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Everything posted by DatterBoy

  1. Never been a fan? Man, when I first watched ROBOTECH, sure, you saw the bots at the beginning during the intro, but the 1D was the first Valk I ever saw after transformation and when I did, it blew my mind. To have one now... pure euphoria. I'm a huge fan.
  2. All I need now is to make the visor green. Then I am done! You all were not kidding about the floppy head. I'm gonna see if I can't tighten up those joints before I do the final glueing. Had to do that for the neck, shouldn't be too bad for the rest of the head. Gerwalk pics later tonight. :Dat
  3. Finishing up the head now and sharpied the cockpit.. hahahaha. I'll post pics in the other modes tonight. I'll likely use the stock Yamato stickers as I sort of want it to keep the toyish look. If I were Kurt or Neova I'd go for the Anasazi waterslides. :Dat
  4. Off'd that bastid... dude wasn't really useful anyway. I fly the 2 seater cuz the colors are cool...
  5. Still not done yet: - Head assembly - Cockpit - Canopy - Ran out of Fusion and need to paint middle arms, front wheel doors, arm hatches that hide the hands Since the Fusion takes a bit to dry, I'm gonna let it sit for about 3-4 more days. It's pretty awesome stuff. Got a bit anxous and got some rub which I will have to go back and fix. Also sanded some parts ofthe valk down since there was really tight wear in some areas.
  6. Krylon Fusion - Pumpkin Orange - Dover White
  7. COMPLETED PICTURES ON PAGE 2 added 11/24 I couldn't resist. Not completely done, but pretty damn close. Nothing fancy like Kurt or Neova, just the paint with John's conversion kit. My first 1/48 custom.
  8. Can you use a coat of fusion over a previous coat of fusion?
  9. I've got my FUSION paints and was wondering, do I actually need to do any paint removal if I want to paint over my 1/48 1S? Thinking that I could just paint over it as opposed to haveing to use something to remove the original coat. Is this true? :Dat
  10. I've read WM Cheng's version of using comet and NB4M's version of using wool, but there are some pieces that have small detail and cracks, like hte 1D cockpit that may not get covered if I use these methods. Would a dishwasher work or would it warp the resin? :Dat
  11. What do you guys think? I'm thinking Pumpkin Orange and Buttercream. Fusion Palette Afraid the Buttercream may be a bit yellow though. Satin Almond would be another option but I am afraid it would be too brown. Based on what I have read, Fusion oand Plastikote is the wasy to go, but the colors are pretty limited and I don't want to go to traditional enamels since I'm afraid it will thicken upi the toy too much.
  12. Hi John, According to the instructions you posted, I don't have part 7. The rest are accounted for. :Dat
  13. I am concerned about thye warping of my pieces. Not the ABS, but the molded pieces from John. Basically, looking for a way to get the colors on the pieces without caring about scratches due to handling/transformation or thickening the pieces when painting. I did a 1/60 once and it got really think when I put the paint and primer on. Transforming was a nightmare. I don't play with my toys like kids, but I want to know that if I am going to do mulitple transforms I won't have to worry about the paint.
  14. Wanted to consider dying John Moscato's 1D conversion kit as well as some pieces on a 1S or 1A 1/48 since I never liked the idea of painting since it scratches and thickens the overall toy. Anyone know if this is possible? I recently bought a pressure cooker which I think may be able to infuse the pieces with Dye... is that feasible? :Dat
  15. Hi Mike. I recall seeing your stuff on CGTalk. That's some incredible work. :Dat
  16. All, I got one of Cap's excellent conversion 1D kits and need to know which to apply the mod to. I got the white one and was going to apply it to my 1S but the 1S is a bit tinted. I own 2 1A Max's so I could sacrafice one of them, but my 1A Hik is a 1st gen and so has some QA issues and using it as a sacraficial lamb for the 1D seemed appropriate, but that would mean I'd have no 1A Hik... So, I could: - Trade my spare 1A Max for a 1A Hik and mod th eold 1A Hik - Keep my 1A Hik with gen 1 QC issues and mod the 1A Hik to a 1D - Keep em all and mod my gen 1 1S Roy and have the colors a bit off - Mod a spare 1A Max I normally am not into the value of the valks but inthis csae, if a MAX is worth Significantly more than a Gen 1 1A Hik, then selling would be considered. How much do 2nd gen 1A Hik's cost? Do they exist? Recommendations?
  17. Now that's what I'm talking about! Got my dremel ready to go! Looking forward to the pics in the other modes as well. Tad overexposed... :Dat
  18. Thanks everyone, Cap especially. I'll be using my VF-1A for the conversion which is pretty much... white. So I think I'm gonna be good. I too suck at painting so if I can get a conversion that requires as little painting as possible, I'm down with it. Lookig forward to those pics! :Dat
  19. Just curious if anyone recieved the non colored version and has it built out. Curious to see if anyone has built one out and what the tint looks like compared to the rest of the valk. I don't think I'll ever paint so I'd like to see what mine will look like. :Dat
  20. Not sure, but I think they are in order to support the sales of the GBP.
  21. Hey Godzilla, Would you by chance happen to be a 40 year old virgin or well on your way to being one?
  22. Hye man. Just saw this stuff. Absolutely beautiful. Was wondering, what modelling style do you use? Polys or Splines? :Dat
  23. Hey, MECHAMANIAC, I understand your precautionary stance. I for one, would just really like to see the pics. Any chance I could see some low res versions, like 600 x whatever? I'd hate to be a booter but just wanna know and see Tenjins work, and possibly pick up the book later. Possible? :Dat
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