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J A Dare

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Everything posted by J A Dare

  1. Well, I was thinking he should declare Kah-lee-fon-yah's independence so he can become King.
  2. I smashed me G.S. up in the pissing rain...I took about twenty leapers at once, got a first class ticket to Brighton and set off to my land of dreams.... A tough guy, a helpless dancer. A romantic, is it me for a moment? A bloody lunatic, I'll even carry your bags. A beggar, a hypocrite, love reign over me. Schizophrenic? I'm Bleeding Quadrophenic.
  3. Speaking of PpG, anyone ever checkout out Powerpuff@Japanese? This person (he/she?) "puff-izes" anime characters and other popculture icons. Pretty interesting. There's LOTS more at the website.
  4. Why do I get the feeling you're biased? Anyways, after watching FB2012 (the true ending to SDF), it doesn't seem so bad for Minmay. I'm sure she could pick any dude (except Hikaru, of course) on the Megaroad.
  5. Those are some excellent advise on metering/gray card, aperture, depth of field, and shooting angle. I'd just like to add, shutter speed is another important consideration. The longer the shutter speed, the longer it must stay open for proper exposure. Shutter speeds are in fractions of a second (unless it's longer than a second). For example, 1/125 is 125th of a second (or 0.008 seconds in decimals). Anyways, for general hand-holding photography, at least 1/250 or faster is recommended. Any slower, you should consider using a tripod. However, from personal experience, I've been able to get fairly sharp shots at 1/125 or 1/180 when I'm leaning up against something to keep me still. The shutter speed setting affects your aperture setting, thus, affects your depth of field (DOF). So keep that in mind too. For example, given a specific light meter, a faster shutter speed would require a larger aperture (i.e. smaller f-stop number, f/5.6 is larger than f/13), thus a smaller DOF (i.e. a narrower band of sharpness). It's all about balance and what you particularly want in your photography. p.s. Eagerly waiting for flight-line shots. p.s.s. Any wallpapers yet from you talented graphic designers?
  6. One man's sushi is another man's bait. I have a record (vinyl) collection that I'm sure most people wouldn't care about. But if my apartment was on fire, they would be the only thing I'd consider trying to go back in and save.
  7. For you Americans: Try spending some time outside of the US, and you'll know what I mean when I say Americans have a distinct "accent", whether if you are from NY, south, mid-west, Cali, Texas, etc. Although, they may all sound different to you now, after coming back to the US you'll notice the general underlying accent common to all. It's a throaty "nasal" sound (think of it as a mild version of "Revenge of the Nerds" speak). Any of you MWers in Europe/Asia/Oz know what I mean? I spent 5 months studying in Germany. Never met another American for the entire time, until the very end. I could spot (hear) him from a mile away. It sounded gawd awful to me. Yet, my Spanish gf at the time, loved my voice. Weird. BTW, I learned French girls can make ANY language sound attractive, even Deutsch.
  8. Does it really matter? Not part of the story. We know Basara has a propensity to go off and wander. And we never actually see Gamlin or Mylene leave. For all we know, they could have called back to request a couple of boosters. Yep, after splattered with blood, Basara wipes the visor. I like the Zolan Patrol VF-5000 Star Mirage.
  9. Fantastisch! I see a Deutsch influence.
  10. I see your point. MWWM Models.
  11. Is it just my imagination, does anyone else notice an EVA influence? I like this one the best...
  12. I dunno guys...looks to me she just gave birth.
  13. J A Dare

    New picture

    I'd like to see Red Comet build a Pink Paper Monster to go with his Pink Valk.
  14. I think that section is intended for straight up product info, not modelers' buildups. I suggest posting Wm's work in the MWAT section... http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/mwat/_mwat_menu.htm
  15. Smoke 'em if you got 'em.
  16. I love this view so much.... The weathering streaks behind the vents. The wing sweep weathering lines. The airbreak metal struts. The panel & rivet fading on the black. etc. Those little bitty details and the rest, make it more than just a model. A masterpiece. Bravo!
  17. Damn!.............
  18. Oh gawd! If they had shown more of Rex and the biker gang (I'm a huge BGC fan ), I wouldn't have mind all the fruitiness. M7 would have been my #1!
  19. Not quite, but close. Research has shown that endorphins and adrenalin are highten when people are scared, frightened, excited, in love, etc. But what research has not shown is "why" or "what triggers" those biological/chemical processes. IMHO, it's closer to electroencephalographic (EEG; in layman's terms: "brainwaves"), which is measurable, quantifiable, and can be amplified. EEG is energy (e.g. also light, matter, heat, etc are all forms of energy). And any of you who are familiar with science/physics/engineering, you know energy can neither be destroyed nor created, but rather, transformed.
  20. Wm, you're going to be a legend in Macross fandom lore. And someday in the distant future, I'm going to have the satisfaction of tell my grandkids that I watched him do his magic. Hey you graphic designers, start thinking about wallpaper concepts!
  21. I like to think when I'm halfway around the world, if my SO is thinking about me, she's sending me good vibes.
  22. Consider this. When your Significant Other says, "I love you". Are those literal spoken words what makes you feel all warm and tingly inside, or something else which can't be completely explained? To be honest, I don't know how people take "Sound Force" literally. This is sci-fi anime afterall. Furthermore, I know alot of people have difficulty where M7 quantified (measured) "anima spirita". It's been awhile since I last saw the TV series, (correct me if I'm wrong) but I believe even the M7 scientists couldn't quite understand/explain it. Just as current (real life) research is being done on the human brain, e.g. MRI scans of the brain when a test subject sees photos of various people (strangers, loved ones, etc), then recording differences in brain activity. I'll be honest, I like the underlying story and concepts in M7. That's why I have no problems for it be Macross "canon". But as with many of you, I do have difficultlies on how it was presented. I'll leave it at that. edit: Oops! I meant MRI (magnetic resonance imaging).
  23. My suggestion (bash/defense posts) was only meant as a "M7 starter" in the newbie thread. If people are that interested, they can continue to argue and counter argue in the newbie thread. BTW, in my previous post, I should have added... 5) interested members can continue M7 questions/answers/debates in newbie thread.
  24. I don't think a separate pinned topic is necessary. Here's my suggestion: 1) post one well thought out "M7 SUCKS!" explanation in the newbie thread. 2) post one well thought out "M7 RULES!" explanation in the newbie thread. 3) mods lock any future potentially inflammatory M7 thread. 4) mods redirect poster to the newbie thread. This shall be known as the "Fire Bomber" policy.
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