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Everything posted by CdnShockwave

  1. Yep, me again asking about Yamato 1/48 hands, but I really want to make sure about these guys before I decide to buy one. I'm basically looking for two that I can have in robot mode. The VF-1A Max version looks really good and if I decide to buy one that is one that I'll get. But I haven't seen any pix of him with the alternat sets of hands. The VF-1J Hikaru that I'm also looking at has those hands. So.... do some come with the hands and some without? I think I remember someone mentioning that you can buy recasts of these on mw? Any info would be much appriciated. I'd also like to just throw this out there: are there any particular 1/48s you would recommend? As I said I'm looking at the VF-1A Max and VF-1J Hikaru, but are there any that are simply better quality or anything better about any of the others? I've looked at the VF-1S and it looks pretty sweet too. So... any thoughts? I'd just also like to thank you guys for being so much help thus far. Thanks!
  2. What exactly is the difference between 1st, 2nd, and 3rd editions anyway? Yeah yeah, I know, nb
  3. Hahahahaha!!! Oh man, that's good.
  4. It's ok, I'm a poor student. Awsome apps!
  5. CdnShockwave

    1/48 Jetfire

    That is a freakin sweet. Being a TF fan that is just so cool.
  6. I experiment with different angles.
  7. A few I fiddled with. VF-19 Blast Off VF-19 on re-entry
  8. That's a lot of 1/48's Rabidweezil Wow
  9. I'd take the one on the left.
  10. Wow.... that thing is packing serious heat....
  11. Oh what the hey, here's a teaser. The YF-19 folding.
  12. I did a bunch of these at my regular TF boards. I'll post them eventually. Good stuff.
  13. Just wondering if anyone out there has any tips for restoring yellow'd plastic to its original minty white freshness. I recently got a Jetfire head for my reissue VF-1A and it's a little on the yellow side. Anyone have any ideas?
  14. I'm thinking about picking up a Yamato 1/48 figure, but I have a question. Does the figure come with different sets of hands? I've seen some with different hands and would like to know if every 1/48 comes with interchangable sets of hands.
  15. Looking good there. I like it.
  16. Keep it coming, it's looking great!
  17. Looks awsome!
  18. If only it wasn't so expensive. I'd buy that in a heartbeat.
  19. I'm kind a new around here, but I did pick up this guy from Valkfan. I love it.
  20. I'd say that a VF-1S Strike is a pretty good accident.
  21. Edit: Please Disregard. Sorry.
  22. Good ol' Joel. He never lets you down.
  23. I got it from www.bigbadtoystore.com for about $87.00 I think.
  24. I just ordered the fast pack version. Thanks for all the help guys.
  25. I'd go for Max. I got a Hikaru and I really can't stand the head. I think the Max head looks way better.
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