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J A Dare

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Everything posted by J A Dare

  1. latitude 37° 20' 0" longitude -121° 52' 36" another bay area mwer.
  2. Hey guys. I have an idea for the next MW Con or local meeting. First, we all get pist drunk, then we Macross-ize somones car. Puking on it is optional.
  3. It's designed to be fully autonomous from the moment after pushing the "launch" button to landing...
  4. I thought that looked familiar.... PEGASUS: UCAVS LOOK SEAWARD Northrop Grumman’s X-47 UCAV may evolve into the first pilotless combat plane to take off and land on aircraft carriers. Where's the pilot?! uhhh...captain, there is no pilot.
  5. I likie BoB. But I think her butt is a little more shapely? BTW, when I click on the pic to get the bigger pic, it doesn't allow me to scroll down or right. Anyone know what's up with that?
  6. ummm...wouldn't it be wise to do all we can to finish the current "war"? Takes alot of money to maintain a major occupying force halfway around the world. But I do agree with many of you, we should not completely axe the F/A-22, because eventually we will need it. (I think we are all in agreement with the latter?) I think what we are disagreeing on is what priority does the F/A-22 have compared to other military (thus $$$) needs in the current and foreseeable global state.
  7. OK, now how would an upgraded F-15 (adv gizmos & ACTIVE mod) compare to an F-22 and the other fighters mentioned (Super Flanker, Rafale)?
  8. I've been chicken intolerant (or allergic?) for as long as I can remember. The doctor told me it wasn't worth taking one of those allergic test cuz it could be any number of things in chicken (including the chemicals they pump into then). She just told me, "Just don't eat chicken." I told a friend this, and she came up with the logic since humans don't eat humans, chickens don't eat chickens. I died laughing seeing this engrish pic. BTW, as far as I know, I'm the only chicken intolerant person I know?
  9. Can you clarify what makes an air superiority fighter superior over another? Is it more based on weapons system (radar & missiles)? Or more on flight performance? Are the Super Flankers and Rafales really that much better than F-15s? If that's the case, would upgrading F-15 weapons system and making ACTIVE modifications be more or less expensive than production of F-22s? Sorry for all the questions resident aero guru.
  10. No wonder I'm allergic to chicken!
  11. hmmm...I thought Macross was a religion? And Macrossworld is where we worship?
  12. Actually, if current trends continue, we'll have 16 year old pimped faced video game geeks remotely flying UCAVs against SV-51s!
  13. Well since the dollar is weak against the euro, would you Dutch take repayment in say...joints?
  14. I'd put the F/A-22 and JSF program on hold for like 10 years (until we actually need them) and use the money for more important and pressing needs (Iraq, global terrorism, homeland sec).
  15. Well, there is MW Boogie Fever... http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/fun/sd...ogie_normal.htm
  16. Who else does she fight other than Elle (Daryl Hannah) and Bill (David Carradine) in Vol. 2? If those two are all that's left, sounds boring to me. To be honest, I didn't care for much of the fighting in Vol. 1 other than with the Crazy 88s (that was some good sh!te ).
  17. I wonder if there are any more shirts from the last MW Con. There were a couple of MW'ers that got together last year and made some excellent ones. Speaking of which.....when is the next MW Con supposed to be? I think it would be cool to have MW Chapter (or Squadron?) tshirts, e.g. MW Bay Area, MW SoCal, MW SE Asia, MW Europa, etc. Then, use some of the proceeds to help support the website. Hell, I'd love to buy other chapter/squadrons' tshirts just for the novelty.
  18. From there website: I don't know about you, but since most of their "specialists" are culled from ex-spec ops personel, they'd be wasting their skills on just being hired trainers and bodyguards, know what I mean. Besides, I can see why Uncle Sam would hire mercs. If they get killed, no blood on Uncle Sam's hands since they are not government issued Joes. I believe I read somewhere there are approximately 2,000 "security specialists" running around Iraq now.
  19. I doubt we'll get much info as they were hired by DOD. heh...you got there state sponsored mercenaries.
  21. You got to remember folks, Macross is first and foremost made for a Japanese audience. AFAIK, spirituality/mysticism is deeply rooted in Japanese society and psyche. A year ago, I had the fortunate experience to spend New Years in Kyoto. I went to a shrine that eve with a group of Japanese friends I made there. It was an amazing experience, nothing like how Western societies celebrate it. Love, music, spirita, magic, it doesn't surprise me Kawamori has/is using these elements.
  22. Sheesh...Hikaru hasn't changed a bit. After three years, he's still checking out Minmay's a$$ (ref. TV episode 1). And you got him staring like his Sempai too! Nice Work!
  23. Nope, I backpack independently without plans. The average backpacker age is mid-20s to mid-30s. I didn't start until I was 26. Sure, you hear about younger folks backpacking W. Europe, but traveling there is so easy. Anyways since we're getting off-topic, PM me if you want more info.
  24. I think with the amount of effort they put in, they could have at least put in a 5-minute alt ending using CG or animation. hmmm...maybe for the 30th anniv edition?
  25. *eyes steer right of attached image* That sure is a flashback theme you got there going.
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