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Everything posted by CdnShockwave

  1. Whoa dude, who are you at twf? And as far as the stealth goes... it's worth EVERY penny. I totally encourage you to buy one, you will not be disappointed.
  2. Boobies ahoy!
  3. Oh snap!
  4. Lineart accuracy. Bah, who needs it? The 1/48 are clearly the superior toy. (and on that note I'll shut up before I get bombarded with 1/60 scale tomatos...)
  5. Well, simply put, yes. (sorry) The 1/48 scale figures are absolutely, unquestionably, without a doubt the BEST VF-1 toys on the market. They're pretty expensive but worth EVERY penny. I was in the same boat as you are last year before I got my first 1/48 and I've never looked back. However, that's not to say that the other 1/60 lines are bad (I mean the VF-0 and the upcoming YF-19). They're 1/60 but essentially 1/48 scale quality and construction. The only 1/60's to watch out for are the VF-1 figures. Here are some of my pix, not the greatest, but just to help you get an idea.
  6. Jeez, cut him some freakin slack. Just because they aren't "official" mecha designs doesn't mean they are subject to complete arbitrary dismissal. I think a lot of the designs look good BECAUSE they're not official. They look very hightech in comparison to what could be seen as very plain and simple head designs from "official" valks.
  7. Because there are some that will, despite their own battying and complaining, buy pretty much whatever Yamato comes up with. (not pointing any fingers specifically) But if you like something and you want to buy it, don't say otherwise. Good point raised.
  8. I'm particularly proud of this one.
  9. I'm a bit of a lurker, but even I have to open my yap to say that's pretty freakin cool.
  10. You did such a great job with the shadows, how'd you do it?
  11. Yeah, mine's not entirely panoramic, but that's primarily because I took the pix at a 90 degree angle, so it's stretched more up/down. So it's two of those pix side by side. A little odd, but like I said, I was primarily doing it for the practice. Thanks for the comments though.
  12. Here's a little project I've been working on, stitching two pictures together to create a nice panoramic shot. The image itself is of nothing incredible, but the fact it looks totally seamless is what is what I'm so proud of. Can you see the seams?
  13. So can you take off the arms of one and put them on another base?
  14. I'm going to buy a whole bunch of those flexistands for my valks and I'd just like a little feedback from fellow MWers in regard to which size is the best. They have, 2.5", 4", 6" stands, which is best?
  15. Wow, that's pretty good for a fandub. Awsome job!
  16. Funny, angles and lighting conditions usually don't matter much to me. I'm usually able to correct all the shadows using the dodge and burn tools. Like this one here, all the shadows were made using the burn tool. You can also use the lasso to cut different parts of the subject and fudge them a little to make the angles match up.
  17. Ahh yes, the ol' macro mode, a wonderful tool indeed. Thought I'd post a few of my non-Macross photoshopped pix.
  18. Hmm... if I can get it for $50 shipped I'd be alright with that. I only plan on getting one. Actually, I'm quite pleased with this thread as it confirms that the ghost is actually coming out. Woot!
  19. Usually 3 or more megapixels is good. Anything more than that can sometimes be considered overkill since you're not really taking pix that require anything more.
  20. I've always been reluctant to do that since my guess is that he gets bombarded with e-mails about his pix. Although, now that you mention it, the worst he can say is no. *L*
  21. Woot! Thanks for the link. I've been trying to track these down for ages.
  22. Photoshop works great if you're only working with one pic. It doesn't work so well for galleries, however, as it is difficult to reproduce the exact same effect pic for pic. Tracing paper eh? I'll have to try that when I get back home. But you're right, lighting is key, particularly for the white backgrounds, which I feel are the hardest to work with. Not to mention trying to take pix of white toys with a white background is pretty much futile. I've taken to using darker backgrounds, like this for Alt Wheeljack And as for Remy, that guy is incredible. I've been trying to take those kind of pix for YEARS and still have had very limited success, such as these I did for Alt Ravage and BT red Meister The biggest problem I've found is that you are your own worst critic. I take a pic, photoshop the hell out of it, and think it looks like crap. But when I show it to others they say it's really well done (though how much of that is truth and how much of that is just mindless praise is beyond me). But, you keep working at it. I'll take a pic of my setup at home and do a little tutorial on how I do my pix later on.
  23. izzy, what is that you're using to filter the two side lights? Thus far I've used tissue paper, but that looks finer. Looks like a pretty good setup, but I notice some noise in those low viz camo pix you posted, but that could just be compression. *shrugs* Come on everyone, strut your stuff!
  24. I didn't use the flash at all on the VF-11B pix. Three super bright all-spectrum light bulbs and lamps to go with them, a tripod, and a remote shutter control are all you need! There's a really nice looking lighting piece at the local camera store... but it's $500. And we all know that kind of money should be spent on valks, not lights.
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