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Everything posted by CdnShockwave

  1. A few shots from my VF-11B shoot last Christmas.
  2. Anything new? Come on guys, give me some eye candy!
  3. Wooot! Thanks for the pix, the eye candy is always a pleasure. Can't wait to get mine now!
  4. As far as the YF-19 goes, I think you're right about it being just for aesthetics. But I did hear/read somewhere that FSW actually make the plane incredibly unstable. I can't confirm that in any way, shape, or form. It's just what I heard. *shrugs*
  5. *loads up photoshop* So, how much ya got?
  6. I LOVE that movie. I knew it was from My Blue Heaven the instant I saw it.
  7. I would SO go for one of those.
  8. Ok, I could be completely out in left field here, as far as toys go, is there really that big of a difference between the TV and DYRL style fastpacks? They look exactly same to me, only exception being that the armour on the arms is ever so slightly remolded around the wrists, but that's such a small difference that it doesn't even matter. And what's all this about the strike cannon? The DYRL super/strike parts for the 1/48 Yamato figures comes with two missile launchers and a strike cannon... so you can mix and match any way you want. I just really don't see the whole point being debated here. I've got the VF-1J Hikaru with the seperately purchased super parts and the VF-1J Hikaru super. And if you ask me, the only difference is colour.
  9. Any news on this badboy? BTW, so glad to see these boards back up and running.
  10. I don't really care about the VF-21. It never really wow'd me. As for a YF-0D, hell yeah I'd buy one. And a VF-11, I'd buy two!
  11. Absolutely beautiful! Thanks for the info/pix Graham, you've ensured an order for two of these babies will be placed!
  12. Dude, they didn't even have permission to take these photos. That was the best they can do. 426582[/snapback] Besides, everyone knows you always have to keep your audience wanting more. If this was deliberate, I'd say it was brilliant marketing.
  13. What's the deal with the hands? Are we going to be stuck with the wierd ones that come with the VF-1S or will they be at least beefed up a little. Any chance of fix posed hands? That would be a factor for me.
  14. Two words: f***ing beautiful
  15. http://www.agesthreeandup.com/ And before you ask, no I'm not one of those girls. 424564[/snapback] Can you give me their phone numbers?
  16. Bleagh... the TV type headsculpt makes me want to vomit. I got a Bandai VF-1A Hikaru and I was so disgusted by that thing I traded the head for an old Jetfire head. Personally, DYRL scults look sooooo much better. Not that I'm ragging on your custom head there. You did a good job making it, I just really dislike the style.
  17. I think it would be a bad move to produce something like that. It would be ridiculously expensive, it's too big in my opinion, and would be economic suicide for whoever made it.
  18. Well, that's a huge sigh of relief, thanks Graham. Image Anime's always been fairly good to me. My bro got a killer deal on the TF reissue God Ginrai. And yeah, speedy delivery.
  19. Meh, I'm pretty much finished with the VF-1 line. They'd have to come out with something pretty spectacular to get me to buy another one (already have nine). Kinda tempted by the VF-1A Max but there's a 99% chance I won't buy it. Yep, the VF-1 is finished for me. So Yamato can open the floodgates as much as they want. So, something relevant to this post? I have to admit the VF-1A headsculpt has been neglected somewhat in terms of availability. So it's nice to see the square eye getting some love. Although, I'm not a huge fan of the green.
  20. Hmm, I didn't notice that before. Looks like IA is losing it's touch.
  21. I was checking out image anime and stumbled across this description of the VF-0A. Detatchable legs? We're not talking a repeat of the 1/60 VF-1 leg fiasco, are we? Or is that description innaccurate?
  22. A friend of mine's looking at buying a 1/48 VF-1J Max w/fastpacks for around $290 U.S. Is that an alright price? It's been a while since I've seen one on e-bay so I'm not sure what they're going for these days. Any help would be most appriciated. Thanks!
  23. I'm not supposed to be online at work... but I just HAD to pop on to see those pix. And I have to say one thing, they look absolutely beautiful!
  24. That is freakin incredible. I do a lot of stuff like that too. Care to take a look? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/Cdn...ACFart1copy.jpg http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v515/Cdn...owvizart5v2.jpg Since this is for Macross Zero... I'll just post the links to my carrier pix so I don't clutter up the thread.
  25. Looks pretty sweet. Although, I didn't know they had woodlands in space.
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