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Deep Blue

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Everything posted by Deep Blue

  1. lol yeah, that is a very good custom, its reall good
  2. thanks for the info btw what 1/60s can mount full fast packs and sumo armor ?
  3. I just looked at the prices, good god, I mean 250 ??? the only reasonable one I found was a hikaru 1A for 150, both of the 1S's are just too expensive
  4. because they didn't think of doing it until after the fact. they released a bunch of regular non FP valks, then released the strike and supers, then realized, shiet! what about the previous releases? they had time to make it so the 1D can have a full set of FP on it but didn't bother to release it with it. the TRU CF(or the other CF) can support the leg and arm armor but no backpack booster. so you're next question would be, will one ever get made? NOPE, never gonna happen. its been a long time since they've released a new valk or anything 1/60 scale. you can do what i did and just buy a bunch of 1S strikes and give them some custom paint jobs. only problem with this is, you can't make the strikes into supers hence why i've been looking to score some strike-side missile launchers with no luck. well thanks for the answers I just started collecting macross toys and just not that enthusiastic about the 1/48's, from what Ive heard they are very very fragile, and the whole backpack thing, coupled with the price, I dont know if Ill get any
  5. why are there not fast pack kits for 1/60th scale yamatos, I mean the only way to get a normal (not colored like max and miria) is the tv type hikaru, but those are getting harder to find, does anyone know why yamato didnt make one like they did for the 1/48's
  6. thanks for the info, Ill give it a try
  7. Deep Blue

    Macross MMO

    I think that the a planet style esque combat system, and a rgp element with skill points, and destriod/valkyrie skills, would be cool, and being able to socialize would be cool, and mayb, here are some ideas I have Maybe falling in love with someone could get you some kind of bonus, like stamina/or health, but to stop people for joining relationships with other people quickly, the longer you stay in the relationship the higher the bonus is, with some sim esque system of managing it, If you could pilot destroids, you should have something to do, example: small wave comes in, and all the valks nuke 'em before you can even get a target, so maybe they intorduce some kind of landing craft that land on sdf, and initiate combat with destroids and a pen and paper rpg would kinda be cool too
  8. I just got my first 1/60 a vf-1a hikaru, and on the shoulder joint the peg wont stay in the hole, and when it is in gerwalk mode the shoulder kinda hangs limp, is there anything I can do to make it stick better?
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