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Everything posted by DatterBoy

  1. I dig it. I think the gimmicks could have been easily included, but it's not really like Toynami to go the extra mile for their stuff. Compared to the ROBOTECH MPC stuff, this is a huge stride in the right direction, but still needs work. I would consider other TOYNAMI Masterpiece stuff as a result of this release. They show they are improving.
  2. Likely direction is they will make her an 18 year old if thet continue to take advantage of her so it's legal, and only refer to the past rapings and molestation rather than show it so that they can justify her actions and play into the contributions to her current mental state. They will gore out the movie, so it will become a cult classic, and the release will have a 1-2 week stay in thetares and go straight to DVD. Acting will be horrible and full of unknowns with a possible stand out from the main girl or guy. They will fill it full of rabbling dialogue cuz the original anime didn't talk all that much and the action scenes will be turned to crap. (Come on now, what are the chances that a falling set of bodies is strong enough to push a vehicle thorugh the ground?) The guns will be ROBOCOP style. If I happen to run into the movie by chance, I'll check itout once it clears the theatres, but inless RT gives it better than a 60%, I'm gonna avoid it like the plague. Didn't care too much for the original anime, but that girl really was hot...
  3. I'd disagree. IN the toon, the lions are generally the same size, I would have preferred evenly sized lions if possible, but we know that wouldn't work on the big boy himself. Compared to the older golion, the new proportions are much more anime accurate. Not knockin those who like the older Voltron, but I think your preference to the bulkiness is nostalgia. Side by side to a screen shot of TV Voltron, this one is definitely a closer match.
  4. If they actually re release the JM's I wonder how much they would go for. I also think they should do the full line up of DYRL and TV schemes if they do as well as the elint and seekers. That would be a real celebration.
  5. Matter of opinion really. Although I always wanted one of the older Voltrons, even back then, I thought he was way too fat...
  6. That's funny, I thought there would tons of interest in something like this. I would be interetsed in 1 set if the price were good. Assuming we're talking about the entire armor set here. Unless there were some taboo around this...?
  7. The secret revealed! Think it will cause a part snatching frenzy?
  8. I think Toynami should take a cue from Takara's MP Convoy(Prime) like all Masterpiece makers should do. They spared no options other than the trialer for Prime. NO OPTIONS were spared. Even the damn mouth moved and the matrix lit up. I very much do believe that you can fire the heads on all 4 lions if they just wanted to include it. All the old extras could have been done as well. The price may have been higher, but then there would likely be no comparison between the old and the new.
  9. Update: Decals applied. The clear laser prints worked out great, the white backed laser print waterslide decals kept getting eaten by the printer....
  10. I think the hands are too big without the GBP but the sculpt is awesome. Any chance you can get them reduced by using a shrinking resin by about 10-20%? Otherwise, let me know when you want to get the side armor count. I'm down for 6-8 of those.
  11. Got a spare one of these and have seen what these can go for these days. Selling it now would be a hefty profit at what the market demands for it these days. I see it going for 210-220 and although I love it, I don't really need 2 and wouldn't mind the xtra spending cash. So what do you think? Sell it and if I really want another, hope for a reissue, or just hold onto it, MISB (even though Yam boxes are never really sealed)... Not to mention a reissue would kill the value of the toy. *cough* DYRL Hik 1S *cough*
  12. Unless you're going in with a wife and her income makes yours a double. Makes it easier to buy toys unless the wifey is against it....
  13. Don't give up your old GoLion for sure. I don't know about you, but even if I get a new, I never abandon my older toys, this is just a different version. I'm pretty sure, however, that if you got this, you'd not hate your original, but you'd not be dissapointed, I'm sure of it. This one has the feel of the old GoLion with more poseability. It's the weight of the thing that really makes this a solid toy. Also, the older GoLion had the sparkly paint, at least the Blue Lion that I used to have did. Always loved that about it. When I saw this one had the sparkly paint on the blue lion as well, really brought back memories. On the other hand, the blue lion I had was a flea market toy, could have been a KO, but I'll never forget that paint.
  14. Features: - Whole bunch of diecast, this sucker is heavy) - lots of shiny chrome (plated) - great proportions for Voltron, lions are great too, black lion looks better than old black lio, but still not awesome - Ratchet joints (some) - Articulation is good overall, great in the arms, good on the legs - arm lion mid sections are jointed - arm lion heads are ball jointed (minimal movement) - All contact point on arm lions swivel (3 points, 2 on body and head) - Nice paint job, blue and green lion have metallic shimmer - tight connections to make voltron - tight joints overall - lion legs are not held flush to body, a little play is allowed for a slight A stance for the lions Articulation: - Arm lions: head (ball and swivel), torso (bend and swivelx2), legs, tail extends/detracts, arm postfolds up/down, mouth open/close, mouths have hole posts to hold shield and sword in place - Leg lions: heads pivot for flush levelling on an A-stance, heads pivot up/down for leg mode, legs, tails extend/detract, mouths open/close, legs, trap door in the rear for gettin a boot up the arse - Black Lion: Head rotates and pivots, shoulders rotate and include holes forarm post insertion which also allows full rotation as well as having a "trap door" to store the black lion legs in Voltron mode, jaw and face in mouth, legs, "wings fold and pivot, ears fold down to become horns, back legs/thighs pivot for A-stance and rotate, torso rotates a few degrees halted by the belt buckle, foot pivot is also the knee pivot so Voltron can bend his knees, tail folds up in the back but pops out or interferes when rotating torso What Sucks - chrome chips off a bit easy - sprue snaps can be seen on many pieces - no lion weapons, only shield and sword - no extras (like shooting missiles, hidden pops, nothing) - Wings are too small - Little white part in wings is unpainted (I'll be painting mine) - arm connectors are plastic, not die cast metal (you'd think if they needed it anywhere it would be there) Basically, this thing is pretty bad ass. Makes me almost glad I never got the old GoLion and got this 20 years later. I think it is superior to the old where the old only wins out in the hidden tricks like shooting heads, and hidden misiles on the feet lions. So.. what are you waiting for?!? Go get one o' these bad boys! It's freakin sick! My wife was even impressed by it. How big is this guy?
  15. So enamel clear coat - bad idea. I'll have to remeber that. Wish I didn't hit it up on my JM tho... dammit. Problem has been that I've not been able to find Future round here or have not been looking hard enough. For now, I'll try looking for that acrylic clear coat and sanding down my messed up parts. I guess worse comes to worse, I can sand down to the resin and repaint... If any one knows any more info that may help out here, I'd appreciate it. Going on day 3.5 and the stuff is still tacky...
  16. guess it didn't quite work out, eh?
  17. Double Post from Customs (mods remove other if you like) since the experienced modellers are here. I've been using the Model Master Top Coat to protect my Custom JM... unfortunately. this seems to be destroying my custom job. Basically, the top coat remains sticky and is gathering everything from dust, to hair, and flakes of paint chips. This really sucks. I used to to primarily cover over heavy points of friction and over painted details. The details were tamiya paints painted on top of Krylon as my base colors. I did not put the top coat over the Krylon cuz Fusion does not need it... it is rock hard when dry. I have heard that many people use Future, but the guy at the hobby shop recommended this... Is this stickiness normal? And will it go away? How long is it supposed to take to dry? Can I buff all the random crap out or remove the junk without messing up my custom? Thanks in advance.
  18. I've been using the Model Master Top Coat to protect my Custom JM... unfortunately. this seems to be destroying my custom job. Basically, the top coat remains sticky and is gathering everything from dust, to hair, and flakes of paint chips. This really sucks. I used to to primarily cover over heavy points of friction and over painted details. The details were tamiya paints painted on top of Krylon as my base colors. I did not put the top coat over the Krylon cuz Fusion does not need it... it is rock hard when dry. I have heard that many people use Future, but the guy at the hobby shop recommended this... Is this stickiness normal? And will it go away? How long is it supposed to take to dry? Can I buff all the random crap out or remove the junk without messing up my custom? Thanks in advance.
  19. DatterBoy

    Wall Of Valkyries

    That's pretty obscene.... This valkoholism is really out of hand...
  20. Update: Beginning to think this thing looks pretty cool even without the decals. Could standalone with only a kite decal and fastpack kite decals. The silver accents on the fastpacks really bring this thing to life. I think I'm getting addicted to customizing...
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