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Everything posted by DatterBoy

  1. Maybe you bought the 1/60 GBP by accident...
  2. Nice job! I should get off my a$$ and finish mine as well...
  3. Ahem... right.. err... modelling...
  4. I don't doubt a word you say, but considering what 140$ can buy you today, it just seemed high. I am sure the project will be quality and I know it's gonna take a helluva lot of work, and a decent amount of material to produce. I've just never seen a recast project that costed so much before. Not jackin with anyone, for sure. Relative to the cost of obtaining an actual 1/55 VE-1, it's definitely a bargain, I was just sort of blown away by the initial figure. :Dat Well the way I see it is that it’s going to be a long process and it takes time to do it the right way. I have seen and done some mold and it’s not really easy like some would say. If you want a great product it will cost you. Price is determined by the time you spend on just putting the part on the clay and making sure that you don't miss any important thing, plus you also have to see how much its going to cost for material. I as a buyer I would rather pay a little more for a great item then pay a hell of money for junk. Just my opinion on this matter 350717[/snapback]
  5. I would be interested but the price is pretty high. Sounds like there's a whole buttload of pieces that would go into this and that it would be quite big, but for that price... A tad high for me. It's great that you're considerig this for folks though.
  6. What is it you're wanting to have done? I'm not offering service, just curious. :Dat
  7. Sweet. At this point, all I'm looking for is more options on a color palette. Sounds to me like all 3 of these options are viable. Post those pics when you get a chance, it will be nice to see how the finish looks. :Dat
  8. That is exactly the reason. At first, I thought that they were just painted on, but after speaking with Wicked Ace, he pretty much told me that they were actually etched into the 1J arms ONLY. I considered just putting the paint bands in, but didn't think that would look too great. I dig the final now. The balance for the scheme is much better this way. :Dat
  9. I'll post some shots of a markup tonight. Basically: - sides around and below the kneecap - rears of the leg panel doors that hide the landing gear The kneecap is the worst. It's really tight there so shaving the sides and bottom off prevents any surfaces from rubbing at all. Other than that, depending on how thick the paint you are using is and how durable the finish is, you shouldn't have to do much more. I've transformed my 1D several times now and don't get wear anywhere else really, other than the non surface components. :Dat
  10. Holding up wonderfully. There does not seem to be any issues, especilly if you give it the 7 days you're suppoed to for Fusion. A few parts di scratch off, like on the backpack where the leg pegs hook into it but this was because i put a single coat on that part and attempted transformation 2 days into drying. In some places, I shaved down the bot to avoid friction all together. That helped a lot. Initially, after the first paint job, I put the thing together and noticed that it was soo tight in some places, shaving down was the only option otherwise I'd incur a lot of wear. Overall though, this is some mighty powerful stuff. Highly Recommend the Fusion for customs, but the palette is very limited.
  11. OK, last update. Got my 1J arms that have the panel lines for the black bands (Thanks Die, Alien Scum!). Really think the 1D needs this to add a little bit of detail. Balances the color scheme out a little from the black bands on the legs.
  12. Hey Ryuji, Looking at these refs of the pilots andthe original Komilla pic, I'm thinking the outfit would have a slightly more dramatic impact with the shoulder pads slightly larger. Just a thought, but of course, your artisitic license allows you whatever you choose. Great work, BTW. :Dat
  13. I have found that if you overspray, buildup does occur and you'll get thick parts of paint. I don't know how well the dye is supposed to work, but I have also found that after 3 days (you should give it 7) scrubbing off the paint is still possible and no dyeing has seemingly occurred and I wonder if it will to the ABS. As for submerging, I don't even know if you can get enough Fusion to do a submersion. :Dat
  14. any chance that can be adapted for a 1/48?
  15. Not sure, but I think the Roy 1S is also more of an offwhite color. I don't think the 1S Hik is...
  16. If they made one with a longer cockpit, wouldn't that make th eother modes look funny? My understanding is that the Hasegawa models are made to look good only in fighter mode where as the YAMATO's strive for a toy that looks good in all modes, and let's face it, even with this conversion kit, this thing looks incredible for all modes. Thanks everyone for the comments! And thanks again to John, for the great kit. :Dat
  17. FIGHTER pics added up top below the gerwalk pics. Wanted to keep em together... Everyone should seriously do their kits up. It looks sooo good on the shelf. HAPPY TURKEY DAY!!!
  18. Stickered up the valk using the stock 1/48 decals. Battroid first since I think this is my favorite mode for the D.
  19. EXO, Sorry if I missed a previous thread, but were you planning on having these mass produced for us crazies, and what does the price seem to want to be?
  20. If there was someway we could get some Gummi pilots that are about 15% or so smaller than the current pilots, that woul dbe perfect. Don't know if it's just me, but I can't seem to get any pilots to fit inthe back seat since their heads are always too tall for the canopy. As for the polishing the canopy... not yet... is it possible to polish it with future even after painting the black frame? :Dat
  21. Guys, I read these forums for about 2 weeks, looking up as much related material as I could to work up the courage to do the conversion. A lot of really good advice here and if you're anal enough and have the patience, you can do it too. It's sooo worth it. If you can, try and find a used valk to do the conversion on. That way, if you mess up, it does not hurt as much.
  22. I used a first issue 1S Roy. Litle did I know that folks use the 1J Rick for cutoms to avoid the paint removal.. what a pain in the butt. I bought the Roy a bit back for about 100$ from someone who wnated to sell cuz the BP8 was busted. Only real gripe I have now is that the fit and QC of the first issue pieces is a little off, so the flush for the chestplate and the upper legs don't go right in fighter mode. Gaps, ya know? Got a 4th issue Roy coming to replace that one... Scrubbing wasn't too bad. All you really need to do is get a sandpaper sponge pad meant for drywall sanding. Worked really good. Plus, the Krylon Fusion is a miracle paint. Awesome.
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