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J A Dare

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Everything posted by J A Dare

  1. Bavaria on the map. One more (transplant) European. SF Bay Area MWers...remember this?...
  2. *bump*...because people were asking for this.
  3. My taste is all over the place...ska/blue beat, two-tone, oldies, motown soul, classic rock, punk (but I despise hardcore and emo), oi/streetpunk, indie rock, 80s, classical/orchestral, some electronica (does Vangelis count?), Jpop/asian, etc... Overall, my favorite genre is probably motown soul, e.g., Smokey Robinson & the Miracles, Marvin Gaye, Temptations, The Supremes (best girl band ever!), etc... But my roots are in punk. Off the top of my head, if I had to list my top 3 bands... 1. The Jam (UK, 70/80s) 2. The Templars (NYC, 90s) 3. Fugazi (DC, 90s) ....and honorable mention: The Clash (UK, 70/80s) However, I'm really digging Asian pop at the moment. Anyone like the Jpop band Puffy (AmiYumi)? Although they cross many genres, they tend to have an indie rock sound mixed with Japanese cuteness. I saw them last year in SF (@ the Filmore). Their song, "Friends" (Tomodachi), has the same back beat as The Jam's "A Town Called Malice" (played in the movie "Hi Fidelity" with John Cusack). ***For Puffy AmiYumi Mailing List viewers in the US*** PUFFY AMIYUMI will be touring the West coast!!! CHECK BELOW FOR DETAILS!! **04/22/05 PORTLAND, OR - Crystal Ballroom Showtime: 9:00 p.m. Venue# 503-225-0047 Tickets at all Ticketmaster Outlets, charge by phone 503-224-4400, www.ticketmaster.com <http://www.ticketmaster.com> Also available at the Crystal ballroom box office - 503-225-004 **04/23/05 SEATTLE, WA - The Showbox Showtime: 8:00 p.m. Venue# 206-628-0221 http://www.ticketswest.com/TW/Events/Perfo...P04X23&MP=False charge by phone: 800-325-SEAT (7328) **04/24/05 VANCOUVER, BC - Vogue Theatre Showtime: 9:15 p.m. Venue# 604-688-8481 http://www.ticketmaster.ca/event/11003A64E...0134&majorcatid =10001&minorcatid=60 604-280-4444 for phone orders at ticketmaster **04/26/05 SAN FRANCISCO, LA - Warfield Theatre Showtime: 8:00 p.m. Venue# 415-775-7723 Tickets are $25.00 each. The onsale date/time is Sunday 03/20/2005 at 10:00 a.m. You can call Rebecca Reis with any additional box office questions: (415)281-9299 office, **04/29/05 LOS ANGELES, LA - Wiltern Theatre ShowTime: 9:00 p.m. Venue# 213-388-1400 http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/09003A68...30134&majorcati d=10001&minorcatid=60 <http://www.ticketmaster.com/event/09003A689B6D50D1?artistid=930134&majo rcatid=10001&minorcatid=60> Phone number for tickets is 213-388-1400 **04/30/05 SAN DIEGO, LA - SOMA Showtime: 9:00 p.m. Venue# 619-296-7662 SOMA Box Office: (No service fees) Tues. Wed. Thurs. 5:30 - 7:30 Show Days 4-11pm. SOMA Box Office Info. Tel: 619 226 7662 Online Ticketing: http://www.lunatiks.com - ticket info: tickets@somasandiego.com **05/02/05 PHOENIX, AZ - Marquee Theatre Showtime: 8:00 p.m. Venue# 480-829-0707 Weblink: http://www.luckymanproductions.net Box office phone: 480-829-1300 Marquee Box Office Hours: 1030am-7pm Monday- Friday and 1pm-5pm on Saturdays (730 N. Mill Ave, Tempe, AZ 85281) Zia Records stores throughout Arizona
  4. Britney Spears??? Never. Maybe Faye Wong...but not Britney.
  5. Jasonc, I'm filing your post for future reference when I actually have the time to build it. Thanks!
  6. ditto. Give us a solid date, weekend preferred. And I agree with Graham, if Mari can make it, leave A1 behind.
  7. Hey MW gang, I've received requests for the paper monster kit. Found the files on my old hard drive. Below is a link to the zipped files. I also included finished examples. Paper Monster Kit w/ Manual http://dare.to/sandbox/papermonster.zip Paper Monster finished pics (not mine, from old MW posts) http://dare.to/sandbox/papermonster_examples.zip Have fun! Jason
  8. Put some tits and high heels on the last one, then you got Sylia's hardsuit with Priss' helmet design. BTW, they gotta make some motorbikes for these guys.
  9. <macross purist> Oh the irony of that statement... </macross purist>
  10. i'm interested...i'm going to use it as a guide to build a Monster made of Styrene... thanks, d Well, I just checked out the size of the zipped file. It's 6.6MB! I'm on 56K dial-up. Not good, it would probably take me 30-60minutes to send it!
  11. I don't know what that is, but I'm sure it's no M0 episode 6. They're finishing up making episode 4 now (is it even released yet in Japan??), episode 5 hasn't even been made yet. And my understanding, it's planned as a 5 episode OVA.
  12. Oh come on...isn't the Pound stronger than the Dollar?? Have they named the carriers yet? My vote goes to HMS Beckham and HMS Posh Spice.
  13. ditto. Nothing really new to me, just embellished more.
  14. Southern Cross and Mospeada aren't related to Macross in anyway, only Robotech. Here's a quick rundown of (readily available) Macross stuff: 36 SDF-1 Macross (TV) 01 Do You Remember Love? (Movie) 01 Flash Back 2012 (Music Video & Extended Ending) 01 Macross II Lovers Again (Movie) 04 Macross Plus (OVA) 01 Macross Plus (Movie version) 49 Macross 7 (TV) 02 Macross 7 Encore (2 episodes) 01 Macross 7 Fleet of the Strongest Women (1 episode) 01 Macross 7 The Galaxy is Calling Me (30min Movie) 04 Macross Dynamite 7 (OVA) 01 Macross 20th Anniversary (CG, ads, video game clips, etc) 05 Macross Zero (OVA) Also, might want to check-in here http://www.anime.net/macross/production/an...tion/index.html Am I missing anything?
  15. I don't remember the link. But I could email you the files all zipped up. PM me if you are interested. BTW, now that I have a little bit of free time, I'd like to tackle this monster. What paper weight do you guys recommend using?
  16. Well in DYRL, there was Protoculture Island. (Oh...the irony.) Remember Misa zipping up her flightsuit when exiting the building and seeing the Macross? And don't forget the scene immediately before that, it's quite obvious what was going to happen next. Of course, DYRL is a family show so no gratuitous scenes, just insinuated. Minmay, "Just what did you and that woman do down there?"
  17. Well, I thought American has a weight problem?
  18. NGE had some young children in it, occasionally depicted in a sexual manner, but that's really not the same as several graphic scenes depicting full-on intercourse. Comparing KITE to Evangelion is far more offensive than any hentai. I know, wasn't meant to be a direct comparison. But NGE did depict underage kids (13 y.o. right?) in sexually titillating situations. Isn't that at least borderline "obscenity" according to US laws? I guess Gendo fondling Rei isn't obscene cuz she's a doll right? Shoot, I bet if showed NGE to a bunch of congressmen, at least a few would have a hissy fit.
  19. Nor you Sempai!
  20. Sheesh....the VF-0 is a monster! Hey Wm, I forgot, your photo subjects don't move. Yeah, my rule of thumb is based on street photography, where I'm in a dynamic setting and usually only have one chance to get "the shoot". Come to think of it, yeah I've shot a building at 1/8 sec.
  21. I use to own a 1986 RX-7 GXL back in high school. Rice burner, 130mph on Virginia coutry roads and snaking thru Blue Ridge mountains. Aaaahhh...those were the days, great memories. When I start earning money again, I'd be really tempted to get an RX-8, particularly in red.
  22. Skull Leader's Lackey? Sempai!!! Watcha lookin' at?
  23. Sheesh...everyone getting worked up on this? Personally, I've never seen any incarnations of Kite. I'm surprise of all this hoopla...and no one bats and eye over Eva, especially in EoE.
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