. What's Ideon? And where would I get those? :Dat
  19. Wow... a 3D printer.. I can only imagine how incredible that would be. model is looking great, ROD. Can't wait to see a fully composited pic with valksin it! :Dat
  20. The nosecone looks to be the most daunting, but it's actually the easiest. Just comes out round, ya know? The backplate was the worst since it sections off like a sandwich for the wings, so I dedcided to seperate the upper and lower halves. It increases the piece count but will be easier to build. :Dat
  21. Using Pepakura. So far, I dig the app, it's pretty easy to use and seeing as I have not tried anything else, nit sure what can be done better other than a more intelligent auto unwrap. Last night, I put to gether a few of the pieces, and I was pretty disappointed. The pieces looked great alone, but together, they just don't go well. I'm doing a dry run to make sure I can actually build this thing... it's tough, will likely need to reduce poly count, it's still too complex. I'll show you what I have soon. And will post a final PDF when I finish and get textures on it. :Dat
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