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Everything posted by robopimp

  1. the convo's flowin' through here had me crackin' up for a few.
  2. Even with the thousands of lego pieces I had in my posession as a youngin' this would be impossible to make. I bet that custom wouldn't have been possible without owning a bunch of much more of the rare unique lego pieces which were produced and manufactured in lower quantities. I wouldn't be surprised if iyou had to buy 6 millenium falcons, 10 X--Wings, 4 snowspeeders, and 2 Darth Vader Technic sets just to obtain those key pieces to make this Lego Konig Monster a reality. Then again I could be totally wrong. Not only would aquiring all the specific pieces cost A$$load$ of hard earned ca$h. Whoever put that together must really know his lego pieces. Now this is a true work of art and worthy of the name Masterpiece! HG/toynami claims that they're sorry excuse for a toy line to be just that? Trippin'! Ki$$ my A$$ HG/toynami!!! Go back to the drawing board and spend more time there actually designing and not just making obvious cheap imitations of something that's already been done!! Honestly though, I waited a little over a year just to go from super happy & relieved that the wait was over & I finally recieved the damn thing. Still giddy I was everything but disappointed, that is until just after handling the thing for less than 10 min. or less & simply switching the valk or should I say "veritech" from fighter mode back into battloid mode to put it back in it's box that's when I noticed I had already broke my highly anticipated overdue $79.99+tax+s&H Ma$terpiece of $hit! I can't believe the so called designer/engineer & everyone involved with testing durability and inspect for any flaws with the prototypes especially involving functionality. Even after QA inspected the first batch of fully assembled MPC'S which were ready to be placed in it's packaging nobody seen anything wrong!? They were all givin' the thumbs up & green light to keep em' comin' down the assembly line. WTF! QA=Quality Assurance. What I've recieved doesn't have any qualities! If all they're gonna do is dissapoint everyone then they just need to stop everything for reals. I wouldn't be surprised if those mandatory positions in they're staff even existed. It's funny what people will do for Money. What a joke! NOW THAT"$ $OME BULL A$$ $HIT! My bad for jumping on another topic that's where my thoughts brought me. I'm just being honest bout' it mann + I had to get that outta' my system! The way I see it out of the 15,000 people who bought that first MPC I bet more than half if not all of them are disappointed and unsatisfied. HG/toynami's a fraud! They'd better come out with quality cyclones, beta's, etc. cuzZ They owe everything to the people involved in this scandal. Give the consumer what they paid for & especially the fan's what they want!
  3. A M A Z I N G !
  4. robopimp

    Global Unity

    Actually it is true, the plastics will give off fumes but hardly enough to hurt you. Funny suggestion though. As for preservation and how to reduce damage, definitely AVOID UV light, it will royally mess up any collectibles you have. Also it might be best for you to store stuff away from the windows, heaters, and the anything that promotes moisture. Oh and try to keep them away from the kitchen e.g. the oils and likewise away in a room that is not directly connected to steam, e.g. from the bathroom. A cool, dry, smoke free room that you can adjust the climate for is best. For some of your older carded figs, you might want to get those clear display cases if you don't want to sell them. You know like the SW reissues you see. Those are not foolproof by any means, but they will reduce initial damage. And since it is printed, there will be acids that seep out over long periods of time. This is why with comics another printed material, you need to change the acid free boards every now and then. Even with the slabbed comics that Wizard sells, those too much be changed after I believe five years, due to acids and the fumes trapped within the protective plastic shell. There is no such thing as a foolproof, just got to protect it once process/thing. Hope that helps and welcome aboard MW! Thanx for the great advice Fortress_Maximus! This will surely help me as well as others who need advice on how to properly store, protect & preserve they're collectables & investments.
  5. robopimp

    Global Unity

    WTF! Loser? Please That must make you the weiner of the day Haterist!! j/k Thanks for the welcome
  6. Does that belong to you xstoys? Did you do the weathering/airbrush work? Looks Awesome!
  7. robopimp

    Global Unity

  8. Cool! Thanx for the info Graham!
  9. robopimp

    Global Unity

    Hey thanx for the reply kanata67 As for the 1/55 parts I may have a few things laying around but I'll have to go through boxes of crap before I can know for sure so I'll have to get back at you on that one Thanx for the tip on the blacklight info. I'm sure that will help out many of the members here.
  10. robopimp

    Global Unity

    About the Mcfarlane's I was thinking the same.
  11. robopimp


    = D O P E
  12. robopimp

    Global Unity

    Tell you the truth I can't even tell. Yeah! What weapon would that be? It's probably just some Video game magic programmed in to the game by a non Macross enthusiast just to add more eye candy to help enhance gameplay. I could be wrong? Eternal D! Whattup?! I never noticed any yellowing from my toys being displayed for years but good question though. Then again they were'nt turned on too oftenly. Does anybody know? Hopefully maybe somebody can shed some light on the subject? Do blacklights damage toys with that ugly yellowing commonly found in vintage toys from the old school? I'd like to know too. Any help would be greatly appreciated. After moving out of that house and into my new spot I never unpacked the toys so they don't get any light at all anymore. I plan on building some display cabinets out of wood & glass in my garage to display everything. But untill that gets taken care of it's total darkness for the toys. I really miss lookin at em'.
  13. robopimp


    I need one! Can't afford one at the moment. I used to always see that exact minmay on ebay for about $100.00. Nowadays for $150-180.00! But that ones a keeper. I like that minmay because it looks really well made and includes features and details other toys and models don't have. The braids, her dress and the way it's packaged. Really eye catching. Really expensive. I like that "minmay walking doll" model kit. Has anyone ever put one of these together? Another toy/model on my want list I'm curious about it's functionality as I noticed it includes a tiny motor of some sort. It only had a small number of parts but I'd like to get an opinion from somebody that actually built one? Maybe somebody's got one finished? They're pretty pricey and rare I know my chances are slim on this one but I figured I'd give it a try.
  14. I'm down with what Mechamaniac said lol @ Look at my sig... Macross is here to stay. As long as there's a fanbase present it will remain. If you build it they will come. Even if they do stop I've already started. I've got a few projects in the works right now as I speak. I have to finish before I can even begin to explain exactly what they are. All I can say is that it's Macross related. I thought you thought?
  15. robopimp

    Global Unity

    Uhhh? Uhhhm? Nnn nn na That was a gift for atatataaa? ^^YEAH RIGHT!^^ U got me!
  16. robopimp

    Global Unity

    Whattup 1/1 LowViz Lurker! Yeah it's the first of three Macross Arcade's from Banpresto. Correct me if I'm wrong. Unfortunately I only own 1 1/48 VF-1A yammie with strike armor. Due to unexpected expenses popping up during the release of the 1/48 VF-1S I was unable to aquire one. My soul will not rest in peace if I were to die without that toy! I just can't keep up like I used to be able to. I haven't bought anything lately. Oh yeah. Guys this is only a part of the collection. The rest of it Isn't macross related and they're all boxed and put away. After having to move into my new spot I've come to realize I don't have room for all this stuff like I used to. I'm in the process of turning one of my garages dedicated to all my toys & video game stuff. More on that later, I'll keep you guys posted. I've played the all the Macross arcades. IMO Macross Plus is the best of the three graphically. I wish I hade more free time to play em' on my Mame PC emulator, But that's another story.
  17. robopimp

    Global Unity

    Aye Yo! JBO Whattup!! It's used to be a weak ass shooter (not sayin' I don't like shooter's) Twin Eagle. That is until I dated this VERY nice girlfriend of mine a few years back. She wanted to get me something special and so she got me an original Macross Jamma board complete with the original marquee off Ebay! I almost fainted! Thanks MJ! You know I threw that booty ass twin eagle out the window!! That game had a weak ending with every level looking like the last along with a dull variety of weapons. I don't think I even have to explain any details on the macross game. Right? IT'S MACROSS!
  18. robopimp

    Global Unity

    I swear I was tryin' to be careful typing in my post like Granny slow pokin' in the keys and still I managed to accidently press enter (I'm guessing) doH! and ended up posting up my topic unfinished. First time & Screwin' up already! lol Hang in there wit' me guys. Still getting used to things. Here's the rest of em' Everyone seems pretty cool around here. Nothing but friendly comments so far. I appreciate the hospitality guys for reals.
  19. robopimp

    Global Unity

    Greetings Everyone , I just thought I'd share to some pix with my fellow members. I also wanted to make my first post to try things out and familiarize myself with everything here since I'm a newbie to the Macrossworld board. Yeah the photo's are kinda old but they're new to everyone else. But yeah, Big thanx to Shawn & Graham for having me as a part of the group. This is one of the if not the best web site's on the web. <B>Really though, You guys Rock!</B> If you love Macross this is definitely the place to be! Lots of information to soak up here and connects you with other hardcore Macross fans from all around the globe. A toast to everyone it's a great pleasure to be here. Cheers, robopimp http://users.rcn.com/robopimp/top to bottom of my closet.JPG http://users.rcn.com/robopimp/top to bottom 2nd side.JPG
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