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J A Dare

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Everything posted by J A Dare

  1. I would have figured you as a HE-MAN fan?
  2. Well, I don't think the survey is very scientific. Besides, it's safe to say at MW, most peoples' interest revolves around Macross and a few token Gundam fans.
  3. So is an apple... An apple a day will keep the doctor away.
  4. "pure" meaning "otaku free". From the website... Apparently, I'm 81.5% otaku pure.
  5. Would you happen to have a "flogging a dead horse" smiley? Would be useful.
  6. Not this again... Are you working for Agent ONE?
  7. How about setting it up something like this? http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/ Have an image map of the world, then click on a region that links to a regional map. Although, I would split up North and South America, probably have Greenland and Iceland a separate region from Europe, maybe have Russia by itself, SE Asia/Indonesia could be a separate region too. So you'd have the following regions: N America S America Europe Greenland/Iceland Russia Africa Middle East Asia SE Asia/Indonesia Australia/NZ/Pacific Islands
  8. Not that I advocate purchasing bootlegs, but the Studio Ghibli HK bootleg boxset is worth every penny! p.s. chances are, if you love Macross, you'll love Porco Rosso.
  9. OK, I noticed on the North American map, we have three people that live in the water by Seattle, Vancouver, and Victoria? Houseboats?
  10. Yeah, you can have more than one image in a post. But they have to be in-line images rather than an attachment (which MW only allows one image per post). Basically, for more than one image, your images have to be stored somewhere on the internet, i.e. the webspace your ISP may provide to you or stored someplace that gives you free webspace (like www.photobucket.com) then link to it from your post using the "IMG" button. Of course, you could have one attachment and one or more in-line images in a post too. Verstehen Sie?
  11. I'd just like to add, to get the best Macross experience watch in this order: (1) Familiarize yourself with SDF TV, i.e. background, story, relationships, etc. (2) Watch DYRL (made for Macross fans, not as good if watched standalone) (3) Watch the last 5-10 minutes of Fashback 2012 for a proper ending That's the best it gets.
  12. Regarding glass display cases. Has anyone considered using covered aquariums? Minus the water and gravel of course.
  13. For my money, I'd go with the FAST Pack over the GBP Armor. The GBP is a wannabe Destroid. I'd fly circles around it until it shoots off all of it's missiles.
  14. Who would you kill?
  15. Nice collection. Curious, where and how do you normally display them?
  16. My Celtic friends would beg to differ.
  17. There isn't much point using white on flesh. I have mostly red in my tattoo and left the parts that are suppost to be white non-inked. Hell, and I'm even Asian. Bad thing about red ink is eventually it will fade to pink. Keep that in mind. Mine has faded (pic is old), but has a weathered look now. Might get it retouched if it becomes too fruity looking.
  18. Damn! Who ever makes the Rei figure MUST do BGC hardsuits!
  19. I'm in tears, that was so kawaii! It's a Korean ska band named "Witches". Below is the link to the FAQ which also has a link to where you can buy their CD and DL the Flash movie in .zip format. http://www.sambakza.net/faq/faq_e_ddutta.htm
  20. Personally, as much as I like Macross (and anime), I wouldn't get a tat related to them. To me, it's just the same as if you got a tat of your current girlfriend's name. Might regret it later on. Having said that, I'm all for tats (I have one, might get another) if it's something very meaningful/personal and you could live with it until you kick the bucket.
  21. As always, you rock Wm! BTW, someone asked for pics of his finished buildups. Checkout his signature link and the following threads.... My finished 1/72 Hasegawa YF-21 1/100 Bandai FRX-00 Mave Photos Anyways, Wm should either post all his finished buildups at yellowlightman's MFC or have Shawn set aside a section for his work at MacrossWorld's main page. Definitely deserves it.
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