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J A Dare

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Everything posted by J A Dare

  1. Fanime Karaoke 2008 finalist - Macross Frontier - Triangular Cute! I'd have to give her credit (and courage!) singing in Japanese.
  2. Since we have a new series to be excited about, reviving an oldie but goodie thread. As MF gets more popular, looking forward to seeing more of the Japanese cosplayers. Michael and Alto Ranka http://youtube.com/watch?v=9GlKNNdwTDg nyan nyan...
  3. The VF-27. OK, I'm convinced it was developed using Galaxy (cybernetics), 117th Research Fleet(what ever they were researching on), and Vajra (fold and biomech) technologies. When I look at it, to me it looks like a cross between a Valk and a "Red lobster". Also, I'm convinced that Grace the mild mannered manager is involved in someway.
  4. 4 stars for being a proper ending to SDF. Music videos great for background music when doing house chores.
  5. Well, I use to work in the defense industry. The working language is in acronyms. So they come pretty easy for me, just have to think logically. For Example: KUM KUM = Klan's Ubiquitous Mammaries Keep Us Mesmerized SLU* FAIRIES = Sheryl's League of United Touring Fans Across Intergalactic Regions and In Existential Space and you know already about... PERVERT = Public Ensemble who Ruminate Vigorously the Enterprise of Ranka's Talents. and of course BOING HER HARD Gubaba: sorry, I did not know that you are the founder of BOING. Then it is your prerogative and the other chairpersons to organize the board membership as you see fit. Dante: nice avatar!
  6. Then that settles it. The unbiased policy of "first come first served" allows for Dante74 and SkullLeaderVF-X to B.O.I.N.G. H.E.R. H.A.R.D chair positions. I like Nanase and all, but personally I would rather join P.E.R.V.E.R.T. You know, the Public Ensemble who Ruminate Vigoroulsy the Enterprise of Ranka's Talents.
  7. A president is just one person. A Nanase fanclub should be ruled by committee. Perhaps... B.O.I.N.G. H.E.R. H.A.R.D. Boys Ogling Indecently at Nanase's Gabonzas High Executives Representing Humble And Righteous Doctrine
  8. Macross Quarter - Macross Compendium I can't wait to see it in action and transformation. Given the smaller size, something tells me the Quarter is highly maneuverable!
  9. DYRL was made for Macross fans in mind, not Robotech fans.
  10. Back from working/living in Europe. Great to be back! Now I got MF to watch to appreciate home even more.
  11. Concert hall looks like it's at Coit Tower (or at least vicinity of). I've watched the Blue Angels from there, awesome. Loving the fact the city is modeled after SF Bay Area.
  12. Hey promethuem5, Thanks for picking up the slack. FYI, I haven't been on the board for quite a while, probably over a year! Been moving (physically) too much to keep up here. Anyways, when I did logon today, there was a bunch of request for the paper monster in my messages. Yes, they were old requests but I didn't notice the dates. Anyways, I'd figure I could upload them again (no space issues yet). Cheers!
  13. my 2 euro cents... SDF Macross = Super Dimension Culture Shock Macross DYRL = Hikaru Get's the Girls Macross II = Neon Genesis Roman Holiday Macross FB2012 = Memoirs of a Galactic Idol Macross Plus = Top Gun II Macross 7 = Fire Bomber: The Rise of Basara Macross Zero = Super Dimension Culture Shock (SDCS) Begins Macross Frontier = ???...have to wait, see it first
  14. zipped files back online due to popular demand. I'll plan on keeping them up indefinitely (until further notice). Viel Spass!
  15. Macross Zero Digital Love AMV...
  16. I'm a big fan of the original GitS manga and lukewarm about the two movies. Haven't seen SAC yet. I'm sure one of these days. But just wondering, is the below from a scene in SAC? The origami instantly reminded me of Blade Runner.
  17. I'm really happy to hear that Mari is coming to terms with Minmay. What a wonderful experience! IMHO, there is no need to get it signed. Just cherish the moment. crasis...I'm so jealous!
  18. DYRL 1/48 Vf-1S (Hikaru): :)1
  19. Awesome! Me too, I'd love to see it launched! Hey, we could make it an MW Europa Con!
  20. DH: I've been on MW for quite awhile (before the forum moved house). And I bought my first Valk (of any size or manufacturer!) about a month ago. It's the 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru...and she's a beaut! I am not a collector of any sort (except for my small vinyl record fetish). I don't plan on buying any more VF-1s. Different paint schemes and heads don't justify additional purchase for me, even though I could afford it. Also, I have no interest in buying FAST packs or GBP armor, because I truly love the aesthetics of the VF-1. However, I am willing to consider purchasing other VFs if I find the sculp pleasing.
  21. Yep! Ryo-Oki is a spaceship that can take the form of a cabbit. When first appearing she became instant friends with Sasami. Ryo-Ohki eats LOTS of carrots and can eat more then her body wieght in them! He can also turn into a crystal to become part of the ship's computer system. http://www.absoluteanime.com/tenchi_muyo/ryo-ohki.htm
  22. I have a hunch that you would dig Porco Rosso and Laputa: Castle in the Sky. Beide sind im Flug fokussiert.
  23. I haven't watched any new stuff, but off the top of my head, other anime I like... Bubblegum Crisis...the original OVA. I had seen other anime before, but this got me hooked! Patlabor...my second favorite mecha-centric anime franchise, after Macross of course. Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli anime...especially the older stuff, e.g. Nausicaa, Porco Rosso, Kiki, Totoro, Whisper of the Heart, Ocean Waves, Laputa, Lupin III movie End of Evangelion...I probably like the movie for all the reasons why so many hate it. The TV series bore me. Cowboy Bebop...yeah yeah I is on the bandwagon, this series oozed coolness. Tenchi Muyo!...the original OVA. I got hooked on the combo of comedy, drama, action, sci-fi, music, kawaii-ness...seriously, is there anything cuter than Sasami + Ryo-ohki?
  24. Thanks! Someday, I'd love to cover a home studio/library wall completely with Macross records. (need to get back to Japan for vinyl hunting.) Oh yeah...agree with your last comment.
  25. I'd like to complete my Macross vinyl record collection. Pretty easy to do in Tokyo (that's where I got these), but difficult outside of Japan.
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